
标题: 2014年10月25日 北美真题机经 刚考完(更新结束,主楼更新8楼同学的详细总结) [打印本页]

作者: 三塘木    时间: 2014-10-26 01:46
标题: 2014年10月25日 北美真题机经 刚考完(更新结束,主楼更新8楼同学的详细总结)
阅读:第一篇不记得了,第二篇是关于一种鱼和河的生存环境,一开始是讲了三个地方都有这种鱼,由此引出问题到底什么环境适合这种鱼。然后提到这种鱼喜欢水问偏冷的地方,16度以下还行,20-26度就要死了(还是什么温度。。。反正这里有道题,选项里我记得是有和这几个温度有关的)考的替换词有个obstruction,(选项有barrier 和 protection,我选了barrier)顺遍一说所有的替换词在无老师的那个词表里,除了这个词以外其他都不难。第三篇我也想不起来了。。。第四篇是加试,是关于一个民族从非洲北往中间赤道移民。具体的我如果想起来会在6点之前Po上来的


剩下所有的都在楼下有更新,为了方便大家今天就先不设回复可见的隐藏内容了,祝大家考试顺利啦> <


speaking test
口语01:A new policy bans people from speaking loudly or using cellphones laptops or other mobile devices in cars.

口语02: When you are a kid, do you prefer playing indoors or outdoors?

口语三:reading: history professor proposes to have monthly meeting within history department to a. allow students ask questions. b. foster sense of community.

listening: man doesn’t agree. a. 1) already a very informative website available. 2) student can drop by dept. office to ask questions. b. socializing purpose not gonna happen coz meetings would be structured with few informal interaction opportunities.

口语四:reading: human commensals, animals that benefit from the results of human activities.

listening: two birds. a. doves that nest on high buildings and bridges —> good way to defend against predators since they themselves are not aggressive enough.
b. crows that feed on disposed food of student dining halls and canteens.

口语五:woman wants to register for a biology research course but it’s too late. two solutions: a. register next semester, but the research theme would change and the content would not include a field trip to the forest. b. fill out late registration forms to register this semester, but she has to pay a late reg fee of 75 USD and she doesn’t have much spare money.

writing part 1
        1        article. Naundorff is the french prince because a. he has significant knowledge of the prince’s early life. b. some people who knew the prince recognized him for his similar looks and acts. c.the prince was rumored to be poisoned, and arsen was found in N’s skeleton.

lecture: No way. a. he can get his knowledge by research and memorize. yet, he could know french language as well as a prince should know. b. the prince’s sister who was prisoned with the prince refused to meet him and denied his identity after he sent several letters and personal photos. c. the arsen was very low in amount and could be from the metal coffin he was placed in.

writing part 2: A leader should have strong opinions and do not change his or her mind on these opinions.

