
标题: OG13 SC 17:sunspots的题 求助 [打印本页]

作者: heidiym    时间: 2014-6-29 10:46
标题: OG13 SC 17:sunspots的题 求助
17. Sunspots, vorticesof gas associated with strong electromagnetic activity, are visible asdark spots on the surface of the Sun but have never been sighted on theSun’spoles or equator.
(A) are visible as dark spots on the surface of the Sun but have never been sighted on
(B) are visible as dark spots that never have been sighted on the surface of the Sun
(C) appear on the surface of the Sun as dark spots although never sighted at
(D) appear as dark spots on the surface of the Sun,although never having been sighted at
(E) appear as dark spots on the Sun’s surface, which have never been sighted on

1:OG的解释说visible和past participle:sighted平行 但是past participle在曼哈顿里不是说是做形容词性质的嘛?这里面就是组成被动的形式吧,为什么就平行了呢?
3. 为什么没有人讨论是用at poles还是on poles呢?两个都可以嘛?
4. OG是although后面要加句子,但是ron说不一定的,比如james,although bigger than many of the other players, is one of the fastest men on the team。所以以后碰到although到底要怎么办呢?
5. 我不是很明白D选项除了although后面应该接句子 别的还有什么问题嘛?比如never having been sighted有什么问题吗?可以按时逻辑主语就是sunspots嘛?

关于although,but语义的不同我是理解的 只是还有这些小点在困扰着我

作者: DUKB24    时间: 2014-6-29 12:57

meaning;modifier vs. independent clause;
A.        正确;are和have never been sighted平行,并且clearly 显示出了contrast
B.        that限定修饰dark spots完全扭曲句意;划线部分与未划线部分完全没有衔接,不符合语法规则
C.        although的出现把两个main clause变成一个主句一个状语从句;原句中强调的but后面的句子,就是太阳黑子在赤道不能被看见;C选项强调的是太阳黑子出现在surface这个部分,意思上有差别;although从句省略主谓,只能省略be一类的词;have been sighted这类词不能被省略
D.        although用法同C;having been sighted直接让although从句变成了一个fragment,没有main verb
E.        which跳跃修饰dark spots;没有转折词,完全改变原句意思

•        A选项中表达出了两层意思:1. Sunspots are visible(on the surface of the Sun) 2. They cannot be seen (at the poles or the equator)
•        在B选项中visible as dark as spots that never have been sighted(这里想要表达的意思是:spots are both visible and have never been sighted;这两者不可能同时为真 → 逻辑错误)

although vs. but
•        “but” 是一个并列连接词(coordinating conjunction;跟and,yet一样);这一类结构需要句子的前后两个部分都保持平行结构
•        even though 后面一定要加句子
•        although后面可以加句子,也可以加形容词或形容词性的短语,如:James, although bigger than many of the other players, is one of the fastest men on the team.

作者: heidiym    时间: 2014-6-29 21:21
DUKB24 发表于 2014-6-29 12:57

meaning;modifier vs. independent clause;

谢谢!我也是看了千行明白了很多!不过还是想问一下D里面appear as dark spots on the surface of the Sun,although never having been sighted at中although后面的那句话是什么成分呢?never having been sighted这个Present participle该怎么理解是做什么性质呢?为什么我感觉是形容词性质修饰sunspots就是主句主语呢?谢谢~
作者: DUKB24    时间: 2014-6-29 23:01
heidiym 发表于 2014-6-29 21:21
谢谢!我也是看了千行明白了很多!不过还是想问一下D里面appear as dark spots on the surface of the Su ...

作者: heidiym    时间: 2014-6-30 00:50
DUKB24 发表于 2014-6-29 23:01

作者: firexxfire    时间: 2020-3-21 16:13
DUKB24 发表于 2014-6-29 12:57

meaning;modifier vs. independent clause;


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