个人感觉MIT的essay 比较难写,花了很多时间,从8月的初稿到9月底的定稿,前后改了有10次,重写了2次。这里要谢谢我身边的小伙伴们辛苦地帮我改essay.
11月初收到面试,12月初on campus interview. 整个interview 气氛非常友好,完全不会紧张。一下是一些interview questions: (Questions are pretty standard).
1. Any update since the submission of the application?
2. Describe a time you helped someone else to get through a difficult situtations?
3. Describe a time when your team member was not motivated?
4. Describe a time at work when your idea was rejected?
5. We then talked about how I handled a difficult situation I ran into at work.
6. Talked about extracurricular activities at school
7. Why MBA, Why Sloan?
8. Since you are young, what are the unique things you can bring to campus?
最后就是questions for adcom:
1. oppportunities to work abroad
2. your vision for program's future.
我觉得想好Why MBA 还是很重要的,最近一段时间真的思考了很多,从不喜欢自己的工作,想换个方向开始,思考自己的长处和短处,慢慢琢磨以后的发展方向,才决定试试申请MBA 的。 我也做了不少学校的research, 感觉很喜欢MIT 的program,也很适合自己的背景。
作者: yasucha 时间: 2014-12-18 05:36
Big Cong!!!!作者: dingdang15 时间: 2014-12-18 06:07
恭喜!欢迎来Sloan。可以建个录取群作者: dogod1986 时间: 2014-12-18 06:56
大牛,恭喜作者: bottle 时间: 2014-12-18 10:26
Welcome to the MIT Sloan community !作者: KarenLin 时间: 2014-12-18 10:28
wow...1991作者: takasugi1123 时间: 2014-12-18 22:04
GPA 4.0。。大牛,恭喜恭喜!作者: supernovae15 时间: 2014-12-18 23:12
first one I ever know with 4.0 GPA.. worth a wow作者: bigjoe 时间: 2014-12-19 15:06