
标题: 2014诺贝尔物理奖得主中村修二教授学生赵宇吉教授北美ASU招博士生 [打印本页]

作者: yuzhezhao    时间: 2015-1-11 23:17
标题: 2014诺贝尔物理奖得主中村修二教授学生赵宇吉教授北美ASU招博士生

We are currently looking for Ph.D students to join our dynamic and fast growin
g group at ASU. Ideal candidates should have a B.S. or M.S. degree in electric
al engineering, engineering physics, optical engineering, semiconductors, mate
rials science or any related area. For the opening this year we are particular
ly interested in candidates who have strong research background in MOCVD Growt
h and Nano Fabrication, Nano Photonics, or Optics Science. Interested applican
ts should contact Prof. Zhao directly. Priority, however, will be given to the
overall originality and promise of the candidate over any specific area of sp
ecialization. The positions will remain open until filled by a qualified candi

Prof. Yuji Zhao received the B.S. degree in Microelectronics from Fudan Univer
sity, China in 2008, and the Ph.D degree in Electrical and Computer Engineerin
g from University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) in 2012, after Nobel Lau
reate Professor Shuji Nakamura. Prior to joining ASU in 2014, he was an Assist
ant Project Scientist in the Materials Department and Solid State Lighting and
Energy Center (SSLEC) at UCSB.

Prof. Zhao has worked extensively on III-nitride materials and devices, with m
ore than 50 conference and journal publications, one book chapter, and over 10
patents, and has won Outstanding Research Award from UCSB SSLEC for a record
four consecutive times (2010 to 2013). His work on III-nitride LEDs and lasers
was recognized with a Most Cited Article of the Year Award from Applied Physi
cs Express, an Editor’s Pick of the Year Award from Applied Physics Letters,
a Best Paper Award from CLEO, and was featured in over 100 international news
outlets with over 5 languages, including Science, Nature Photonics, Optical So
ciety of America (OSA), Compound Semiconductors, and Yahoo.


作者: 竹林中人    时间: 2015-1-13 13:11
作者: simonhqz    时间: 2015-1-14 23:17

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