
标题: 长江2005学费22万RMB [打印本页]

作者: hurma    时间: 2005-2-12 00:09
标题: 长江2005学费22万RMB


作者: should888    时间: 2005-2-12 09:55

my god!!!!

作者: 落花流水    时间: 2005-2-12 14:43


作者: 落花流水    时间: 2005-2-12 15:23



作者: 薇薇酥心    时间: 2005-2-12 18:08
不是和一些foreign school 差不多了。。。
作者: 无非网事    时间: 2005-2-12 18:57
作者: wang16    时间: 2005-2-12 23:28
标题: 不会吧。。。




作者: pizi    时间: 2005-2-13 01:05
作者: 落花流水    时间: 2005-2-13 11:17


长江的教授都是华人教授。除了个别冒尖的,大部分都来自美国二三流的学校。据反映有的教授英语口语都很差。长江基本招收不到国际学生,绝大部分都是本土生员。具有相同的文化和教育背景。缺乏国际化的视野。学生也就上课使用chinese english,其余时间基本都是用国语交流。在这种环境下,英语能力很难有提高。长江也没有获得国际权威认证,没有真真意义上的exchange program.也就是单向花钱让学生出去转一圈,所以名额极为有限。而且存在极大的不确定性。长江mba项目是由老李的基金会拨款,但经费有限。学费涨价也是为了贴补财政紧张的不得已的手段。有人误以为长江是老李的,所以毕业后可以自由进出他名下的企业,那就大错特错了。试问他的毕业生有几人能进入老李的企业。

作者: grossman    时间: 2005-2-14 05:39

List of Professors from CKGSB:

Operations management

Chen, Hong, University of British Columbia. He also visited HKUST and Tsinghua

Zheng, Yusheng, Wharton.

Li, Lide, Yale/MIT.


Lang, Hsieng-Ping, Chinese U.HK/NYU/Michigan State/Ohio State. Visited at Chicago and taught at Wharton as well.

Huang, Ming, Stanford/Chicago

Cao, Huining, UC Berkeley/UNC, Chapel Hill. visited OSU


Jiang, jeongwen, Washington University at St Louis/HKUST/NUS.

Sun, Baohong, Carnegie Mellon University/UNC-Chapel Hill, visited UC Berkeley

Zhao, Hao, Rutgers, visited HKUST

Zhang Shi, UCLA/Duke


Liu, Jing, UCLA

Xiang Bing, HKUST

Qi, Daqing, ChineseUHK

Xue, Yunkui, Shanghai Finance and Economics


Zeng, Ming, INSEAD at Singapore


Liu, Wei, came back directly after PhD from UMaryland

Lee, xiujuan,  NUSingapore

CKGSB professors are very strong in OM, Finance, Marketing and Accounting. Much better than their counterparts in any Chinese schools with the exception of HKUST. However, they are weaker in OB and Strategy.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-15 14:47:09编辑过]

作者: 落花流水    时间: 2005-2-14 10:01
作者: grossman    时间: 2005-2-14 15:20

List of Professors from CKGSB and schools that they have tenure track positions:

Operations management

Chen, Hong,  University of British Columbia, HKUST

Zheng, Yusheng,Wharton.

Li, Lide,  MIT, Yale University.


Lang, Hsieng-Ping,  Chinese U.HK, NYU,  Michigan State and Ohio State.

Huang, Ming, Stanford. Chicago

Cao, Huining, UC Berkeley and UNC, Chapel Hill.


Jiang, jeongwen, Washington University at St Louis, HKUST and NUS.

Sun, Baohong, Carnegie Mellon University, UC Berkele, UNC-Chapel Hill

Zhao, Hao, Rutgers

Zhang Shi, UCLA, Duke


Liu, Jing, UCLA

Xiang Bing, HKUST

Qi, Daqing,  ChineseUHK

Xue, Yunkui, Shanghai Finance and Economics


Zeng, Ming, INSEAD at Singapore


Liu, Wei, came back directly after PhD

Lee, xiujuan, NUSingapore

List of CEIBS faculties and schools that they had tenure track positions

Operations Management

Linda Sprague, OM, laceType w:st="on">UniversitylaceType> of laceName w:st="on">New HampshirelaceName>

Fang, Yue, OM, laceType w:st="on">UniversitylaceType> of  laceName w:st="on">OregonlaceName>


Chang, Chun, Finance, laceType w:st="on">UniversitylaceType> of Minnesota,

Gao, Yan, Finance, Cal State LA

Tse, Kalun, Finance, Nyenrode University in The Netherlands.

Xu, Xiaonian, Finance, Amherst college

Zhang, yiming, Finance, University of New Brunswick, Canada, and Department of Economics and Finance, City University of Hong Kong.

Zhu, yu, Finance, no academic bacground


Ding, Yuan, accounting, HEC

Xu, Dingbo, accounting, HKUST


Willem burgers, used to be at HKUST

Linda Price, HKUST and Insead

Linda Sprague, HKUST

Liang, Neng, Marketing, Loyola collge of  Maryland

Zhou, Dongsheng, marketing, CUHK


Keith Goodall, OB, Judge Institute

William Mobley, OB, Texas A and M,

Pedro Nueno, OB, IESE, Spain

Fernandez, Juan A. , OB, used to be at ESCI, Spain

Xiao, Zhixing, OB, came back after PhD

Xin, Katherine, OB, HKUST

Howard Ward, OB, no PhD, no academic background, OB

Arthur Yeung, OB/HR, no real academic background, an adjunct professor at U. Michigan does not count.


