
标题: 现在申请牛津还来得急吗? [打印本页]

作者: babybaby    时间: 2005-2-6 16:58
标题: 现在申请牛津还来得急吗?


背景:ACCOUNTING 本科,3年跨国欧洲企业做期货项目和SVP 助理,GMAT 700。目前之申请了科大(面试完)和中大。 非常感谢!

作者: babybaby    时间: 2005-2-6 20:59
看到牛津的DEADLINE 只能是第3轮了。希望大吗?另外,一般来说,中国大陆学生比例有多少呢?
作者: zdcgy    时间: 2005-2-7 00:27

It has four rounds, right? So third round is not too late. What is more, as a second tiered school, its admission is not so competitive, and it is not likely for you to have a "first round advantage" as adopted in those top schools.

my two cents and good luck

作者: ukaus    时间: 2005-2-7 10:16
作者: babybaby    时间: 2005-2-7 11:28
以下是引用zdcgy在2005-2-7 0:27:00的发言:

It has four rounds, right? So third round is not too late. What is more, as a second tiered school, its admission is not so competitive, and it is not likely for you to have a "first round advantage" as adopted in those top schools.

my two cents and good luck

Thanks zdcgy.  I may have a try ASAP. Whereas my Toefle  is expired , i will send an email to check any possible to waive it.

So give me five!

作者: babybaby    时间: 2005-2-7 11:32
以下是引用ukaus在2005-2-7 10:16:00的发言:

谢谢UKAUS, 是否就是说牛津MBA可能比较热门,就算现在申请也基本上没希望了?天哪,好郁闷呀!!!

作者: wonderpiece    时间: 2005-2-7 16:43
以下是引用babybaby在2005-2-7 11:28:00的发言:

Thanks zdcgy.  I may have a try ASAP. Whereas my Toefle  is expired , i will send an email to check any possible to waive it.

So give me five!

Don't worry about the TOEFL.  I had the same situation when I applied.  I just sent them the copy and no one ever questioned about that.  They could test your english during the interview anyway.
作者: ukaus    时间: 2005-2-7 18:38
以下是引用babybaby在2005-2-7 11:32:00的发言:

谢谢UKAUS, 是否就是说牛津MBA可能比较热门,就算现在申请也基本上没希望了?天哪,好郁闷呀!!!


作者: qyqing    时间: 2005-2-7 20:59



作者: wonderpiece    时间: 2005-2-8 16:22
以下是引用qyqing在2005-2-7 20:59:00的发言:



那你还来这儿干什么?只为了寻找相同的声音?那叫confirmation bias。如果不能接受与自己意见相左的观点的话,还读什么MBA呢?更别提Oxford了。
作者: babybaby    时间: 2005-2-9 08:52

其实都是事在人为,如果对自己有信心的话,赶在DEADLINE之前就OK 了。


作者: zdcgy    时间: 2005-2-9 12:12

i totally agree with you. Considering the school's high admission rate of more than 40% last year, you have good chances.

good luck!

btw, i like the icon of you, which inspires me to make improvement everyday without any slackness.

作者: babybaby    时间: 2005-2-9 13:33
以下是引用zdcgy在2005-2-9 12:12:00的发言:

i totally agree with you. Considering the school's high admission rate of more than 40% last year, you have good chances.

good luck!

btw, i like the icon of you, which inspires me to make improvement everyday without any slackness.

happy new year!

Thanks for your encouragement. I have received offer from Hongkong UST . Just wondering whether to apply Oxford .?...

作者: qyqing    时间: 2005-2-9 22:56

那你还来这儿干什么?只为了寻找相同的声音?那叫confirmation bias。如果不能接受与自己意见相左的观点的话,还读什么MBA呢?更别提Oxford了。



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