
标题: 【and 和 as well不冗余???】关于prep213题的疑问 [打印本页]

作者: ashui042825    时间: 2014-8-12 15:55
标题: 【and 和 as well不冗余???】关于prep213题的疑问

PREP08 213
Shoppers in sportinggoods stores, unlike in department stores, do very little impulse shopping, notbuying a pair of skis and a boomerang when they come in for a basketball, butthey leave with a basketball only
A.    in department stores, do very little impulse shopping, not buying a pairof skis and a boomerang when they come in for a basketball, but they leave witha basketball only
B.    in department stores, shop impulsively very little; someone who comes infor a basketball will leave with a basketball only and not also buy a pair ofskis and a boomerang as well
C.    those in department stores, do very little impulse shopping, do not buya pair of skis and a boomerang when they come in for a basketball, but leavewith only a basketball
D.   those in departmentstores, do very little impulse shopping; someone who comes in for a basketballwill leave with a basketball only and not buy a pair of skis and a boomerang aswell  (D)
department stores, shop impulsively very little;someone will not buy a pair of skis and a boomerang when they come in for abasketball but will leave with only a basketball

ABE就不说了,D我看见了 and 和 as well在一起就直接去掉了。后来认真看了一下C选项是 do A, do B, but do C 以为可以,但是语法笔记说NO,而且对于D选项,语法笔记这样说:
correct;两个不同层次却有联系的句子用semicolon连接是最合适的。And…as well在此并不重复, as well修饰的是and后面的谓语动词buy(类似见prep 2-166补充说明中对but instead的说明);Onlyadj.修饰basketball

请可以帮我解释一下这个 as well究竟是修饰哪个嘛?是怎样的结构?

作者: littleshell    时间: 2014-8-12 16:02
作者: ayoyoyo    时间: 2014-8-12 17:02
C选项里,but之前要能独立成句,"do, do"不成句,只有"do, and do, but do"才是正确结构。这是"不可饶恕"的错误。


其次,在这个句子里面,as well删掉尽管不影响句意,and删掉就有问题了,所以两者作用并不完全等同。

更何况,意思上讲也没什么好重复的。and在这里的作用是连接两个句子, well表达“也不”的含义,并没什么重复。

作者: zoezhou95    时间: 2014-8-12 17:06
C选项的 do A, do B, but do C 确实是awkward。因为后面是but,表示转折而非并列。所以B前面的do就少了连词。  而且个人认为,这里买篮球相当于举个例子,C的表达显然不如D。


我查了“but instead”和元叔的GWD详解,也没有弄明白as well修饰buy还是boomerang,因为修buy的话,前面有not是否定,就不能用了吧?   修B又和and累赘了。   

Shoppers in in sporting goods stores, unlike those in department stores, do…;someone…
划线句前面出现unlike,而开头主语是shoppers,所以此处是不同shoppers的比较,所以ABE可以排除;另外,C选项句子精简后变成:do…, do not…, but…无法获知but是对do转折还是对do not转折,表意不清,也可以排除。
A.划线句前面出现unlike,而开头主语是shoppers,所以此处是不同shoppers的比较,而unlike后直接跟in department stores;
B.划线句前面出现unlike,而开头主语是shoppers,所以此处是不同shoppers的比较,而unlike后直接跟in department stores;
C.句子精简后变成:do…, do not…, but…无法获知but是对do转折还是对do not转折,表意不清;
E.划线句前面出现unlike,而开头主语是shoppers,所以此处是不同shoppers的比较,而unlike后直接跟in department stores。
Most automobile travel is local, and the networks of roads and streets in the country’s settled areas have changed little over the last twenty years. (from the CR section)
the distribution of blood in the sea snake changes little while the creature remains in the ocean (from the RC section)
3)as well的用法
I want money as well as fame;
I want money and fame too:
这里的话都是在说,我第一要钱,然后才是名誉。】  来自GWD详解

【but instead=but (windmaple: but后面接名词是不能有instead的,因为but是介词;但是如果but后面接动词就变成了连词,中间加副词instead没问题。例老prep SC1 73:Evolutionary psychology holds that the human mind is not a "blank slate" but instead comprises specialized mental mechanisms that were developed to solve specific problems human ancestors faced millions of years ago.)】    来自prep166的补充知识

作者: ashui042825    时间: 2014-8-12 21:40
ayoyoyo 发表于 2014-8-12 17:02
C选项里,but之前要能独立成句,"do, do"不成句,只有"do, and do, but do"才是正确结构。这是"不可饶恕"的 ...

嗯!是的~~那个do A, do B, but do C的句式越看就越不顺眼,就不纠结了~~
作者: ashui042825    时间: 2014-8-12 21:40
zoezhou95 发表于 2014-8-12 17:06
C选项的 do A, do B, but do C 确实是awkward。因为后面是but,表示转折而非并列。所以B前面的do就少了连词 ...

嗯!是的~~那个do A, do B, but do C的句式越看就越不顺眼,就不纠结了~~
作者: chantal891121    时间: 2014-8-13 00:26
楼主还可以通过语义来判别的,后面的not buying和leave only 都是补充说明的,和前面的do在句子中的重要性不是一个级别的,看A 用的not buying也能判别
作者: heidiym    时间: 2014-8-15 10:04
吃一堑长一智and as well不一定冲突吧~我记得有个解释说as well表示强调 但是我觉得这个强调在实战中有时候难操作了 你怎么知道想强调什么?很多解释都是马后炮反推的,我觉得不一定有操作性~但是以后碰到also, as well的不对的~个人理解 轻拍~!
作者: Sara.Z    时间: 2018-8-24 10:50
按照平行, “shoppers in sporting goods store”, 应该是 “those in department store”, 所以直接排除A.B.E. 然后C是 “do....., do......” 排除,最后剩下D。 而且D读起来是顺畅的,意思通。(SC用排除法来做快准狠)

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