1、降雨量问题,一个世界地图,地图上不同的洲有柱子,柱子显示的是每个洲的总降雨量和其中run off 与evaperate 蒸发的比例。
一个问题问的是蒸发最少的是? 答案应该是大洋洲
一个问题问的是欧洲和亚洲加总起来,run off 的比例是多少 答案记不起来,但是不用死算,亚洲的总雨量是欧洲的四倍,亚洲的比例*4+欧洲的比例/5 就好了
A需要一些条件:比如需要在shade下,not closer than 4 times of obstacle,等等
B需要一些条件:比如,最好在grove tree, 远离(这里有个数字100或者40忘记了)pave,wide opening area等等
这题有可能选错了, 写出来提醒大家注意看在说什么,注意看条件。第一遍看不知道她要说什么,所以做得乱七八糟
3、一个小学中有体育老师测量小朋友的跑步受什么因素的影响,这些因素可能有跑步鞋啦,风速(>3m/s 还是≤3m/s)啦,是否在学校的track上跑啊,等等。然后做了实验,发现了,小朋友当穿上跑步鞋和风速<3m/s的时候跑得快(说这两个因素和跑步的能力成正比关系)。但是老师假设说,只有风速有影响,跑步鞋没影响。
有几个选项 A、没有(?)穿跑步鞋在学校操场上,风速<3m/s的情况下跑; D、穿跑步鞋在风速<3m/s的情况下跑 E、穿跑步鞋在风速>3M/S的情况下跑
4、某个地方淘金,人们用一些可以当做农具的东西来淘金 最后选的,貌似,淘金的东西也可以农用的,不用用special tool
1、工厂需要生产更多的东西production,但是现有的人力不够,两种解决办法**让现有的工人加班,但是加班费是正常工资的1.5倍 **招收新工人,但是新工人手生,没有现有工人的效率高 问从上面所说的能推出什么
2、公司采用new technology会导致工人loss job,这对于local是不利的。但是新技术能够降低production 的price,并吸引临近地区的消费,这对于local却是有益的。
答案,我不确定呀,很不确定呀(但是我觉得这个段落应该还是倾向于benefit的吧) 好像是local会支持new technology什么的,或者technology benefit什么的
3、和我昨天做的一道GWD挺像的感觉。但是题目没搞懂,大概是发现在某个地区10000前有个什么东西,然后说这个东西和另一地区的什么东西很像,但是这个地区没有modern people,其他人在某个时段也不可能有途径到这里,最后总结是是10000年之前有人来到这个地区……很乱,我选的C。附上GWD类似题目:GWD-11-Q41 我觉得类似吧,其实自己没弄清楚,随便选了一个看起来像正确答案的
Charcoal from a hearth site in Colorado, 2,000 miles south of Alaska, is known to be 11,200 years old. Researchers reasoned that, since glaciers prevented human migration south from the Alaska-Siberia land bridge between 18,000 and 11,000 years ago, humans must have come to the Americas more than 18,000 years ago.
Which of the following pieces of new evidence would cast doubt on the conclusion drawn above?
A. Using new radiocarbon dating techniques, it was determined that the charcoal from the Colorado site was at least 11,400 years old.
B. Another campsite was found in New Mexico with remains dated at 16,000 years old.
C. A computer simulation of glacial activity showed that it would already have been impossible for humans to travel south overland from Alaska 18,500 years ago.
D. Using new radiocarbon dating techniques, it was proved that an ice-free corridor allowed passage south from the Alaska-Siberia land bridge at least 11,400 years ago.
E. Studies of various other hunting-gathering populations showed convincingly that, once the glaciers allowed passage, humans could have migrated from Alaska to Colorado in about 20 years.
可是为什么我试了一下觉得条件(1)是可以的呀..不是说X>Y+1么~谢谢楼主啦~作者: joannaqly 时间: 2014-7-8 19:41
up ~~ 作者: handsome1013 时间: 2014-7-8 19:44
好人~~~~~~作者: truedream1 时间: 2014-7-8 19:45
谢谢!!!!!!作者: ciciwenwen 时间: 2014-7-8 19:57
Charcoal from a hearth site in Colorado, 2,000 miles south of Alaska, is known to be 11,200 years old. Researchers reasoned that, since glaciers prevented human migration south from the Alaska-Siberia land bridge between 18,000 and 11,000 years ago, humans must have come to the Americas more than 18,000 years ago.
Which of the following pieces of new evidence would cast doubt on the conclusion drawn above?
A. Using new radiocarbon dating techniques, it was determined that the charcoal from the Colorado site was at least 11,400 years old.
B. Another campsite was found in New Mexico with remains dated at 16,000 years old.
C. A computer simulation of glacial activity showed that it would already have been impossible for humans to travel south overland from Alaska 18,500 years ago.
D. Using new radiocarbon dating techniques, it was proved that an ice-free corridor allowed passage south from the Alaska-Siberia land bridge at least 11,400 years ago.
E. Studies of various other hunting-gathering populations showed convincingly that, once the glaciers allowed passage, humans could have migrated from Alaska to Colorado in about 20 years.