Fryxell, Gerald E. , Strategy, HKUST, U. of Tennesee

Zhang weijiong, strategy, came back directly after PhD

Park, Sam, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. University of Texas-Dallas, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and City University of Hong Kong


Alfredo pastor, IESE, Spain

Rolf Cremer, Economics, used to be at Massey University at New Zealand

Wang, Jianmao, Economics, came back directly to China after PhD

Wu, Jinglian, Economics, a well-known economist in China

Xu, Bin, Economics, U. of Florida

Zhang Guohua, economics, no information

You should notice that faculties from CKGSB had been on tenure track at schools like MIT, Stanford, Chicago, Wharton, UC Berekley, Duke, UCLA, Carnegie-Mellon, NYU. UNC Chapel Hill, Ohio State, Michigan State, UBC, Rutgers, HKUST, ChineseUHK, Washington, U., Rutgers

CEIBS faculties has been on tenure track at schools such as

Texas A&M, Loyola college of Maryland, U. of Minnesota, U. of Florida, Insead, Amherst College, Massey University of New Zealand, University of New Hampshire, University of Tennesse, University of Oregon, Rutgers, Nyenrode University in The Netherlands, HKUST, Cal State LA, University of New Brunswick, Canada,  City University of Hong Kong, HEC France, IESE, Spain, UT Dallas, ESCI, Spain, Judge Insitute, UK

It should be clear to you which set of faculties are of a higher caliber. Contrary to your belief, the caucasian faculties at CEIBS are of lower quality compared to their Chinese colleagues there. The real stars at CEIBS are Chang Chun, Katherine Xin, Sam Park, Xu Bin, Wu, Jinglian. Unfortunately, Chinese nowadays have such a strong inferior complex that when they see an Caucasian name they assume that he/she is good. None of the caucasian faculties at CEIBS can find an academic job at a top 100 business school in US but Chang Chun, Katherine Xin, Sam Park, Xu Bin can get offers in the top 30.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-15 14:36:11编辑过]

作者: 落花流水    时间: 2005-2-14 16:11
作者: 中欧    时间: 2005-2-15 00:37
首先我不同意用教授的好坏作为提高收费的理由。其次,用中欧作比较更是没有必要。最后,这位同学用错误的信息误导其他人的方法显得很是没有水平。谁说中欧没有从哈佛和MIT来得PROFESSORS?lingda 不就是原来在哈佛和MIT的教授吗?我不想举出其他例子,这样的争论太没有水平。
作者: grossman    时间: 2005-2-15 06:42

I only include schools in which these people had tenure track positions. For example, Professor Lang Hsien Ping served on the faculty at Wharton as a lecturer and served on the faculty at Chicago as an visiting professor but those do not count. He was never a tenure-track faculty at Wharton or Chicago.  Similarly, Professor Arthur Yeung was an adjunct Professor at U. Michigan and that does not count either as there is no academic requirements for an adjunct professor. I will be surprised if Howard Ward or Arthur Yeung get tenure track offers from a top five hundred schools in US. Unfortunately, the Chinese media does not understand the difference.

From the web page of CEIBS, there is no message that Linda Sprague served on the faculty at MIT or Harvard. She has a Harvard PhD and an MIT Bachelor degree and did serve on the faculty in Stanford but it is not clear that whether it is a visiting position or not.

I believe that Professor Sprague is unlikely to be on the tenure track in Stanford. The two best journals in OM is operations research and Management Science but I cannot find any of her publications there. If you check professor Chen Hong, Professor Zheng Yusheng or Professor Li Lode, you will find each had more than ten papers in these two journals. You may ask others how Professor Sprague would compare with Professors Chen, Zheng and Li.

Finally, CK has decided to charge RMB 220,000. There must be a reason. It is still cheaper than top US schools. If the market is willing to pay such a price, then leave it to the market to decide. There is no reason to stop people from paying the price they are willing to pay. If someone is willing to pay 1 million RMB to buy a PP watch, it is their problem, not yours.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-2 0:30:33编辑过]

作者: 落花流水    时间: 2005-2-15 10:39
作者: pizi    时间: 2005-2-15 13:40
作者: grossman    时间: 2005-2-15 14:39
Starting from Operations Management and Linda Sprague are those from CEIBS. notice that many of these faculties spends only a few months at CEIBS while most faculties at CKSB are full time at CKGSB.
作者: 中欧    时间: 2005-2-15 18:13


作者: lukrenee    时间: 2005-2-15 20:34

FYI, guys, I once phoned CK to ask application info, one officer implied they would give each student who might get the admission schorlarship, but to my inquiry of the exact sum they might offer, he commented they would give in accord with different cases, in a word, no confirmed program yet.

