
标题: 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆---Day20的备考倒计时 [打印本页]

作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-6-24 18:36
标题: 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆---Day20的备考倒计时


作者: wfywfywfy    时间: 2014-6-24 19:02
雄伟的计划 楼主加油
作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-6-24 21:07

二、adj+n 和n to be adj的区别问题:
1、adj n这里adj是N的本质特性类,所以警惕v的分词形式在此充当主语的情况。要看v会不会有歧义。
2、n to be adj是n被赋予了adj的属性。such as human efforts/actions/interference/perception/etc
for instance, the following sentence is preferred:
henry bishop was the first musician to be knighted by a british monarch. --> knighting is performed by humans
the following is NOT preferred:
henry bishop was the first knighted musician in britain. --> this makes it seem as though being 'knighted' is an inherent quality with which henry bishop was born, or that he acquired it naturally/accidentally in some other way
(1). the antecedent must exist
(2). A pronoun and its antecedent must agree in numbe
A recent review of pay scales indicates that CEO’s now earn an average of 419 times more pay thanblue-collar workers, compared to a ratio of 42 times in 1980.

"42 times" is followed by "their pay" and thus well-defined.
"the ratio" clearly refers to the preceding ratio "42 times" (Here the structure is appositive)
the best reason i can give - actually the second-best reason, after 'because they said so' - is because of the EXTREMELY strong logical parallelism between '42 times their pay' and '419 times the pay of blue-collar workers'.  that absolute parallelism compels the pronoun and antecedent to be parallel as well.               
42 times their pay
419 times the pay of blue-collar workers'

Research during the past several decades on the nature of language and the processes that produce and make it understandable has revealed great complexity instead of underlying simplicity.
(A) that produce and make it understandable has revealed great complexity instead of underlying simplicity
(B) of producing and understanding it have revealed not underlying simplicity but great complexity
(C) by which it is produced and understood has revealed not underlying simplicity but great complexity
(D) by which it is produced and understood have revealed great complexity rather than underlying simplicity
(E) by which one produces and understands it have revealed great complexity instead of underlying simplicity
Split #1. "the processes that produce ..."  VS.  "the processes by which it is produced ..."

Split #1. "the processes that produce ..."  VS.  "the processes by which it is produced ..."

(1) "the processes that produce ..." is logically sound

Ask yourself: does it make sense to say "the processes produce the language" and "the processes make it understandable"?

Well, I ask this question because this question is important to consider. Only if the answer is "yes", the usage of "the processes that produce ..." is justified.
An example from Ron:
INCORRECT: The restaurant that we ate last Friday was crowded.   
(This sentence literally says that "we ate the restaurant" -oh my gosh!!!!)
CORRECT: The restaurant at which we ate last Friday was crowded.

I mentioned the above example because I want to say: when we use essential noun modifier "something that bla bla", we should make sure it is EITHER:
(a) "something" is the subject or object of the "that clause"

(b) "something" is this kind of words: finding, opinion, belief, suggestion, etc. and "that bla bla" is to explain "something" in a clause.                    --However, this situation does not apply here.

So, back to this question, the answer is "yes".
"the processes" can be the subject.    i.e. we can say "the processes produce the language"
Therefore, the usage in A is justified.

(2) potential ambiguity in "the processes by which it is produced"

Consider the following two sentences. Does each of these two sentences make logical sense?
(a) Ancient Chinese produced the language by this process.
(b) This process produced the language.

As we discussed above, (b) makes logical sense.
Look at (a). It also makes sense, right? Using some process, people can produce a language.

So what I mean is:
if you, as a reader, see a sentence written as "the processes by which the language is produced", you may have two logically sound interpretations:
(a) some people (or nationality or whatever) produced the language by the processes
(b) the processes produced the language
So you CANNOT tell who/what produced the language!

