标题: 咨询个小小的数学题目意思。。。。 [打印本页] 作者: 无聊蛋疼来学习 时间: 2014-8-20 04:32 标题: 咨询个小小的数学题目意思。。。。 A rainstorm increased the amount of water stored in State J reservoirs from 124 billion gallons to
138 billion gallons. Ifthe storm increased the amount of water in the reservoirs to 82 percent of total capacity, approximately how many billion gallons of water were the reservoirs short of total capacity prior to the storm?
这个是og 13 的第六题
还有一个og13 的112题
题目是 A certain characteristic in a large population has adistribution that is symmetric about the mean m. If68 percent of the distribution lies within one standarddeviation d of the mean, what percent of thedistribution is less than m + d?
这里的If 68 percent of the distribution lies within one standard deviation d of the mean是什么意思。。。我也没搞懂。。。