只有蒙大拿、新墨西哥州和夏威夷州三州的涨幅不到5%。根据「美国州立大学及学院协会」,这在24 州是连续第二年削减高等教育预算,由於各州收入没有好转的迹象,明年可能又会再来一轮调高学费。 作者: tsljz 时间: 2003-7-24 23:31
对于在美国的人还好,至少利息低点,还能够抵消一点,但是国际学生就惨了。作者: cello82 时间: 2003-7-28 20:37
This really sucks 作者: cutiefish 时间: 2003-8-6 04:27
我是最大的受害者了,不加税对我没好处,因为我是学生不交税.加学费跟汽车牌照费就少不了我..呜~~我想我还是转学到别州..加州政府太黑了作者: chipmunk 时间: 2003-8-6 07:34
Is it supposed to be better once they 'recall' Davis?作者: funnytiger 时间: 2003-8-7 12:16
chipmunk, once republican is on board, it could be even worse.作者: chipmunk 时间: 2003-8-7 12:25
Yeah, you're right. That's why I hope if republican does win the election, that will be Mr. Terminator. I heard he really focus on improving education.