在reading的学联简单吃了点垃圾食品以后,匆匆赶到了reading的humanity and social sciences building。一看表,嘿,早了20多分钟,结果发现这个building简直就是曲径通幽啊,转了不知道多少个弯,终于怀着忐忑的心情,找到了 department of management。当时再一看表,还有5分钟就2点了。乖乖,差点就晚了!
H: Emm, good! Which kind of statistical model you used?
M: Logistic regression
H: What results have you got from it?
H: If you were admitted as our phd student, what’s your plan?
M: (这个问题也是准备过的 )I don’t think the data set I get now is good enough to draw a splendid result, so I will try to …..
H: How can you get more data, from where?
H: (突然话锋一转)他从来不推荐学生读phd,太苦了,说phd简直就是life changing experience,说了半天(我当时竟然开始犯困,不过突然来的一个问题我一下醒了)what is your motivation driving you pursue this degree?(原来前面说的都是铺垫,实在是晕)
H: I think the main problem is we don’t have any scholar who conduct research in your area, but Dr. AAA does focus on marketing.(当时听了很失望啊, 我当时就赶紧弥补了一下)
M: I contacted with Dr.AAA, his research interests include the history of branding, rather than seting up models.
H: You are right, but we do have many people doing modeling in our department, they can help you in the future. We usually assign two supervisors to a phd student, one of them shares research interests with the student, the other may not be in the field of your research…(开始介绍学校的导师制度什么的)
M: sounds great!
H: What results are you expected to get from your further research? What implications can you get from the results?
M: (我当时就想,转了半天又回来了……)^$^$%&$%
H: great! You know what, we expect each phd student publish at least 4 papers in the three year study. One focuses on methodology you used, one….(4个论文发表,疯了!)
H: Sorry, our meeting has to be finished before 2:45. Do you have any questions for me?