
标题: [求助]以IT/互联网 Product Manager为职业方向,有哪些商学院选择? [打印本页]

作者: JullianW    时间: 2014-8-11 19:03
标题: [求助]以IT/互联网 Product Manager为职业方向,有哪些商学院选择?
LZ目前国内垂直领域No. 1 产品的产品经理,post-MBA后也确定会是以IT/互联网产品经理为方向(不排除该领域的Entrepreneur,如果到时想法足够成熟的话)。G和T都还没考,计划2016年左右申请,想先期了解一下可选学校。

毫无疑问,最高目标是Stanford GSB. 她一直是lz的dream school。但同时也想知道,除此之外还有其他好的选择吗?比如加州其他学校,UCLA?


作者: JullianW    时间: 2014-8-11 21:51
作者: Tiler    时间: 2014-8-12 09:08
貌似只有 amazon 才有机会招 post-mba 的产品经理吧。
作者: bigjoe    时间: 2014-8-12 09:42
GSB, Haas, UCLA, Ross, Kellogg, Duke, HBS, Wharton, CMU

作者: bigjoe    时间: 2014-8-12 09:43
Tiler 发表于 2014-8-12 09:08
貌似只有 amazon 才有机会招 post-mba 的产品经理吧。

作者: felix123    时间: 2014-8-12 10:00
bigjoe 发表于 2014-8-12 09:42
GSB, Haas, UCLA, Ross, Kellogg, Duke, HBS, Wharton, CMU

对于有PM经验的人来说,其实Top16都能拿到面试 ...

如果是IT业的sales/business development background但打算转做product manager/product marketing呢?
作者: Beaman    时间: 2014-8-12 10:42
Cornell Tech的 one year MBA,专注tech.
作者: bigjoe    时间: 2014-8-12 13:34
felix123 发表于 2014-8-12 10:00
如果是IT业的sales/business development background但打算转做product manager/product marketing呢? ...

作者: felix123    时间: 2014-8-12 14:45
bigjoe 发表于 2014-8-12 13:34

作者: bigjoe    时间: 2014-8-12 15:15
felix123 发表于 2014-8-12 14:45

作者: JullianW    时间: 2014-8-12 18:08
bigjoe 发表于 2014-8-12 09:42
GSB, Haas, UCLA, Ross, Kellogg, Duke, HBS, Wharton, CMU

对于有PM经验的人来说,其实Top16都能拿到面试 ...

作者: bigjoe    时间: 2014-8-13 00:43
JullianW 发表于 2014-8-12 18:08

不分先后 要分的话 当然是GSB,HBS,Wharton, Haas最高。
作者: grc0110    时间: 2014-8-13 10:58
不是很懂。product manager不需要mba啊,为什么要读。很多人做it的路线都是先去了google之类的西岸公司凭借自己的technical skills,然后半工半读去斯坦福。感觉楼主的路线是反其道而行之。
作者: bigshort    时间: 2014-8-13 13:24
GSB, HAAS, MIT, Kellogg.以上四家每年向湾曲送很多PM. 另外可以考虑Wharton的semester in SF. UCLA跟硅谷的关系没那么紧密,国人低估加州的纵向跨度扯的。当然UCLA place到硅谷其实也不算差
作者: fatmoe    时间: 2014-8-13 13:29
Beaman 发表于 2014-8-12 10:42
Cornell Tech的 one year MBA,专注tech.

作者: bigjoe    时间: 2014-8-14 02:28
grc0110 发表于 2014-8-13 10:58
不是很懂。product manager不需要mba啊,为什么要读。很多人做it的路线都是先去了google之类的西岸公司凭借 ...

作者: JonFrank    时间: 2014-8-17 19:39
Hello there my friend!
I like your goals, but I should tell you one thing: If you want to go to a school like Stanford you will have to take the GMAT. (or the GRE). In fact for any business program int he US, you will pretty much have to take both the GMAT and the TOEFL. So you may want to reconsider that idea of not taking the tests.

All the best,
作者: JullianW    时间: 2014-10-8 15:41
JonFrank 发表于 2014-8-17 19:39
Hello there my friend!
I like your goals, but I should tell you one thing: If you want to go to a sc ...

Hello Jon,

Of course I will take these tests. I'm just haven't take them, yet.

And any advice for me considering my background and goals?


作者: JullianW    时间: 2014-10-8 16:02
grc0110 发表于 2014-8-13 10:58
不是很懂。product manager不需要mba啊,为什么要读。很多人做it的路线都是先去了google之类的西岸公司凭借 ...

作者: fairysmile0611    时间: 2014-10-9 20:42
bigjoe 发表于 2014-8-12 09:42
GSB, Haas, UCLA, Ross, Kellogg, Duke, HBS, Wharton, CMU

对于有PM经验的人来说,其实Top16都能拿到面试 ...


