好吧,我是这样想的:lz数学不好计算机更是渣得没底线啊,去NUS学金融工程会不会太作死啦!虽然本科是金融的,虽然计算机和数学是大天朝金融发展方向啊。。而且新加坡近年来政策收紧找工作也不是那么容易了,应该比大法兰西好不了多少吧。。。不知道。。去法国呢,法语就是最大障碍啦,虽然去交换半年,但是major in traveling你们懂得啊。。不过呢,如果真去了立刻开始学也还是有信心的。。不要脸地觉得俺的语言天赋远远好过数理智商啊摔!但是还有个问题啊,俺不想一直在国外漂啊我要回归祖国麻麻的怀抱!所以呢。。到底是带着实打实点工作经验回来(假设去essec至少找到一年的全职实习)还是学校reputation(nus)更重要啊??
I would say you should try NUS. For France ESSEC is a pretty good choice. I mean, once you work a few years there and if your French becomes fluent, then you become quite attractive to many companies who have to deal with China and France (or French companies in China, or Chinese companies in France), so you should have those options, plus other international possibilities,