作者: sky_river    时间: 2005-2-15 21:59

作者: 落花流水    时间: 2005-2-16 16:20
作者: wang16    时间: 2005-2-16 20:32
以下是引用grossman在2005-2-15 6:42:00的发言:

I only include schools in which these people had tenure track positions. For example, Professor Lang Hsien Ping served on the faculty at Wharton as a lecturer and served on the faculty at Chicago as an visiting professor but those do not count. He was never a tenure-track faculty at Wharton or Chicago.  Similarly, Professor Arthur Yeung was an adjunct Professor at U. Michigan and that does not count either as there is no academic requirements for an adjuct professor. I will be surprised if Howard Ward or Arthur Yeung get tenure track offers from a top five hundred schools in US. Unfortunately, the Chinese media does not understand the difference.

From the web page of CEIBS, there is no message that Linda Sprague served on the faculty at MIT or Harvard. She has a Harvard PhD and an MIT Bachelor degree and did serve on the faculty in Stanford but it is not clear that whether it is a visiting position or not.

I believe that Professor Sprague is unlikely to be on the tenure track in Stanford. The two best journals in OM is operations research and Management Science but I cannot find any of her publications there. If you check professor Chen Hong, Professor Zheng Yusheng or Professor Li Lode, you will find each had more than ten papers in these two journals. You may ask others how Professor Sprague would compare with Professors Chen, Zheng and Li.

Finally, CK has decided to charge RMB 220,000. There must be a reason. It is still cheaper than top US schools. If the market is willing to pay such a price, then leave it to the market to decide. There is no reason to stop people from paying the price they are willing to pay. If someone is willing to pay 1 million RMB to buy a PP watch, it is their problem, not yours.

Finally, CK has decided to charge RMB 220,000. There must be a reason. It is still cheaper than top US schools. If the market is willing to pay such a price, then leave it to the market to decide. There is no reason to stop people from paying the price they are willing to pay. If someone is willing to pay 1 million RMB to buy a PP watch, it is their problem, not yours.

说It is still cheaper than top US schools有意义吗?




难道长江的教学环境比欧美还好?所以,market will give CK a lesson...

that's the only thing will happen to 2005 CK MBA program.


作者: wang16    时间: 2005-2-16 20:38
以下是引用lukrenee在2005-2-15 20:34:00的发言:

FYI, guys, I once phoned CK to ask application info, one officer implied they would give each student who might get the admission schorlarship, but to my inquiry of the exact sum they might offer, he commented they would give in accord with different cases, in a word, no confirmed program yet.

Tell you the truth, I will try to get the offer from CK and I would not care how much they will offer for the schorlarship...

As soon as I get the CK offer, I would play open card with Ceibs people, and tell them if I were offered by Ceibs, I would not hesitate to change my mind even without schorlarship...

Reason is simple, I lost my trust in CK as CK is loosing good candidates via stupidly trying to test the marketing reaction...  

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-16 20:43:20编辑过]

作者: 晓路    时间: 2005-2-16 22:48


作者: grossman    时间: 2005-2-17 00:33

With the exception of London Business School and Insead, Europe does not have any good business schools. Insead has been around for only 40 years.

CK cannot compete with the US top 25 business schools now. However, in the near future, with the commitment of Li Ka-Shin foundation, CKGSB should be comparable with reasonable US public schools such as Ohio State, Penn State, Michigan State.

If you can get in LBS, Insead or top 25 US schools, then you should go there. If you get admitted in schools such as OSU, PSU, MSU, then CK could be a better choice for some people.

Again, I do not think we should feel so inferior relative to US or Europe. Yes, we are not as good now in terms of our economy. However, we need to put things in perspective and do not be short-sighted. China had enoyed a superior economy in most of the last two thousand years with the exception of the last three hundred. If China keeps developing at the current speed, we should be an equal player with US and Europe in about fifty years. Remember, it took Han Dynasty 70 years to develop and eventually beat the Huns out of Northern China. Europeans and Americans will be humming to come over to China to study then.

What I like about CK is its ambition, self-respect and self-confidence. CK's root is in china and it demands all the permanent faculties to spend 100% of their time in China. We Chinese are as good as Europeans or Americans. With a good system, we can perform as well. We can. We must. We will. Of course, Rome is not built overnight and only time will tell if CK is successful.

For people who think 220,000 RMB is too high, you probably should contact the admissions office to see if there could be help with scholarships or zero-interest loans. US schools oftern provide student loans or scholarships for qualified individuals.

作者: 花则不累    时间: 2005-2-17 05:32

to bargain with CEIBS by the offer of CK is not a good idea... Adcom, I bet, never think of CK as one of its competitors, the one result is that you are a good negotiator, nothing else.

The fact CK raise its tuition might be the strategy of segmentation and target market after compeletly SWOT analysis. CEIBS will not be thought as the most expensive B-school in Mainland China any more, at least right now. It is the right and best oppotunity to apply CEIBS, I m think it will also raise its tuition next year, due to the fast growing ranking.  

作者: grossman    时间: 2005-2-17 09:42

花则不累 is right. Bargaining using another school's offer may backfire.

CEIBS is a pioneer in MBA education in China. They had this great idea while no body realized there was a market for MBA education in China.  In this respect, it deserves the ranking by FT.  

