作者: lucyyyh 时间: 2003-7-25 01:41
机考的声音佷清楚的,这一点不用担心. : D作者: redpassion 时间: 2003-7-25 01:47
嗯,而且很慢作者: agathagu 时间: 2003-7-25 08:43
什么呀,怎么会很慢呢,应该就是PP的速度吧,对吗作者: redpassion 时间: 2003-7-25 09:45
我觉得很慢,我听得满清楚的作者: setsail 时间: 2003-7-25 10:05
谢谢大家,偶踏实多了。作者: xiang1jp 时间: 2003-7-26 23:09
to be honest, I had a shock last month as my first TOEFL CBT test. The voice from earphone is like from a overused tape. I suppose this is not because of the earphone itself but becasue that a part of "listening material" in the database is not qualified enough.
The dialogue is not slow at all, however, the passages is comparable slow.作者: feibafeiba 时间: 2003-7-29 09:22
The voice i heard on PP is very clear.作者: agathagu 时间: 2003-7-29 10:53