--Let me extend beyond this question.
I hear a lot of people say "GMAT prefers active voice to passive voice". Even a GMAT instructor says this in explaining this question. (
But I want to say: BE CAREFUL!!! Do not AUTOMATICALLY choose the active voice answer choice.
We should understand WHY the particular voice is preferred in the GIVEN situation.
This example illustrates the potential ambiguity embedded in the passive voice. In fact, MGMAT SC Guide has a wonderful example:
INCORRECT: The dealer was asked to sell a painting by Picasso.
Is it "a painting by Picasso" or "the dealer was asked by Picasso"? Ambiguous!
If you change the sentence to active voice, saying "The boss asked the dealer to sell a painting by Picasso." then the ambiguity issue is perfectly resolved.
See? Same logic applies here. "the processes by which it is produced" is ambiguous.
作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-6-26 00:00
今天就是背单词800+ 按照bat的方法整理千行笔记,收获很大!才整理完一半,明天誓必拿下剩下。然后按topic再归类一次。

1、A's B表达的是A拥有B。这一点跟B of A区别就很大了!
那道经典的festival' month和 month of festival终于弄明白了,泪。
3、主句用了一般现在时,句子里依然可以had been!再次打碎以前背的各种原则。
作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-6-27 00:23
2、复合句,多用尽量grammatically parallel原则 ==》 effectively and clear。句子强调谁,那么那个词在句子里放到同一个位置去!唯一例外的只有一题,原因是受限于动词的施与受。就是法国和德国石油那题。
修饰成分传达的多半是CR里的:原因、结果、目的,真的再没更复杂。逻辑意思决定采用什么语法结构去修饰最effectively和 clear!牢记:why 决定how。再次豁然开朗…
作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-6-27 23:26

2、复合句。表达对比、转折、因果三大类。强调了grammatically correct的原则。所有两个分句里要强调的逻辑关键词,要尽量放到等同的句子成分中去,才能最effectively地体现其关系和句意。



作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-6-28 23:59


In the year following an eight-centincrease in the federal tax on a pack of cigarettes, sales of cigarettes fellten percent.  In contrast, in the yearprior to the tax increase, sales had fallen one percent.  The volume of cigarette sales is thereforestrongly related to the after-tax price of a pack of cigarettes.

The argument above requires which offollowing assumptions?

tax上涨8分钱, 销量下滑了10%

assumption= 销量下滑与tax无关的情况不存在;  tax一定能影响销量


作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-6-30 23:28
周一:单词、阅读小分队、GWD第四套、6月数学寂静20题,刷OG RC认证订了2篇。找到了节奏,但是量太小。明天要把剩余22篇全部订完,按大小逻辑、作者语气、可能的出题点这三个内容突破。立此为据,必须完成!

GWD4:After several years of rapid growth, the healthy care company became one of the largest health care providers in the metropolitan area, but then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in paying
OG12-89.  Dirt roads may evoke the bucolic simplicith of another century, but financially strained townships point out that dirt roads cost twice as much to maintain as paved roads do.
35.   In laboratory rats, a low dose of aspirin usually suffices to block production of thromboxane, a substance that promotes blood clotting, but does not seriously interfere with the production of prostacyclin, which prevents clotting.
31.  Even though many of her colleagues were convinced that genes were relatively simple and static, Brabara McClintock adhered to her own more complicated ideas about how genes might operate, and in 1983,at the age of 81, was awarded a Nobel Prize for her discovery that the genes in corn are capable of moving from one chromosomal site to another.   
111. Construction of the Roman Colosseum, which was officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, began in A.D.69, during the reign of Vespasian, and was completed the Colosseum with a one-hundred-day cycle of religious pageants, gladitorial games, and spectacles.