However, China has a big platform for many players to be successful. CKGSB differentiates from other Chinese schools in emphasizing high caliber research about Chinese Business from an international perspective and deep knowledge about international operations from the Chinese perspective.

Let's hope that CEIBS and CKGSB both become leading world class business schools, in the league of Harvard, Wharton, Stanford, Chicago and MIT. China deserves a few heavy weights.

作者: mooncake    时间: 2005-2-17 09:43

it is normal to increase tuition fee by 4-5% annually and it is what most business schools all over the world do. but, soaring from 150k to 220k.......just doesn't make sense.

also get confused by grossman's words. it is good to hear someone cry out his ambition - at least we should not deny his courage. but only courage is not enough to be successful, or even to survive. Shouldering world top business school is not achieved by empty talking such as "we can, we will and we must", or charging a high fee, or any single-sided expectation. Sadly i found nothing concrete in grossman's words but exactly what as mentioned above any mature or sensible business should avoid.

ckgsb should bear in mind that market will not be altered by one single business and market will not spare those who run off track.

作者: pizi    时间: 2005-2-17 09:59
以下是引用grossman在2005-2-17 0:33:00的发言:

With the exception of London Business School and Insead, Europe does not have any good business schools. Insead has been around for only 40 years.

CK cannot compete with the US top 25 business schools now. However, in the near future, with the commitment of Li Ka-Shin foundation, CKGSB should be comparable with reasonable US public schools such as Ohio State, Penn State, Michigan State.

If you can get in LBS, Insead or top 25 US schools, then you should go there. If you get admitted in schools such as OSU, PSU, MSU, then CK could be a better choice for some people.

Again, I do not think we should feel so inferior relative to US or Europe. Yes, we are not as good now in terms of our economy. However, we need to put things in perspective and do not be short-sighted. China had enoyed a superior economy in most of the last two thousand years with the exception of the last three hundred. If China keeps developing at the current speed, we should be an equal player with US and Europe in about fifty years. Remember, it took Han Dynasty 70 years to develop and eventually beat the Huns out of Northern China. Europeans and Americans will be humming to come over to China to study then.

What I like about CK is its ambition, self-respect and self-confidence. CK's root is in china and it demands all the permanent faculties to spend 100% of their time in China. We Chinese are as good as Europeans or Americans. With a good system, we can perform as well. We can. We must. We will. Of course, Rome is not built overnight and only time will tell if CK is successful.

For people who think 220,000 RMB is too high, you probably should contact the admissions office to see if there could be help with scholarships or zero-interest loans. US schools oftern provide student loans or scholarships for qualified individuals.





作者: zoudaodi    时间: 2005-2-17 10:57



作者: cat87101    时间: 2005-2-17 11:56

For a good B-school, we do not care how high the tuition is.

For a stupid B-school, we do not care how high the scholarship is.

作者: grossman    时间: 2005-2-17 14:05

CKGSB is a start up so it needs time to be recognized as an important player. Mr. Li Ka-shing is giving back to help the community and we should applaude his long-term vision. What makes a great business school?

1. top notch faculty

2. top notch students and a successful and influential alumni network

3. top notch administration, facility including admissions, placement and corporate center.

With Li's money and influence, it will be easier for him to get the first two quickly. however, the last one is harder as no one in China had the experience of building a top business school so everything has to start from scratch. I guess that is what a start-up is supposed to be.

作者: CKGSB_MBA2005    时间: 2005-2-17 15:44
本来还想给长江说说好话,现在却被它又抢劫了好几万。 去不去读呢?该不会逼我申请中欧吧?
作者: lukrenee    时间: 2005-2-17 15:54
作者: cat87101    时间: 2005-2-17 18:10
以下是引用grossman在2005-2-17 14:05:00的发言:

CKGSB is a start up so it needs time to be recognized as an important player. Mr. Li Ka-shing is giving back to help the community and we should applaude his long-term vision. What makes a great business school?

1. top notch faculty

2. top notch students and a successful and influential alumni network

3. top notch administration, facility including admissions, placement and corporate center.

With Li's money and influence, it will be easier for him to get the first two quickly. however, the last one is harder as no one in China had the experience of building a top business school so everything has to start from scratch. I guess that is what a start-up is supposed to be.

这位长江的托,到目前为止你一直在吹嘘长江如何如何的好,但都没有令人信服的根据。你一会儿吹嘘长江,一会儿又用什么 just start up 来为长江开脱,叫人如何相信你。到目前为止长江的两界学生中,就有不少人对你所谓的 top notch 的东东颇有微词。长江能找到你这样的托也说明它的 stupid

For a good B-school, we do not care how high the tuition is.

For a stupid B-school, we do not care how high the scholarship is.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-17 18:11:59编辑过]

作者: wang16    时间: 2005-2-17 20:55
以下是引用CKGSB_MBA2005在2005-2-17 15:44:00的发言:
本来还想给长江说说好话,现在却被它又抢劫了好几万。 去不去读呢?该不会逼我申请中欧吧?




作者: wang16    时间: 2005-2-17 20:56
以下是引用cat87101在2005-2-17 11:56:00的发言:

For a good B-school, we do not care how high the tuition is.

