My profile: Undergraduate --- Biochemical Engineering; GPA --- 3.0+; Work experience --- 10 years in China and 6 years in Canada; Previous management experience --- 4 years of General Manager in a state owned company; GMAT --- 650 (4.5); TOEFL 257 (25-25-27-4.0)
I have chosen the following seven schools to apply in 2005. I consider them two categories: Queen's Science & Technology, Ivey and Haas are the first class MBA programs. Harvard, Kellogg, Chicago and Tuck are the top 10 MBA programs. I list my applications according to the sequence that I submit my application materials to schools.
Queen's Science & Technology ( 70% confidence )
Deadline: Jan. 15th.
Submit: Feb. 15th. ( I have talked to the school that I would submit later )
Interview invitation: Mar. 4th. ( Let me choose to interview in campus or phone.------I have arranged to interview in campus and visit its class on Mar 15th. It provides maximum $600 reimbursement for my trip. It has reserved hotel for me in Kingston and I will buy VIA 1 Class ticket for my train trip. Why not?)
Arrived in Kingston 14th night. Took course in the morning of 15th. Interviewed at 2:00pm. Mr. Goodspeed told me:"We have viewed your impressive materials." After interview, Mr. Goodspeed told me that she would give me notification within five days.
Admitted on 16th. The offer has already been on my email at noon.(2005-3-17 2:38:34)
It is a good business school and has a cozy environment although I guess that I only have 10% of propobility to choose it.(2005-3-17 2:38:34)
Case is closed ------ admitted
Ivey ( 90% confidence )
Submitted: Feb. 17th.
I have just arranged my interview on Mar. 21st. It seems a Japanese MM to interview me. Cool!!! I am going to visit school because perhaps I will not chooce to study there. It's a good business school and deserves me to visit there once.(2005-3-17 2:40:04)
Will interview on the phone on 22nd. The Director of Admission has promised me that they will priorly process my application after I discussed with her that I have to respond to Queen's within a giving period.(2005-3-20 1:31:03)
Just interviewed a moment ago.(2005-3-23 7:09:39)
I received "DING" from Ivey. This is my most confident school, but I did not treat it seriously. I reveived two invitations from school but did not visit there even though it promised to reimburse my cost. I should go to school after the Director of Admission promised she gave me an interview. On the other hand, the student interviewer is an inexperienced girl who just knows how to read the question. There is no any response from her on the phone. I asked her what she was doing when I talked to her. She said she was making notes. hahaaa. I lost my interests instantly because I felt I just talked to a corpse.(2005-4-2 10:42:06)
The Director of Admission emailed me that I could contact with her. I have no any intention to do so because I have no desire to choose it as my final target. I just get a lesson that I have failed in my most confident school due to my own neglect and carelessness. This is the most valuable experience I have learnd from this case. It will help me handle the rest prestigious school cases.(2005-4-2 11:14:01)
Case is closed ------ Ding
Haas ( 80% confidence, I was going to cancel this application. But finally I told myself that I should stick to my application protocol )
Deadlines: Mar 4th. Decision making: May 31st.
Submit: Feb 28th.
Harvard ( 70% confidence )
deadlines: Mar. 9th. Decision making: May 11th.
Submit: Mar. 8th. ( I was going to apply to it in second round. I am lucky that I have postponed to third round. Otherwise I would have entered its website to check my application during the hacker attack. I hope I will get a seat in there but not from those 119 poor guys.)(2005-3-9 14:34:21)
Because the system was hackled, the school did not receive my recommendaton letters. I called the school yesterday and it told me that my referees could no longer send letters online after deadlines. I asked my referees to have faxed the letters of recommendation to school and the Admissions said that they would accept and add the letters to my application file. (2005-3-20 1:39:39)
Kellogg ( 50% confidence )
Deadlines: March 11th. Decision making: May 2nd.
Submitted Part 1 on Feb. 22nd. Submitted Part 2 on Mar. 11th.
Got interview invitation on Mar. 9th. I am going to arrange when I will take my interview.(2005-3-12 5:35:53)
I just arranged the interview yesterday. It will be on Mar.29th.(2005-3-20 1:45:51)
I took my interview with a graduate this afternoon. He works in a famous consulting company and is an experienced interviewer. At the end of interview he gave me a very positive implication that I conducted a good interview.(2005-4-2 10:51:57)
Chicago ( 50% confidence )
Deadlines: March 18th.
I will give up this school because two reasons: One is that I have missed the interview appointment deadline. Two is that I can not finish its essays before its deadline.
It is one of my dream schools. I know I only could choose one school to attend finally.(2005-3-17 2:49:01)
Case is closed ------ abandoned
Tuck ( 70% confidence )
Deadlines: Apr. 18th. Decision making: May 16th.
I have one month to play with you, dear Tuck. (2005-3-17 2:51:29)
I have emailed my brief profile to the Associate Director of Tuck MBA program and received an email from her. She will come to Toronto on April 11th and host a dinner for Tuck alumni. She asks me to take her dinner and will give me an interview in there. I have known she has been interested in my case because she has apparently stated that Tuck hopes to admit more qualified candidates from Canada. I will submit my application after her interview.(2005-4-2 11:01:25)
waiting and interesting!
and hope to be excited!
good luck!
I am exhausted after preparing five applications. The deadlines of Chicago will come at the end of the next week, and I have an interview on Tuesday. Kellogg's interview is on the list. These overwhelming works will really kill me.
You are crazy, man!!
Anyway, respect your courage.
先确认了Queen's, 再慢慢等那些五月份放榜的学校, 那些学校来了录取通知再从Queen's退学哦. 扣点钱,就相当于买了保险.
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