4、因果:because,for(比较简单关联的因果),in that(非常正式)
thus, therefore, thereby, hence, namely, accordingly, then
perhaps, nonetheless


4、今天百词斩第二遍也背完了,开始刷张红岩的红宝书+扇贝了。计划扇贝刷完开始看word smart。不知道考前能不能看完word smart,但是坚持背单词当空气和早餐一样日常的习惯下去!
作者: 小蘑菇开始打怪    时间: 2014-7-1 19:39
作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-7-1 20:24
小蘑菇开始打怪 发表于 2014-7-1 19:39

刷RC刷的好辛苦T^T 今天效率不行
作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-7-2 00:06
DAY26  今天背扇贝单词、张红岩;阅读小分队、OG12 RC 5篇、6月数学寂静20题


3、may must might could should 这样的语气词一定不能漏,有时候甚至决定了文章的main idea到底是讲methodology还是仅仅在discuss。 第九篇那个没有统一词典的文章。

明天还有15篇,刷挂了也要刷完。no excuse。
作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-7-2 23:50
DAY27 阅读小分队、6月数学寂静20题、RC 剩下的部分终于刷完了。

抓紧回顾一下RC 就去睡觉

5、读清晰文章的大结构,总分总还是分分总,还是分总分。曼哈顿有句话经典:不读到main idea出现,不要略读!

作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-7-3 21:57
DAY28  今天用模考软件测试了GWD第五套,错了5题。其中4题都是RC,1题CR。
明天:开始练AWA,每日一篇。OG verbal分册每日4篇培养RC感觉并总结。继续背单词。

1  big picture的思路贯穿了整个GAMT,所有语文的题型都适用。把句子改错,段落解析,再到文章解析,都当成CR的一次思维过程。
2  以前语文阅读题,题目里总说“联系上下文,回答一下问题”——这个“联系上下文”真是同样适用于RC。一个论点不会跟它前后的语句走得太远,要摆脱英文阅读的障碍感,哪怕回读一样定位上下文关键词。多练。再练。

作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-7-5 23:43
作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-7-6 11:48
倒计时 DAY10
今天模考了GWD第八套,CR错一题 面粉和肝癌的题。第二编读,马上反应过来正确答案了。反映出来考试时,一定要冷静客观抽离,不是不会做。逻辑链找到了,那么选项一定要读懂,要有耐心。
RC很均匀的4篇每一篇错1题……  文章都不难,努力去感受整篇的作者态度,所有的线索都在原文里,要有信心。有一题是因为模考没标记出来指示的文段是哪个,瞎蒙错了。

作者: bright1798    时间: 2014-7-6 23:05
作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-7-6 23:20
bright1798 发表于 2014-7-6 23:05

作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-7-7 12:37

SC……我拿什么让你崩溃我。本来最熟练最开始练的部分,突然爆错。= = 今天必须冲刷一次prep12练回题感,再总结,补知识漏洞。弱智错误不能犯。

The Earth’s rivers constantly carry dissolved salts into its oceans.  constantly是background的关键,就像数学里交代了物体是在做匀速运动一样,否则整个题目计算不成立。数学果然也是逻辑啊。

Recently published research has shown that certain identifiable climatic conditions are almost invariably followed, within two to five months, by an outbreak of Rift Valley fever.
understand the phrase---- certain identifiable可以确认的 climatic conditions. It means that the vaccine condition are not gonna change at all. Then the farmers will buy it to prevent in the future!
作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-7-8 14:25
DAY8 倒计时

1- The recent decline in the value of the dollar was triggered by a prediction of slower economic growth in the coming year.  But that prediction would not have adversely affected the dollar had it not been for the government's huge budget deficit, which must therefore be decreased to prevent future currency declines.
逻辑链不难,难的反而在这句话的理解。这是一个对去过的虚拟句+倒装句结构===》翻译过来就是,deficit→prediction→currency declines

Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the conclusion about how to prevent future currency declines?

(A) The government has made little attempt to reduce the budget deficit.
(B) The budget deficit has not caused a slowdown in economic growth.
(C) The value of the dollar declined several times in the year prior to the recent prediction of slower economic growth.
(D) Before there was a large budget deficit, predictions of slower economic growth frequently caused declines in the dollar's value.
(E) When there is a large budget deficit, other events in addition to predictions of slower economic growth sometimes trigger declines in currency value.