For a stupid B-school, we do not care how high the scholarship is.

作者: hurma    时间: 2005-2-17 21:35
以下是引用grossman在2005-2-17 0:33:00的发言:

With the exception of London Business School and Insead, Europe does not have any good business schools. Insead has been around for only 40 years.

CK cannot compete with the US top 25 business schools now. However, in the near future, with the commitment of Li Ka-Shin foundation, CKGSB should be comparable with reasonable US public schools such as Ohio State, Penn State, Michigan State.

If you can get in LBS, Insead or top 25 US schools, then you should go there. If you get admitted in schools such as OSU, PSU, MSU, then CK could be a better choice for some people.

Again, I do not think we should feel so inferior relative to US or Europe. Yes, we are not as good now in terms of our economy. However, we need to put things in perspective and do not be short-sighted. China had enoyed a superior economy in most of the last two thousand years with the exception of the last three hundred. If China keeps developing at the current speed, we should be an equal player with US and Europe in about fifty years. Remember, it took Han Dynasty 70 years to develop and eventually beat the Huns out of Northern China. Europeans and Americans will be humming to come over to China to study then.

What I like about CK is its ambition, self-respect and self-confidence. CK's root is in china and it demands all the permanent faculties to spend 100% of their time in China. We Chinese are as good as Europeans or Americans. With a good system, we can perform as well. We can. We must. We will. Of course, Rome is not built overnight and only time will tell if CK is successful.

For people who think 220,000 RMB is too high, you probably should contact the admissions office to see if there could be help with scholarships or zero-interest loans. US schools oftern provide student loans or scholarships for qualified individuals.

honestly and personally, i do think these words make some senses to some extends, at least for the good English expression and logic reasoning...haha...

the problem is that he/she stands for a completely wrong position, which is so called dear, share with you the following words,


作者: JerryGuan    时间: 2005-2-17 22:16









作者: 花则不累    时间: 2005-2-18 04:17
唉,别说什么什么的逼谁谁报中欧,好像报了就能录似的,看不惯一群天天说哪个学校好哪个学校不好,今天报这个不报那个的同学,能不能录还不一定呢.中欧是FT 22名了,不是你因为别的学校学费高,才打算申请的.WHY CEIBS这个问题,你以为那么容易就答了的?是骡子是马,要拉出去才能知道.
作者: 花则不累    时间: 2005-2-18 04:50





作者: grossman    时间: 2005-2-18 12:24

Let's have some constructive discussion. Suppose that you are appointed as the Dean of CKGSB and Mr. Li Ka-Shin has given you  two billion RMB. (Harvard has an endowment of 2 billion dollars) What are the steps that you would take to build the school?

here is my suggestion:

1. Hire the best faculty with excellence in teaching and research that you can get. Build a campus and get certification of the programs from the ministry of education.

2. Differentiate the school from others and get the best students that fit with the school's vision well. Make a careful design of the curriculum that emphasizes the strength of the school and execute the course delivery well.

3. Build MBA program as the core of the school. using the faculty's connection to build exchange program with European and US top schools

4. Build EMBA and EDP program as revenue programs that help to make the school sustainable. Exchange with top foreign schools.

I believe this is what CK is trying to do. If you guys have better ideas, you may put in your 2 cents here as well.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-18 23:06:58编辑过]

作者: 落花流水    时间: 2005-2-18 13:05
作者: wang16    时间: 2005-2-18 22:12
以下是引用花则不累在2005-2-18 4:17:00的发言:
唉,别说什么什么的逼谁谁报中欧,好像报了就能录似的,看不惯一群天天说哪个学校好哪个学校不好,今天报这个不报那个的同学,能不能录还不一定呢.中欧是FT 22名了,不是你因为别的学校学费高,才打算申请的.WHY CEIBS这个问题,你以为那么容易就答了的?是骡子是马,要拉出去才能知道.



作者: stanhope    时间: 2005-2-19 13:36
if high quality justifies expensive price, then CK has few to convince the general public that it is in the top-notch level. after all, it requires years of solid pavement for any established fame. haphazard sharp increase in the tution fee in one single year will create more choas rather than positive effects to its accumulating prestige, if any.
作者: grossman    时间: 2005-2-20 09:42
It does take a long time for a business school to establish itself. but I guess CK is trying to signal something to the market. For example, CK may want to hire more faculties from top foreign schools and the campus and degree approval are coming very soon. CK is confident that people will buy the idea. It is indeed a very risky strategy and I hope CK management had thought hard about it. Another problem is that CK may not able to keep its faculties. There are rumours that many of the permanent  faculties there are getting tenured offers from schools like Stanford, UCLA, Duke, Cornell, Wharton, Yale, UBC, etc and they may go back if offers in US look too attractive. CK is walking a fine line in trying to keep these faculties in China and it is not easy.  I hope these people will stay.
作者: 花则不累    时间: 2005-2-21 01:42
以下是引用wang16在2005-2-18 22:12:00的发言:



作者: CKGSB_MBA2005    时间: 2005-2-21 09:19
以下是引用wang16在2005-2-17 20:55:00的发言:




