标题: 因果模式推理的两个CQ的问题 [打印本页] 作者: 便签小祺 时间: 2014-7-4 11:01 标题: 因果模式推理的两个CQ的问题 题目:
Citizens of Parktown are worried by the increased frequency of serious crimes committed by local teenagers. In response, the city government has instituted a series of measures designed to keep teenagers at home in the late evening. Even if the measures succeed in keeping teenagers at home, however, they are unlikely to affect the problem that concerns citizens, since most crimes committed by local teenagers take place between 3p.m and 6 p.m
答案是;B The crimes committed by teenagers in the afternoon are mostly small thefts and inconsequential vandalism.
哪位NN可以帮忙解释一下这两个CQ有什么区别么? 作者: 未来你听见了吗 时间: 2014-7-4 20:07
我觉得lz对于CQ的理解没错,只是放入这个题的时候出现问题了,因为忽略了serious crimes和most crimes的区别了。
个人还是支持笔记的说法,B说的是3-6pm发生的不是serious事件,而原文说serious crimes cause concerns,B这么一解释割断了因果联系,因为非严重犯罪没有造成担忧。同样按照笔记上说的,CQ2是前提+选项不一定推出结果,放到这个题是3-6点犯罪多+不是严重犯罪-->能否推出市民担心的严重犯罪问题呢?这好像解释不通...
这里我也有个疑问,因为按照我的想法和笔记的因果还是有些出入的,我把严重犯罪也放入了因中,这样才能解释楼主的问题,但是应该把什么样的原因放入因果关系中还是很疑惑...研究笔记的时间不长,有牛牛能回答我的疑问不胜感激~~~作者: 旺财财 时间: 2014-7-4 22:38
B The crimes committed by teenagers in the afternoon are mostly small thefts and inconsequential vandalism.作者: 便签小祺 时间: 2014-7-6 18:03