Megaburg director给Cindy’s burg shop一封信,信里面建议Cindy’s 汉堡店并入Mega。MEGA是全国汉堡连锁店,Cindy’s只在BXX市有2个店。 Mega总监列举了加入MEGA连锁店种种好处,比如能够改善Cindy’s operation efficiency, megaburg can do materials bulk supply and material purchase, save cost, share advertising cost.还列举了clients know what Mega menus have, so know what food megaburg can supply and can enjoy the food.Megaburg在全国知名度高,所以加盟Megaburg能吸引更多客户,赚更多钱,所以建议Cindy’s burg shop加盟Mega全国连锁店。写作要求是分析问题点。
语法和逻辑都没看JJ,但是语法非常清楚记得下面一题,因为是OG verbal review里面第17到题目!正确句子是 Traverlers to Mars would have to endure low levels of gravity for long periods of time, avoid large doses of radiation,contend with chemically reactive Martian soil, and perhaps even ward off contamination by Maritaian life-forms.