我可不是什么死党。 我只是觉得当初我面试时问过他们这个问题,招生办得说应该不会涨,数月过后,居然涨这么多。 说话太不算话了吧。

我也不是被逼得要靠中欧。 只是670分申请长江,长江还要我重考gmat,好像我得考分低了似的。 后来我问了一下04的学生,它们说去年的很多700以上的高分都是进校以后重考的, 这让我感到很失望,这不是再做假吗?  我实在是不懂他们为什么这样看重   gmat

作者: 总是两难    时间: 2005-2-22 12:21
作者: lzhang2000    时间: 2005-2-22 14:17


作者: May78    时间: 2005-2-22 21:07


作者: juningw    时间: 2005-2-22 23:09


作者: CKGSB_MBA2005    时间: 2005-2-23 15:22
以下是引用lzhang2000在2005-2-22 14:17:00的发言:


我也不懂啊。 招生办得说去年考分都很高,700以上的近30个。 可我问了一问, 去年的很多是重考的啊。 有必要么? 反正我决定了再申请中欧。 学费也够让我郁闷的。
作者: inspire    时间: 2005-2-27 12:05

关于学费的问题, 可能是提高的快了一些.

但是今年的offer应该是和奖学金的通知一起发的, 所以你拿到offer的时候可以自己选择.

作者: 落花流水    时间: 2005-2-27 13:16
作者: grossman    时间: 2005-2-27 13:27
I don't think that everyone will get scholarships. That makes tuition meaningless. Only those for whom 220 RMB is too high in a short period of time will. CK wants to expand its international market and for americans and europeans, 220 RMB is a bargain.For some Chinese, 220,000 RMB is not a big deal either.
作者: 落花流水    时间: 2005-2-27 16:56

作者: pizi    时间: 2005-2-27 17:14
以下是引用grossman在2005-2-27 13:27:00的发言:
I don't think that everyone will get scholarships. That makes tuition meaningless. Only those for whom 220 RMB is too high in a short period of time will. CK wants to expand its international market and for americans and europeans, 220 RMB is a bargain.For some Chinese, 220,000 RMB is not a big deal either.


作者: scutkapok    时间: 2005-2-27 21:55
作者: grossman    时间: 2005-2-28 08:37
以下是引用落花流水在2005-2-27 16:56:00的发言:

1. CKMBA and CKEMBA have already received approval by the ministry of education. See On the contrary, CEIBS has never received approval for its degree programs. The ministry of education acknowledged that CEIBS's degrees are recognized by a European agency, EFMD. Please check with the academic degree office of the Ministry of Education for details.

2. It takes time to receive international recognition by practitioners. CK has been around since 2002. However, in academic fields, CK is recognized already in several fields including Operations Management, Finance, Marketing and Accounting. Professor Chen Hong, Huang Ming and Cao Huining have published papers with CK as their employer in journals such as Operations Research, Management Science, American Economic Review, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies and Journal of Business. They have chaired sessions, presented  and discussed papers in conferences such as American Accounting Associtaion, American Finance Association and Western Finance Association.

3. CK had exchange program with Wharton and UNC last year. CK will be working on additional exchange programs with Virginia, Insead, Columbia.

4. CK is exploring its cooperation with INSEAD. CK is also working on an English EMBA program that targets international audience. CK had talks with Columbia, Wharton, UCLA about sending their students to take classes from professors such as Huang Ming, Zhang Shi, Li, Lode, Larry Lang and Baohong Sun. CK is open to the idea of hiring faculties of non-Chinese origin but the condition is that they have to be full time at CK. This is the so called reciprocity. When western schools hire Chinese faculties, they are required to serve full time there as well. While I tend to hesitate to criticize other schools, one fact about CEIBS is that its permanent faculties are very weak.

5. CK will have its first class graduated in March. At this moment, CK stresses quality rather than quantity. One Lee, Chang-Hao can beat 14 top Chinese and Japanese go players. If CK can produce a few business leaders in the same league as Li, Ka-shin, CK will be very happy.

6. CK's faculties is the best in Asia. HKUST have some areas that are comparable, for example, marketing. As Professor Ming Huang said in his article, for academics who want to go back to China, the best choice is CK due to its emphasis on high quality research.

7. The administration at CK had lots of exprience in business education. Many of them helped to built CEIBS and were hired by CK due to that experience. Professor and Dean Xiang Bing single handedly built PKU's EMBA degree from nothing to a program with a revenue of 100 million RMB. He is a great visionary.

8. With the support of Li Ka-Shin, the campus is not a problem. It should be  ready around next year. However, these days it is hard to get a land approved even with Li Ka-Shin.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-2 0:36:39编辑过]

作者: mooncake    时间: 2005-2-28 09:19


作者: grossman    时间: 2005-2-28 10:03

老老实实做人, 踏踏实实做事, 是长江的风格。



作者: benbenmao    时间: 2005-2-28 10:12
以下是引用grossman在2005-2-28 8:37:00的发言:

1. CKMBA and CKEMBA have already received approval by the ministry of education. On the contrary, CEIBS has never received approval for its degree programs. The ministry of education acknowledged that CEIBS's degrees are recognized by a European agency. Please check with the academic degree office of the Ministry of Education for details.