作者: JonFrank    时间: 2014-10-14 20:44
JullianW 发表于 2014-10-8 15:41
Hello Jon,

Of course I will take these tests. I'm just haven't take them, yet.

Dear Jullian,
Thanks for writing back. Soooo, I can’t really evaluate your chances without a LOT more information about you. Like, where do you work? What have you done at work? How old are you? Male or female?  What university did you graduate from? With what grades? And what diploma? Do you have any extra curricular activities? Or any volunteer work? All of these will affect your application, so get back to me, and I will do my best to help you out!

Anyhow, it will be basically impossible to evaluate you without a TOELF and a GMAT since they are SUCH important parts of the application. And WHERE you can go, will depend on how good those score are!
All the best,

作者: bigjoe    时间: 2014-10-18 14:58
fairysmile0611 发表于 2014-10-9 20:42

作者: fairysmile0611    时间: 2014-10-18 21:48
bigjoe 发表于 2014-10-18 14:58

比如engineering学科出身 非Computer   或者  技术公司的Marketing   算技术背景吗?

作者: johnnymu123    时间: 2014-10-18 21:59
IT 技术背景
作者: bigjoe    时间: 2014-10-21 14:59
fairysmile0611 发表于 2014-10-18 21:48
比如engineering学科出身 非Computer   或者  技术公司的Marketing   算技术背景 ...

微软的话,MBA招过去虽然叫Product Manager但是偏Marketing,不需要技术背景,但严格上来说不算是真正意义上的PM。

作者: fairysmile0611    时间: 2014-10-21 18:23
作者: Ericli9    时间: 2014-11-19 23:15
1. 硅谷产品经理并不必需MBA学位。
2. 硅谷存在“歧视”MBA的现象
3. 硅谷很看重产品经理的CS背景。
少数大公司倾向于录取有MBA学位,技术背景的应聘者,比如亚马逊。我去他家招聘网站看过,几乎所有非技术岗都prefer MBA,这也是到了跟“歧视MBA”相反的另一个极端。

作者: littlelazy    时间: 2014-11-21 09:27
Ericli9 发表于 2014-11-19 23:15
楼主碰巧跟我有同样的困惑啊。不知道几个月过去了,楼主思考的怎么样。我把我的看法说一下。在中国,产品经 ...



但是不能否认,如果有技术背景+mba,的确是优势大大增加。无技术mba,也不是没有用武之地。拿我目前工作的硅谷startup来说(我觉得这个组织架构应该很多初创公司共有吧),人员主要氛围两大组:工程师和非工程师。工程师都是cs出身,前任公司基本有谷歌微软等;非工程师就是管理层和business development,除了管理层外,bd的几个人全部是mba学位(有非cs的技术背景,有非技术背景,或者是商学院本科)。



作者: littlelazy    时间: 2014-11-21 09:33
littlelazy 发表于 2014-11-21 09:27
这个文章我有同感。硅谷的确是工程师驱动文化,说得不好听有点歧视mba的意思。工程师之间也不明白招mba会 ...

哦还补充一个:初创公司鄙视mba吧,跟创投天然对立不无关系。mba们侵淫业界,混投行咨询,最后跑vc去手持重金拿个term sheet和初创谈判,看谁笑到最后吧。(当然创投谁更牛逼因国家而异)
作者: bigjoe    时间: 2014-11-24 06:09
美国科技行业,初级的MBA (比如刚毕业的)的确是混迹于大公司的多,Start Up很少招初级的MBA
作者: littlelazy    时间: 2014-11-24 16:11

from this post:

A back-of-the-envelope analysis

I think I understand why Silicon Valley tech start-up types are leery of MBA-toting consultants. I gather that many of the former often think that the latter are some combination of:
Money-hungry; driven by the "wrong" things
Superficial / shallow; entitled (they feel entitled to receiving lots of pay, lots of respect, lots of cushiony treatment, that sort of thing)
Smart only in a dirty, "corporate" way, not in an honest way
Fluffy: capable of turning out pretty slide decks with zero content; good at talking game, poor at execution

I have met consultants who are like this, yes, but I've met people who don't have MBAs and weren't ever consultants and who are like this. One could argue that more consultants are like this than non-consultants are, but I'm betting there's a confirmation bias embedded there. And how we love putting down people who lack our skills, and downplaying the skills they have that we don't have.

Let's look at stereotypes of Silicon Valley start-up types.
Former engineers. Coding geeks. Super-tech-savvy. Mostly male.
Convinced that their idea is going to change the world, even though no one else thinks it is.
The flipside of these things? Think back to high school. These qualities were associated with socially isolated kids who didn't really have great social skills, who didn't know how to interact with a lot of people, who had very deep and narrow expertise... and a host of other, even more unkind things.

But just as it would be both insulting and misguided to think that a Silicon Valley entrepreneur is trying enact his version of geek-revenge, it is insulting and misguided to dismiss anyone based on stereotypes.

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