
标题: 求解逻辑题目一枚,复习复习好好地突然瞬间啥都看不懂了 [打印本页]

作者: 难看的任    时间: 2014-10-4 14:26
标题: 求解逻辑题目一枚,复习复习好好地突然瞬间啥都看不懂了
Juries in criminal trials do not base verdicts on uncorroborated testimony given by any one witness.Rightly so , because it is usually prudent to be highly skeptical of unsubstantiated claims made by anyone person.But then , to be consistent,juries should end an all-too-common practice :convicting defendants on the basis of an uncorroborated full confession.
Which of following, if ture , most strengthens the argument above?
A:Juries often acquit in cases in which a defendant retracts a full confession made before trial

B:The process of injury seletion is designed to screeen out people who have a firm opinion ablout the defendant's guilt in adance of the trial

C:defendants sometimes make full confession when they did in fact do what they are accused of doing and have come to believe that the prosecutor has compelling proof of this

D:Highly suggestible people who are accused of wrongdoing sometimes become so unsure of their own recollection of the past that they can come to accept the accusations made against them

E:Many people believe that juries should not convict defendants who have no made full confession答案是D求解释!

作者: lainemai    时间: 2014-10-6 10:13
Juries in criminal trials do not base verdicts on uncorroborated testimony given by any one witness.Rightly so , because it is usually prudent to be highly skeptical of unsubstantiated claims made by anyone person.But then , to be consistent,juries should end an all-too-common practice :convicting defendants on the basis of an uncorroborated full confession.

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