如果真从实现这个career goal考虑,选校就简单了,Wharton/Chicago/Columbia/Tuck/NYU/Yale/Cornell,照着这些学校申就行了。至于怎样才能申上这些学校,lz可以在坛子上翻点以前这些学校报offer的帖子来参考。祝好!作者: JonFrank 时间: 2015-1-21 11:02
Hello there,
Well, I think you have to first see what your results are from the other schools. Obviously, the fact that you got an interview invite at JHU is fantastic! So make sure you convert that invite into an admit! And then see what happens for the rest. Keep us updated on how things progress, and if you have any specific questions about what to do, feel free to ask them,
JF作者: fatmoe 时间: 2015-1-22 09:35
T太低了,没戏作者: lutianqiang 时间: 2015-1-22 10:00
还要修养身心和勾搭妹子,LZ我觉得你没想清楚是不是要出来。。。作者: lutianqiang 时间: 2015-1-22 10:11
1. T肯定硬伤,楼上说了,98其实Top20以前很很要命
2. G肯定不高,人家申请Top25的学校都要拿720,730去拼了,710实在不够。
3. 工作经历不好说,看你怎么写,但是没有Big Name的事实是不争的
4. 找人改过的文书不一定是好文书,如果只改过几遍的文书也不是好文书。
5. LZ估计没怎么做过networking……好好努力吧,MBA就是一个努力Networking的地方,不要小看这个词的分量。
6. Top 30以后去金融就很难了,20-30之间Olin、Owen和McDough也只是专项强一些,所以有所依托,但是国人取得还是少。
7. 工作太久,确定读MSF不坑?作者: fengfenglee 时间: 2015-1-22 10:28
Your goal just don't make sense...
Your background is too amazing to be true...
I dunno about your essays and resume, but there must be something wrong with them if you didn't even get an interview invite 作者: Little'E 时间: 2015-8-15 17:20
很想知道LZ的申请结果。。。作者: jasmineliu0808 时间: 2015-8-20 15:22
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