2016年申请群: ... &page=1#pid21557772,我当时是留言了以后有人把我加进去的,群主Winnie还有其他小伙伴都好热心!
校友群:微信号是MBAPanel01,是个MBA校友申请公益群,他们也有个公众号,里面有一个我认识的沃顿校友,觉得还是挺靠谱的,明天上午群里是哈佛和斯坦福的毕业后校友分享,好膜拜。。。Hope one day I will do the same thing...YY一下
作者: DavidSunny 时间: 2015-3-30 09:45
顶楼主! 作者: JonFrank 时间: 2015-3-31 16:04
Hello there,
I think that you have basically figured out all the ways to find alumni that there are. And if you can do all of the above, that will be great. One more thing you can do, which can really help too is to VISIT the schools. You won’t meet any alumni of course, but you WILL meet lots of students, and as you know, there is nothing like a face-to-face meeting to get people to talk to you initially.
Hope this helps!
Best,作者: glory15 时间: 2015-4-1 22:28
JonFrank 发表于 2015-3-31 16:04
Hello there,
I think that you have basically figured out all the ways to find alumni that there are. ...