刚刚收到Ivey的email通知。1月7日提交on-line申请,随后从中国寄出申请材料。1月24日参加class visit并interview。 后来得知从国内寄出的材料没有收到,2月7日从加拿大再次寄出一份材料,2月15日左右确认全部材料齐全,2月16日收到admission。
补充一点Ivey的面试经历。我是在class visit的时候面试的,当时申请已经交了,但学校还没有看。面试人是一年级学生,拿着resume来的。他先解释了为什么会由学生做interview,他说Ivey是完全案例教学,所以很看重学生对班级的contribution,由学生做interview就是由学生来判断他们希望跟什么人一起学习。面试问题很普通,除了问工作经历之外,问了一些情景问题,主要集中在leadership/team work方面,可以参看Ivey class visit tips一贴。我当时刚刚到加拿大,时差还没倒过来,加上好几个小时的class visit,很累了,面试的时候状态不太好。感觉是只要比较自信,说话不慌就基本上没有问题了。Ivey对工作经验和口语很看重,面试是最好的了解这两个方面的途径,所以如果有时间还是准备充分些比较好。
我还在多大做了一个interview,虽然没有申请多大。Kate Mertes做的interview,时间很短,不到30分钟。她说一般不给没有申请的人做interview,但是由于我已经到加拿大去了(我之前email告诉她我专程去加拿大考察学校的)而且一再要求面试,所以就破例给我做了。问题主要是关于resume的,没有特别的问题,可能是因为我还没有交申请的原因。我告诉她我没有申请的原因是TWE只有4.5,没有达到多大5.0的要求,Kate说她看了我的英语很好,所以5.0的规定不必那么死,鼓励我申请。我当时是想先把interview做了,如果Ivey出了问题再做Rotman的申请,现在不必了。面试的时候没有压力,发挥得比较好。顺便说一下Rotman的感觉。Rotman在Toronto市中心,很繁华。学校的楼很新,一进门大厅中间有一个数字滚动屏显示各个股市的指数和外汇牌价,很有商业气氛,跟Ivey相对传统的气氛相比有很大区别。
congratulations. soimfriend
I also applied for ivey. i hope to attend a class visit but i was told that i cannot conduct any inverview at class visit . Can you tell more detail information about class visis and interview, as well as your background ? Thank you very much.
我在申请class visit的时候给Laurie Jonston发信要求interview,把resume给她就好了.那天有很多人interview,很多没有apply的人也interview了.不知道是不是现在人太多学校处理不过来.你可以给Laurie或者Heather发信要求一下.
我的背景:6年通信行业 技术+sales,海外市场经验, GMAT750/5.0,TOEFL630/4.5
soimfriend , thank you for your kind information.
I did request interview again. But the interview was only by invitation, right? I was confused why they don't contact any interview for me.
I did not submit my application and was still busy preparing for essays.
I did request interview again. But the interview was only by invitation, right? I was confused why they don't contact any interview for me.
It is said the interview is by invitation only, but I guess class visit is an exception. Many applicants got interview even without making application. Maybe they are too busy now. Any way, you will get an interview after you submit application because Ivey claims it will interview all the applicants this year. Try contact them again. Good luck.
soimfriend, r u in Canada or China? Will you apply for Canada Student Visa?
soimfriend, r u in Canada or China? Will you apply for Canada Student Visa?
I'm in China currently, but I am landed immigrant.
soimfriend , thank you for your information. I contacted with adcom , but they insisted that I must submit my application first . So I gave up and accelerated my essays for Ivey.
BTW, could you kindly tell more information about rotman interview? I got an interview invitation.Thank you very much.
BTW, could you kindly tell more information about rotman interview? I got an interview invitation.Thank you very much.
Actually I don't have much to share about Rotman interview. The whole interview is no more than 30 minutes. All questions were about my work experience, why MBA and why Rotman. Very important is that you should pay attention to Rotman's "Integrative Thinking". Every interviewee will be asked to comment on this point. It seems Rotman is very proud of it. Just search on CD and you will get a lot of useful information on Rotman interview. I benefited a lot from those posts.
soimfriend , thank you very much for your kindness.
Ivey scheduled an interview for me on Feb.21. Would you please give me some information about interview about IVEY?
Thank you very much.
恭喜soimfriend, thank you for your sharing of interview information
Ivey scheduled an interview for me on Feb.21. Would you please give me some information about interview about IVEY?
soimfriend, thank you very much for your kindness and patience.
You mention you discussed your resume in the interview. How did the interviewer raise the questions about your resume? just ask the detailed information about your resume?
ivey is my first interview. Sorry to raise so many questions.
恭喜 soimfriend
As a current MBA1 in Ivey, I do encourage people to come here for class visit. Case teaching method is different from others. Class contribution is absolutely critical to your success. Pay attention to such issues during your interview.
Welcome to Ivey!!!
Hi, soimfriend and everybody
I am going to be interviewed by Mr. Ron Slaughter, who know this guy and can give me some background information?
Can somebody give me some interview tips, such as common interview question of Ivey?
Can someone tell me the exact pronunciation of the word "Ivey"?
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