
标题: 选商学院,你最看重什么? [打印本页]

作者: lewis    时间: 2003-7-28 10:26
标题: 选商学院,你最看重什么?

去年8月的某日, 一个现在的CBSF成员(TOP B-SCHOOL 2003新生)提出这个有趣的话题:


尽管我不准备申请MBA,但我却颇有一些在美国读MBA的朋友.当初对学校的选择,大家也是各有各的偏好.但很大一部分人还是最看重学校的排名.自然,MBA就是一个COMMODITY,需要品牌效应.但在今年就业形势非常严峻的情况下,就有不少TOP20的学生大大抱怨学校的CAREER CENTRE太差,或NETWORKING不够.尤其是对于INTERNATIONAL STUDENT来说,在美国毫无NETWORKING,校园招聘或ALUMNUS是他们争取机会的主要途径.我知道一所TOP20的商学院,今年毕业的中国学生目前只有4个(OUT OF NEARLY 20)找到工作,其中两个还是有绿卡的,剩下两个都是女生.正好,今年夏天,我在另一城市度过,住在一所大学旁边.有个朋友在那个学校读ECONOMICS PHD,与该校的中国MBA混的很熟.这个学校的商学院大概在30--40名之间,今年毕业的中国MBA却有近1/2已谋得一份工作,而且工作都不差.据悉,ALUMNUS的帮助很大.就是今年一年级的INTERN也都基本上都找到了.而前面那个TOP20却只有50%. 感觉非名校似乎把学生伺候的比较好.

当然我只是浅谈而已,并没有深入探究影响JOB HUNTING的各种因素.但我的朋友们都颇有感触地说,读MBA说到底就是为了谋一份好工作(至少对大部分人是这样的).在选学校时,CAREER CENTRE 和学校的NETWORKING应该多考量考量,尤其在现在这种经济环境下.


作者: lewis    时间: 2003-7-28 10:29
我们的Andy 兄首先发表了自己的精彩看法:"
Good topic.  And, I can't agree with you any more on this: 读MBA说到底就是为了谋一份好工作.
For most of us, MBA is a bridge to a new position in a new industry; and a career change is in the horizon whenever you think of 2 or 3 years later.  Thus, the job placement is THE most important factor to consider before we get into the B-school gate.   

In general, in my humble opionion, the rule of thumbs is that "the higher, the better"
1.  Brandname school has a solid alumni network (Graduates from the top school are proud of the education they received from the pretigous schools.)
2.  Brandname school has a "better" student group - which is important for the future growth.
3.  Brandname school might have a better support money-wise.

But, I don't think that brandname will work for everybody.  I personally know people who graduated from Stern, NYU in the peak bubble time even never landed with a full time job!  On the contrary, I also know people graduating from the 3rd tier schools landed in the big name bank - she started with the job in lower pay (45k / year), but then she took off quickly...

Geographic-wise, the two places in US which hold most jobs are Newyork-NewJersey-Conn area, and California.  That is why some third tier schools in Newyork area like Pace/Fordam/Rutgers might provide "workers" for some big name company here, let alone the brand name - I was told that there are 600 Columbia B-school graduates in Goldman Sanchs alone!

So, my personal concern is really:

1.  I can afford; or at least, I can get the money to afford.
2.  I can land in the interesting industry in either China or US in the near future.
3.  I love to go to the school with some interesting people."

现在, 请您发表一下您的见解.

作者: Shuzhen    时间: 2003-7-28 10:44

作者: Libra    时间: 2003-7-28 12:02
作者: usdusaj    时间: 2003-7-30 08:47
作者: funnytiger    时间: 2003-7-30 12:11
经常有人在坛子上说, 你看3流的, 很多都找到工作, 你看1流的才那么几个

我以前说过好几遍了, 当人只有一个稻草的时候, 谁都会去抓, 当人有很多稻草,就不一定要抓, 因为他知道还有别的稻草会出现(这里湾区3流mba有85%的就业率, 虽然平均工资不好, 办绿卡可能达不了标)

地域会有帮助, 尤其对3流学校来说, 所以对很多在中国走投无路的朋友, 可以考虑大城市的3流
作者: zhang206    时间: 2003-8-1 04:56
以下是引用funnytiger在2003-7-30 12:11:00的发言:
经常有人在坛子上说, 你看3流的, 很多都找到工作, 你看1流的才那么几个

我以前说过好几遍了, 当人只有一个稻草的时候, 谁都会去抓, 当人有很多稻草,就不一定要抓, 因为他知道还有别的稻草会出现(这里湾区3流mba有85%的就业率, 虽然平均工资不好, 办绿卡可能达不了标)

地域会有帮助, 尤其对3流学校来说, 所以对很多在中国走投无路的朋友, 可以考虑大城市的3流

i agree with you. not all jobs are equal. top MBA graduates simply will not take many low-level jobs that many thrid and lower tier MBAs will. heck, if all you want to is to get the hell out of China where you can't succeed, you'd better off to study nursing. this is not a joke.

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