
标题: 帮朋友问几个句子的意思 [打印本页]

作者: agathagu    时间: 2003-7-22 22:53
标题: 帮朋友问几个句子的意思
1.W:That Amanda has quite a heart.Doesn't she ever let others pick up the check for her for a change(给现金找零?)?
M:Well,her parents are quite loaded and it doesn't really bother her.

2.W:I'm not sure that the new Student Union Building is all its cracked up to be.
M:Oh, I couldn't agree with u less(非常同意的说?).You should see what they're planning to add next month.

4.W:Isn't this park simply out of this world.
M:Oh, I wouldn't argue with u about that(非常同意的说?),this lake is something  else. I just wish my cold hadn't decided to come along as well.

5.W:It looks as if some people are getting cold feet about our school fee protest. U're not one of them,are u?
M;No way...count me in. I'm in for the distance.

作者: 困难是弹簧    时间: 2003-7-23 12:43

pick up the check for her=替她付账

I couldn't agree with u less=完全不同意

作者: yongchou    时间: 2003-7-23 13:17
1) "for a change"---換換角色(老是她付錢)

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