2-Those skeptical of the extent of global warming argue that short-term temperature data are an inadequate means of predicting long-term trends and point out that the scientific community remains divided  over whether significant warming will occur and what impact it would have.   看清and连接了谁和谁平行

3-Greatly influenced by the Protestant missionary Samuel Kirkland, the Oneida alone among the five nations of the Iroquois League sided with the colonists during the American Revolution.  歧义究竟怎么样才叫避免了?
对比看错误的选项:Greatly influenced by the Protestant missionary Samuel Kirkland, the Oneida was the only one of the five-nation Iroquois League who sided with the colonists during the American Revolution.  who的指代错误!有歧义。

4-Unlike crested wheatgrass, an alien species from Siberia that forms only shallow roots and produces tall above-ground shoots, native North American grasses develop an extensive root system, allowing for greater enrichment of the soil, but do not grow to be very tall.

作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-7-9 15:03
DAY7  早上模考了prep的verbal,sc终于上来了,cr很一般很一般。结果RC怎么又滑铁卢了?淡定淡定。

回顾:1、sc错的是一道修饰语语序的问题。这一点却是native Speaker有优势,但是neglect的方法来帮助我们排除答案是可以的。
Initiated on Columbus Day 1992,five centuries after Europeans arrived in the New World,Project SETI pledged a $100 million investment in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
时间状语on c day 和 500年,要注意是=关系,不是修饰关系


Tigersharks are common in the waters surrounding Tenare Island.  Usually tiger sharks feed on smaller sharks,but sometimes they have attacked tourists swimming and surfing at Tenare'sbeaches.  This has hurt Tenare's tourismindustry, which is second only to its fishing industry in annual revenues.  In order to help the economy, therefore, themayor of the island has proposed an ongoing program to kill any tiger sharkswithin a mile of the beaches.
Whichof the following, if true, most strongly calls into question the likelihoodthat implementation of the mayor's proposal will have the desired consequence?
(A)Even if not all the tiger sharks that come close to the beaches are killed, theexistence of the program would reassure恢复信心 tourists. 这是support
(B)Business owners who depend on tourism are willing to pay most of the cost ofimplementing the program.
(C)Tourists come to Tenare Island for its beaches,even though the island features a number of other tourist attractions.
(D)The small sharks on which tiger sharks prey feed on fish that are commerciallyimportant to the island's fisheries.
(E)Not all tourists who come to Tenare Island enjoy swimming orsurfing.

A选项:文中的结论是mayor proposed这个program → help economy。未涉及到说program 执行到位 → help economy。所以A其实是support,不是weaken。 未发生的proposal和已执行的结果,两码事。
D选项:tiger shark是吃small shark的,那么有ts,则ss减少。但是ss又是他们first revenues的来源。所以,如果mayor要kil any tiger sharks(通杀啊),势必影响ss下降,则影响了他想要help economy的目标。

3、rc……  觉得不难啊 今天居然还错了5题!! 认真去分析下rc了。

作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-7-10 12:47
DAY6 今天模考了GWD11  很均衡的3个part各3题……  终于均衡地“错了”,不偏科了。要争取均衡的“对”起来。

1、SC: 所有的指代和省略,一定要冷静耐心去原文还原,其实还原了就看到问题了。
Unlike earlier works on slavery, Blassingame’s innovative study relies not on the records of White slave owners but on the records of the slaves themselves, especially the 70 or so autobiographies and memoirs that have been preserved.
我的错:A:Unlike that of earlier works on slavery, Blassingame’s innovative study relies……这里有一定的小小迷惑性:仔细看未划线部分的结构是B's study。那么如果前面用了that of ,of后面就应该接人名而不是works。否则还原以后就变成——
study of works和B's study在比较,而B人名无法和works平行!

