
标题: LSAT-9-1-15 [打印本页]

作者: Dennies    时间: 2005-1-28 18:33
标题: LSAT-9-1-15

Economist: Some policymakers believe that our country’s continued economic growth requires a higher level of personal savings than we currently have. A recent legislative proposal would allow individuals to set up savings accounts in which interest earned would be exempt from taxes until money is withdrawn from the account. Backers of this proposal claim that its implementation would increase the amount of money available for banks to loan at a relatively small cost to the government in lost tax revenues. Yet, when similar tax-incentive programs were tried in the past, virtually all of the money invested through them was diverted from other personal savings, and the overall level of personal savings was unchanged.

15.   The author criticizes the proposed tax-incentive program by

(A) challenging a premise on which the proposal is based

(B) pointing out a disagreement among policymakers

(C) demonstrating that the proposal’s implementation is not feasible

(D) questioning the judgment of the proposal’s backers by citing past cases in which they had advocated programs that have proved ineffectiveA

(E) disputing the assumption that a program to encourage personal savings is needed

FRIENDS :WHERE is the "premise"as mentioned in answer A?Why can i choose D?

作者: lawyer_1    时间: 2005-1-29 11:38

该题的难点在于原文的结构较复杂。大意为:某些政策制定者认为要经济持续发展,必要条件是较高的PERSONAL SAVINGS。立法建议存款利息免税(tax-incentive)(目的是保持经济持续发展)。支持者认为它的好处是。。。但是,过去的经验证明该措施不能使Personal saving增大(即必要条件不满足)。

正是由于该program不能使Personal savings增大,而personal savings是经济发展的必要条件,才导致该计划难以达到预期目的---使经济保持发展。作者是通过驳斥该措施的前提(Personal savings)达到驳斥该Program。


作者: hedonism555    时间: 2005-1-31 01:06

premise, under the tax incentive, more money will be deposited overall in a nationwide sense.  ( this aim is not reached since money of new account is from old account, then not overall increase in deposit appears)

D the critical flaw in it is "ineffective" .  In fact, the past programs are effective in drawing money to create new deposite accounts, its functional aim.  

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-31 11:36:04编辑过]

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