1. 作文: it is not financially wise for people to quit a stable office job to be self-employed and working at home. Three reasons are listed 1) people who work at home faces a lot of distractions (like TV, food, etc); 2) people who work at home don't have set schedules, this make them procrastinating and canot improve their productivity; 3) people who work at home tend to isolate themselves. this is not good for social and professionally development. So it is bad for people to get long term earning if they work at home.
1) 一个这些图,说是一个公司 再不同年份的 revenue, two lines, red is undjusted, blue is adusted. 问题是哪两个年份之间增加的最快 ,然后一个是问最近一个年份的增加是最快 还是最慢,还是不快也不慢。
2) 小孩和大人那个题,什么10岁 和 29岁 ,选项 8和32
3)大文章 ,是说 公司 的 supply chain 第一个排名,用了 几个 metrics, such as cost effiency, environment stuff, resilence (whether it can recover quickly after a natural disaster). 给了5个公司,如果某一项排那个公司 排第一,就说这个公司 specialize in that metric. 说公司不能一个第一也没有,也不能只有一个第一 (over specialize). 因为太 overspecialize 就很 vulnerable to changes. 然后就是表格,ABCDE排名,我记得很清楚,A一个第一都没有,剩下的有的只有一个第一,有的有两个第一 。
6)一个bar graph,很轴不同年份好像,纵轴是公司的工资,然后每个年份都有三个bar,最高得是mean, 中间的是median,最后一个是 mode. 但是一年和一年的不一样,最后问题我是在忘记了,是说 什么 be sure lower than what precent bla bla bla.两个空在一个句子里面。这个题 我彻底不会做,不好意思
2)第一篇是说火星travel.说射线对人体的危害其实只有大家想想的一半。然后一堆人做实验,用什么transmitter发现protons with lower speed damage people more than protons with higher speed. maybe because if the proton speed is low, it will stay in your body longer. they also did experiments using different organs (肺和心脏),然后 又说,这也不能说明就没有危害,所以大家宇宙穿行还是要带药,因为药能抑制那些变异细胞的分裂。。。