When it comes to _____(换句话把题目说一遍), many may argue it appears justifiable since ________(给一个反方观点). However, this belief apparently ignores that _______ and ________(给2个反方理由的漏洞,这个也是第二段和三段要分别展开陈述的sub-subjects ), Thus it is fair to conclude that _________(你的观点)
Undeniablely, it is widely recognized that________(把首段提到 一个反方理由的漏洞 反过来 说一遍------也就是你的观点的第一个分论点).Specifically speaking, it means______________ becasue _________(进一步解释一下你的分论点-----注意要specify 要具体陈述一下 加上 理由 这样更convincing ).This point can be aptly illustrated by the latest poll conducted by the XinHua News Agency which is geared towards __________(看你需要什么样的支撑论据 自己往里填). In this survey, XX% correspondants claims that _________(借用群众的声音来支撑你的论点) since ________(并且陈述理由 更加convincing ). And therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that _____________________(论点再换种方式说一遍)
More importantly,_________(把首段提到 的 第二个 反方理由的漏洞 反过来 说一遍------也就是 你的第二个sub-subject). If___________(假如这个论点不成立), it would undoubtedly invite_______(不好的后果). For example,__________(举个例子); In order words, as only as ________(你的论点), this problem can be effectively solved. As a result, we should put a preminum on _______(要支撑论点).
To sum up, we should examine this issue beyond its surface valune to root its cause. Only in this way, can we _______more thoroughly (解决什么问题 或者达到什么目的..用比较句 是 对反面观点的比较,其次 也不想显得太绝对 只是比较程度上的好而已 当然也可以 结尾前 写个 让步段 取决于具体的情况 通常 我一般都是一边倒 自认为思维一条线的老美喜欢观点鲜明的文章 不想绕他们) since, on one hand, it _______(把第一个分论点 换句话说) , meanwhile, it _______(把第二个分论点 换句换句话说). In short, it is truly worthwhile to put forth efforts to ________(把你的总观点 换句话说)