
标题: Prep 07 SC2 58关于比较对象 [打印本页]

作者: fjjozzl    时间: 2014-8-24 14:26
标题: Prep 07 SC2 58关于比较对象
If current trends continue, by theyear 2010 carbon emissions in the United States will soar to a
level more than one-third higher thanwere those in 1990, according to official projections.
(A) will soar to a level more thanone-third higher than were those
(B) will soar to a level more thanone-third higher than that
(C) would soar to a level more thanone-third higher than it was
(D) would soar to a level more thanone-third higher than those
(E) would soar to a level more thanone-third higher than they were
              答案是B,解释是that指代level,关于2010 level和1990level的比较
              想问如果是改成will soar to a level more than one-third higher than they did,they指carbon emmisions,did对应soar,这样的说法正确吗?thanks!

A.    复数those不能指代单数level,因此只能强制指代前句的复数主语emissions,那么,句子变成将
B.    正确。
C.    主语应该使用will,而不是would
D.    主语应该使用will,而不是would;复数those没有指代对象
E.    主语应该使用will,而不是would;复数they没有指代对象

作者: lainemai    时间: 2014-8-24 16:22
亲,你要明白soar是什么意思,是“猛增,飞增”的意思,如果你改成more than they did会出现两个问题,第一,they犯了指代不清的错误,你前面根本没有they所指代的对象,是人还是物?第二,did要是指代soar,那么你的意思是说它之前1990年也是飞涨的,但是原句指的是2010年比1990年增加的数量,并没有说明1990年也是涨的,就是说它实际是和1990年的排放量比的,所以你这样理解逻辑上会有问题。

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