Well our profile seems excellent to start out! But to really answer you, I need a lot more information! Like:
- Your gender
- Your age
- The name of your university
- What you did at your work. How many promotions you have
- Detailed information about how much leadership and teamwork you have,
- Your best achievements
- Information about your extra curricular activities.
And so on,
Feel free to get back to me with all this information, and I’ll gladly answer your question.
All the best,
Jon作者: blackdancer 时间: 2014-11-4 16:32
刚刚在主贴更新了更多信息,请大家帮忙参谋参谋,谢谢!作者: cgw81 时间: 2014-11-4 22:47
太多学校了,挑3所申请差不多,例如MIT, Cornell和insead。学校位置其实问题不大,insead毕业也可以美国工作。英国不少同学就去了美国。不过当然本地学校career service比较好。另外还是那句,早一年毕业,成本低回报快。另外lz可以考虑EMBA的。作者: blackdancer 时间: 2014-11-5 00:32
emba问题是大都是part-time啊,看了几家都是隔几周上几天课的,这个只适合本土学生上。。。作者: tufarmer 时间: 2014-11-5 12:53
楼主好牛啊,大龄GMAT还能这么高作者: blackdancer 时间: 2014-11-5 16:06