作者: 三塘木    时间: 2014-10-26 01:55
听力 一个学生去找教授谈他们关于一种拉丁音乐研究的作业,作业还要求学生要写歌,教授表示她无所谓质量只是希望学生能有这样的on hand experience.但是学生表示他特别喜欢音乐而且对这个音乐的即兴演奏improvise的形势很感兴趣,还提到到这个音乐在学校的compwtition, 教授就提到prof john他是latin American club的还组织了这个competition建议学生去找他聊不过他可能已经out of town了。学生说他后面去找他但是主要想问能不能这个作业做音乐的地方他到时候即兴现场作曲找人即兴演奏,教授允许了。题里有一问是关于这个音乐的特点,在老师和学生开始的对话里有提到
作者: 三塘木    时间: 2014-10-26 02:05
听力第二个也忘了。。。有个是和彗星有关的。。。还有个是关于Elizabeth playhouse的,这个比较麻烦,不熟悉threater的人最好搜搜看它的构造,听力里讲了三个推测可能形成它这个样子(和欧洲其他地方不同的构造)的原因。
作者: 三塘木    时间: 2014-10-26 02:11
2 有人小时候喜欢在外面玩有人喜欢在家里玩,你是孩子的时候你怎么玩的
3 proposal 提到historical department要多monthly meeting,这样学生可以问老师问题和知道系里的情况,而且还能增进学生和老师互相认识。对话里男生不同意,一是因为他们已经有了非常informative website,学生可以在上面查到所有upcoming event,学生要是有问题也可以直接去office问。另一方面他觉得这样的meeting organized 不够relaxing,很难促进学生和教授交流
作者: 三塘木    时间: 2014-10-26 02:20
4 human commentinals (不记得是不是这么拼的)就是一种动物因为人类的出现而受益了,教授举的例子一个是学校的鸽子在楼顶和桥上建窝因为他们很不aggressive没法抵御捕食者,另一个是学校的乌鸦从垃圾里吃学校食堂的leftover,提供给了他们supply of food
5 一个学生想参加一个bio教授的research course,但是registration 已经上周五过掉了,她要么选择下学期再选这课但是下学期内容只是reading没有field trip不好玩,另一个是她可以拿special form再注册课但是要缴75刀,她没有多余钱。让你提供方案
6business class。讲了两个benefit of rotational job。公司可以在一个部门忙的时候随时抽人过去,因为employee被训练过多种技能了,例子是shoe store卖男鞋和童鞋,一旦忙了童鞋的人可以去帮男鞋。另一个好处是对于promotion的人,这些人有过rotational job经验可以更好的管理和理解他的部门
作者: 三塘木    时间: 2014-10-26 02:27
作文讲了一个叫N的人,在当年10岁的法国王子被认为囚困后死在牢里了之后,于1980s出现声称他就是王子。阅读里提到三点,N这个人对王子小时候的事和王室细节很了解,很多王室的人看到N都觉得他是王子,王子被传当时被毒死的,科学家在N的骨头里测到了一种毒药。教授提到了三点,N这个人可能只是做了很多research,而且他不会讲法语(王子当时10岁应该已经很会讲了) 王子当时和她姐姐一起被囚,他姐姐活下来了但是不肯认N这个认,他体内的毒药含量太低了,如果他中过毒那含量应该很高才对,所以他的毒可能是棺材上吸收的

最后的作文: leader应该坚持自己的opinion不动摇
作者: 三塘木    时间: 2014-10-26 02:39
作者: bobsun    时间: 2014-10-26 04:57
speaking test
口语01:A new policy bans people from speaking loudly or using cellphones laptops or other mobile devices in cars.

口语02: When you are a kid, do you prefer playing indoors or outdoors?

口语三:reading: history professor proposes to have monthly meeting within history department to a. allow students ask questions. b. foster sense of community.

listening: man doesn’t agree. a. 1) already a very informative website available. 2) student can drop by dept. office to ask questions. b. socializing purpose not gonna happen coz meetings would be structured with few informal interaction opportunities.

口语四:reading: human commensals, animals that benefit from the results of human activities.

listening: two birds. a. doves that nest on high buildings and bridges —> good way to defend against predators since they themselves are not aggressive enough.
b. crows that feed on disposed food of student dining halls and canteens.

口语五:woman wants to register for a biology research course but it’s too late. two solutions: a. register next semester, but the research theme would change and the content would not include a field trip to the forest. b. fill out late registration forms to register this semester, but she has to pay a late reg fee of 75 USD and she doesn’t have much spare money.

writing part 1
        1        article. Naundorff is the french prince because a. he has significant knowledge of the prince’s early life. b. some people who knew the prince recognized him for his similar looks and acts. c.the prince was rumored to be poisoned, and arsen was found in N’s skeleton.

lecture: No way. a. he can get his knowledge by research and memorize. yet, he could know french language as well as a prince should know. b. the prince’s sister who was prisoned with the prince refused to meet him and denied his identity after he sent several letters and personal photos. c. the arsen was very low in amount and could be from the metal coffin he was placed in.

writing part 2: A leader should have strong opinions and do not change his or her mind on these opinions.
作者: 三塘木    时间: 2014-10-26 05:01
bobsun 发表于 2014-10-26 04:57
speaking test
口语01:A new policy bans people from speaking loudly or using cellphones laptops or  ...

作者: 三塘木    时间: 2014-10-26 06:09
up up 这时候国内26号差不多开始要准备考试了吧……
作者: ramsparta    时间: 2014-10-26 20:49

作者: 三塘木    时间: 2014-10-26 23:43
ramsparta 发表于 2014-10-26 20:49

作者: ramsparta    时间: 2014-10-26 23:53
作者: 三塘木    时间: 2014-10-27 00:03
ramsparta 发表于 2014-10-26 23:53

作者: ramsparta    时间: 2014-10-27 00:38

作者: 三塘木    时间: 2014-10-27 00:38
ramsparta 发表于 2014-10-27 00:38

作者: novaleilei    时间: 2014-10-27 12:32
作者: wjn312    时间: 2014-10-31 02:41

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