作者: grossman    时间: 2005-2-28 12:20
I do not know if benbenmao understand the difference between approval and ackowldgement.

Here is the information Benbenmao mentioned in his message






















here is what I said:

"On the contrary, CEIBS has never received approval for its degree programs.The ministry of education acknowledged that CEIBS's degrees are recognized by a European agency. Please check with the academic degree office of the Ministry of Education for details."

The degree awarded by CEIBS is through 欧洲管理教育发展基金会. CEIBS is accreditated by EQUIS.  I checked on the web page and found this link:  I also found the following excerpts which are interesting:

“…EQUIS has now accredited 4 institutions and more than 150 management education academics and professionals have participated in peer review assessments around the world. The impact upon institutional development and quality improvement has already been considerable.”

The Ministry of Education acknowledges the fact that the degree awarded by CEIBS is through欧洲管理教育发展基金会. The degree awarded by CEIBS is not through the Ministry of Education of China and thus the issue of approval is moot here.

I am not saying that the degree from the Ministry of Education is that important. Maybe CEIBS did not apply. Indeed, I personally do not care much about recognition by any official agencies.  As long as the market recognizes that CEIBS education adds value. That is good enough.  I am merely stating a fact that the CEIBS degree is not awarded through the Ministry of Education and the issue of approval is moot. On the other hand, if someone stated CK's degrees are not approved by ministry of education, he/she should call up the Ministry of education and gets the facts straight before he/she posts these kinds of messages.

作者: 落花流水    时间: 2005-2-28 12:28
作者: pizi    时间: 2005-2-28 14:20
以下是引用grossman在2005-2-28 10:03:00的发言:

老老实实做人, 踏踏实实做事, 是长江的风格。




作者: sky_river    时间: 2005-2-28 15:15
以下是引用grossman在2005-2-27 13:27:00的发言:
I don't think that everyone will get scholarships. That makes tuition meaningless. Only those for whom 220 RMB is too high in a short period of time will. CK wants to expand its international market and for americans and europeans, 220 RMB is a bargain.For some Chinese, 220,000 RMB is not a big deal either.




作者: lukrenee    时间: 2005-2-28 16:45
作者: CKGSB_MBA2005    时间: 2005-2-28 17:49
以下是引用benbenmao在2005-2-28 10:12:00的发言:


作者: pizi    时间: 2005-2-28 18:03
以下是引用lukrenee在2005-2-28 16:45:00的发言:


作者: Tinabobo    时间: 2005-2-28 18:23
作者: grossman    时间: 2005-3-1 01:50

In the end of the day, The school which can produce the best set of World Class Business leaders is the best school. That is going to take 20 years to be determined. Let's wait and see.

浩浩兮长江, 巍巍兮中华。

路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索。

Mr. 落花流水,

Let me give you a tip in your future arguements:

字字有来历, 事事讲清楚。

you have claimed that CEIBS have a similar set of faculties as Professor Zheng, Yusheng, Chen Hong, Huang Ming, Zhang shi etc. but you have difficulty to come up with a single name. That is very damaging and make your arguments very weak.

BTW, CEIBS is a very good school and I have lots of respect for CEIBS. But CK is the future, the one. That is why many people in CEIBS administration has decided to switch to CK.

作者: pizi    时间: 2005-3-1 09:09



[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-1 10:07:57编辑过]

作者: May78    时间: 2005-3-1 10:23

当长江的执行校长李杰大言不惭地对申请者承诺长江会在不久的将来进入top10的时候,他没有给出任何的support, 除了李嘉诚先生的钱以外。在许诺高额、不限名额的奖学金之后,如今忽而又把学费涨了。整个长江的招生计划和宣传中充满了变数和随意,充满了为达目的而不择手段的商人气息,数字游戏--长江的校风。请问是否要对申请人负些责任?


作者: trojans    时间: 2005-3-1 10:32
作者: CKGSB_MBA2005    时间: 2005-3-1 10:52
有一点我不明白,我所见过的长江的学生没一个英语如grossman 好,而且可以说,根本没发和grossman比,他真是长江的学生?有如次好的英语,还去长江混?
作者: 落花流水    时间: 2005-3-1 17:30
作者: 落花流水    时间: 2005-3-1 18:03
“高额,不限名额的奖学金” 其实只是大家对李先生投资长江的一种理解误区。事实上,长江的MBA项目只能说是寒酸。无论在硬件设施,还是在社会资源方面。要不然,就不会有那么多学生因为奖学金风波离开长江。

作者: CEIBS_MBA2005    时间: 2005-3-1 22:31
grossman, please keep your month shut. I do mean to be rude. I just be sorry for you. I really do not understand why such people as you could be so shameless. graduated from CEIBS, worked in CEIBS, but now, here, in front of so many candidates, you degrade CEIBS in order for you to please your boss. tell us how much does Li ka-shine  pay you? how much money can make you to speak so without ray of guity?
作者: CEIBS_MBA2005    时间: 2005-3-1 22:36
CEIBS never did and will never do such thing to CK.  It is the very CK that has attitude again CEIBS. please recall this. your MBA admission officer, Still, said BiMBA is 3th tier, and CEIBS 2nd, only CK is the leading one. do you guys believe that such shit as this comes from the month of a admission officer?
作者: CEIBS_MBA2005    时间: 2005-3-1 22:38
sorry, bros and sisters of CK and CEIBS,  i do not mean to insult anybody here.
作者: CEIBS_MBA2005    时间: 2005-3-1 22:57
i have to go, go back to improve my english, i wish my english is as good as grossman. otherwise mooncake will laught at me. guys 88
作者: Tinabobo    时间: 2005-3-1 23:03
作者: grossman    时间: 2005-3-2 00:21