another one to pay attention to -----
Driving the steep road to the mountaintop Inca ruins of Machu Picchu is potentially
dangerous and hiking there is difficult. Now the Peruvian government is installing a
cable car that will make access much easier, and hence result in a large increase in
tourism. However, since the presence of large numbers of tourists tends to accelerate the
deterioration of a site, installation of the cable car is certain to result in harm to the ruins.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously calls into question the argument?
A. The daily number of tourists that are expected to take the cable car to Machu
Piccu is smaller than the original resident population of Incas.
B. The construction of the cable car terminal at Machu Picchu will require the use of
potentially damaging heavy machinery at the site.
C. Machu Picchu is already one of the most popular tourist sites in Peru.
D. Natural weathering will continue to be a more significant cause of the
deterioration of Machu Picchu than tourist traffic.
E. The cable car will replace the tour buses whose large wheels and corrosive
exhaust at present do significant damage to the site.

key: E  just about the present and future results
my wrong one: D  continue to be.... means it doesn't change anything present

3、RC  对了两篇,1篇错1题,最后一篇大长文错了2题 囧
作者: Yvonne52585    时间: 2014-7-11 08:49
来看帖 ~

作者: soydl    时间: 2014-7-11 09:18
作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-7-12 00:18
DAY5 今天很瞎很瞎地把200道数学寂静吃完了

明天真的要写作文了…… 剩余的数学寂静后天做
作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-7-12 12:22
DAY4  早上在武汉磅礴气势的雷雨天里模考了GWD13  sc和rc一炮双响各错4题,rc更是分布均匀地一篇错一题……
Several financial officers of the companyspoke on condition that they not benamed in the press reports.
A.     that they not be named
B.     that their names will not be used
C.     that their names are not used
D.     of not having their names
E.     of not naming them

A.     On condition that = if, 是一种不确定的情况进行假设,所以应该用条件式。鉴于条件句的主句用的是一般过去时,所以这里要用be named。而不能用are not used,will not used(B、C),这样会造成时态紊乱。

Read the following sentences from washingtontimes:

"Rewards for those who supported the president's 2008 campaign have been doled out in less formal ways. Two top bundlers, for instance, described invitations to bring their families to the private bowling alley at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, adjacent to the White House. Both spoke on the condition they not be named because they did not want to damage their relationship with the White House."
This is definitely a case of the command present subjunctive mood. There is no doubt about that.
The condition that the senor officials imposed was the mandating that the command subjunctive requires.
Secondly, it completes the command in a subordinate clause introduced by the customary subordinate connector ‘that’ and
thirdly the verb is in the imperative form i.e., ‘not be named’. What more is required?

T-9-Q29. 987-637
Several studies have found that the coronary patients who exercisemost actively have half or less than half the chance of dying of a heartattack as those who are sedentary.
A.     have half or less than half the chance of dying of a heart attack asthose who are sedentary
B.     have half the chance, or less, of dying of a heart attack than thosewho are sedentary do
C.     have half the chance that they will die of a heart attack, or less,than those who are sedentary do
D.     are at least fifty percent less likely to die of a heart attack asthose who are sedentary
E.     are at least fifty percent less likely than those who are sedentaryto die of a heart attack

T-9-Q39. 987-675
Studies show that young people with higher-than-average bloodpressure and their families have a history of high blood pressureare more likely than others to develop a severe form of the condition.
A.     and their families have a history of high blood pressure
B.     whose families have a history of high blood pressure
C.     and a history of high blood pressure runs in the family
D.     whose families have a history of high blood pressure running in them
E.     with a history of high blood pressure running in their family
分析原句,their families是一个非常好的hint,当用and连接的后面内容跟前面内容在宾语或所有格形式有联系的时候,往往and连接反而累赘(后附另一题的例证!)
不如直接用whose形式简洁。当时不能确认是因为whose修饰对象是yount people在核心词前面的位置,紧跟的是blood pressure,怕歧义。
1、原句:By 1940, the pilot Jacqueline Cochran held seventeen official national and international speed records, and she earned them at a time when aviation was still so new for many of the planes she flew to be of dangerously experimental design.
正确句:By 1940, the pilot Jacqueline Cochran held seventeen official national and international speed records, earned at a time when aviation was still so new that many of the planes she flew were of dangerously experimental design.

