没啥工作经验这个价差不多了。国内除了外资那几家,国内知名的那几家大PE House(CDH, Hony, Tencent M&A, etc)给应届硕士的base也就25-30W...作者: 38383388 时间: 2015-2-10 13:50
1. 是已经拿到OFFER了还是没申请呢? 后者的话属于八字没一撇的事情。
2. 首先,硕士学位读的越多简历越难看。其次每年可能99%的会计硕士毕业想去投行,最后能有1%的成功去投行做后台。所以希望渺茫。
3. 虽然是PE,又是新PE,但如果四大一年经验能拿20W BASE你就烧高香把。作者: lutianqiang 时间: 2015-2-10 14:46
3吧,起点不错,其实现在论发展还是得看国内作者: JonFrank 时间: 2015-2-13 12:40
You ask very good questions, but ones that I think imho, don’t really have an answer. Meaning when I look at the options you present here, they ALL seem good. All offer you good career options, although different ones. and really I think you need to decide: where do you want to live? What do you want to do? Do you prefer an academic life or a professional one? (or perhaps a mix between the two?) I’d say that only you and your close friends and family might know the answer to these questions, because there is no definite objective answer.