With respect to the supporting evidence on degree approval for CK, here is the relevant webpage:






“为中国建立世界级商学院 为中国培养世界级企业家”是长江商学院矢志不渝的奋斗目标。我们期待着全体长江人以昨天和今天业已取得的成就为再次浩荡出发的始点,朝着激动人心的伟大目标继续奋进。

作者: CEIBS_MBA2005    时间: 2005-3-2 09:05
then congratulation !
作者: pizi    时间: 2005-3-2 09:43
以下是引用grossman在2005-3-2 0:21:00的发言:

With respect to the supporting evidence on degree approval for CK, here is the relevant webpage:






“为中国建立世界级商学院 为中国培养世界级企业家”是长江商学院矢志不渝的奋斗目标。我们期待着全体长江人以昨天和今天业已取得的成就为再次浩荡出发的始点,朝着激动人心的伟大目标继续奋进。



1. 我查询过相关的法规,好像要授予我国的高等学位,就必须要依照教育部所定的法规,就连中欧也不例外(咦?怎么这么像《大腕》的一句台词?)中欧就是因为不参加,因此直到2002年才被教育部承认其颁发的学位,此前的是要去交大补考相关科目,获得除中欧学位外的一个同等学位证明。要颁发我国的高等教育学位,这就意味着要参加额外的考试,好像还要有学位论文。不知道长江的毕业生是否也要这样做。





[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-2 10:05:06编辑过]

作者: 落花流水    时间: 2005-3-2 16:07
作者: CEIBS_MBA2005    时间: 2005-3-2 16:37
以下是引用pizi在2005-3-2 9:43:00的发言:



1. 我查询过相关的法规,好像要授予我国的高等学位,就必须要依照教育部所定的法规,就连中欧也不例外(咦?怎么这么像《大腕》的一句台词?)中欧就是因为不参加,因此直到2002年才被教育部承认其颁发的学位,此前的是要去交大补考相关科目,获得除中欧学位外的一个同等学位证明。要颁发我国的高等教育学位,这就意味着要参加额外的考试,好像还要有学位论文。不知道长江的毕业生是否也要这样做。





pizi's chinese is good.
作者: wang16    时间: 2005-3-2 21:23





作者: zhijiehao    时间: 2005-3-2 22:19




作者: grossman    时间: 2005-3-3 05:41





[] 杨万里

作者: lzhang2000    时间: 2005-3-3 08:01


你这首诗引得太搞笑了. 没必要把自己搞得象个受尽迫害的贞节烈女一样吧!! 实在忍不住要说你几句.句句都是心里话,请见谅. 我下去笑去了:-)

作者: pizi    时间: 2005-3-3 10:15
以下是引用lzhang2000在2005-3-3 8:01:00的发言:


你这首诗引得太搞笑了. 没必要把自己搞得象个受尽迫害的贞节烈女一样吧!! 实在忍不住要说你几句.句句都是心里话,请见谅. 我下去笑去了:-)


作者: sky_river    时间: 2005-3-3 13:47
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-3 13:47:04编辑过]

作者: grossman    时间: 2005-3-4 05:54

中欧是好样的,希望不要打压长江。中欧和长江都是改革开放的产物,本是同根生, 相煎何太急!长江有长江的追求,中欧有中欧的目标。和为贵,都是在为国家做事。

作者: pizi    时间: 2005-3-4 08:56
以下是引用grossman在2005-3-4 5:54:00的发言:

中欧是好样的,希望不要打压长江。中欧和长江都是改革开放的产物,本是同根生, 相煎何太急!长江有长江的追求,中欧有中欧的目标。和为贵,都是在为国家做事。


作者: hurma    时间: 2005-3-5 06:55



1/ 有关教育部的认证





2/ 有关EQUIS的认证

上面明确说明:“EQUIS has accredited 82 institutions in 28 countries. ”。而且,EQUIS虽然起源于欧洲,但它已经逐步发展成为一个在国际范围内被认可的重要的认证体系,并且有越来越多的欧洲以外的学位被认证,中欧的MBA应该就是其中的一家。


作者: grossman    时间: 2005-3-5 08:55

看来EQUIS比我想像的好。我也是在网上查到的消息. 链接为

"EQUIS has now accredited 4 institutions and more than 150 management education academics and professionals have participated in peer review assessments around the world. The impact upon institutional development and quality improvement has already been considerable."

不知道为何和hurma的不一样. 也许我用的网页不是最新的, 我对此深表歉意。 但两网页差别之大,令人诧异。

作者: 落花流水    时间: 2005-3-6 11:57

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