再来看看今天错了哪个cr:那个经典的lyme larval,真是从开始复习g就在错,今天要彻底弄懂。
[size=1em]Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium transmitted to humans by deer ticks. Generally deer ticks pick up the bacterium while in the larval stage from feeding on infected white-footed mice. However, certain other species on which the larvae feed do not harbor the bacterium. Therefore, if the population of these other species were increased, the number of ticks acquiring the bacterium and hence the number of people contracting Lyme disease would likely decline.

[size=1em]Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?


[size=1em]A.      Ticks do not suffer any adverse consequences from carrying the bacterium that causes Lyme disease in humans.

[size=1em]B.       There are no known cases of a human’s contracting Lyme disease through contact with white-footed mice.

[size=1em]C.      A deer tick feeds only once while in the larval stage.

[size=1em]D.      A single host animal can be the source of bacterium for many tick larvae.

[size=1em]E.       None of the other species on which deer tick larvae feed harbor other bacteria that ticks transmit to humans
dt是larval阶段时,吃infected的小白鼠 → 会pick up 到bacterium; 吃other species  → 不会寄宿到bacterium
增大other species→dt携菌的no下降,人们患病量也下降
(其实我读完第一反应这是一个相对比例的问题,增大other species的绝对值的量不一定能affect 现有的吃mice情况)
A:adverse consequence不影响
E:other bacteria,不涉及。
cr是考sc,sc 是考cr……


distract (someone’s) attention from something phrase 把sb在sth上的注意力分散掉。from后面跟的是对象
  to do something in order to stop someone from paying attention to something
      They tried to distract attention from the crisis.
Focusing exclusively on ecoefficiency, which offers a compellingbusiness case according to established thinking, may distract companies frompursuing radically different products and business models. 这句话是肯定exclusively on eco-e的:focusing exclusively on eco-e may distract sb from pursuing。。

高度专注于eco-e,能让公司分散掉原本只radically pursuing p和m的注意力。

作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-7-13 12:41
Day3 早上小区周末搞爸爸去哪儿的活动,在喜洋洋、小苹果和爸爸的音乐超大声循环里完成了今天模考GWD14th套,结果就是
grammatically parallelism是非常广义的,只能说结果越平行越清晰,但是同义词之间同时用,也能视为平行的表现的。as a result of 和because的平行。
看清考题,有时tricky的地方就在于它会把原文的话反着考你:原文说negative,它就问你哪个most not negative;原文是did,它就问你哪个did not了。

Some species of Arctic birds are threatened by recent sharp increases in the population of snow geese, which breed in the Arctic and are displacing birds of less vigorous species.  Although snow geese are a popular quarry for hunters in the southern regions where they winter, the hunting season ends if and when hunting has reduced the population by five percent, according to official estimates.  Clearly, dropping this restriction would allow the other species to recover.
逻辑链:restriction-->(geese increase-->threaten other birds)这个括号部分是background,不用去质疑了。重点在跟restriction的关系上。
因此,问题就在于restriction-->geese increase这部分能实现吗?
drop restriction --> other species recover

Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the argument?

A.    Hunting limits for snow geese were imposed many years ago in response to a sharp decline in the population of snow geese. 历史情况对现状无关。
B.    It has been many years since the restriction led to the hunting season (for snow geese) being closed earlier than the scheduled date.
关键在于对这句话的句意理解:长久以来,由于restriction的存在,一直restriction都是让hunt season提前结束了的。说明还没捕猎到预想的增加的数字的geese,结果就达到5%的标准了。(说明一直以来geese并不多)证明了restriction并不能导致sharp increase的geese,自然不能通过drop restriction达到recover的目标。
weaken: 目标达不到;达到目标的情况不存在。

C.    The number of snow geese taken by hunters each year has grown every year for several years. 一涨都涨。这是support。
D.    As their population has increased, snow geese have recolonized wintering grounds that they had not used for several seasons. 占据底盘扩大,是跟geese的population相关的,不涉及restriction。
E.    In the snow goose’s winter habitats, the goose faces no significant natural predation. 这是support,加强了restriction跟geese的关系。

Over the course of theeighteenth century, the average output of ironwork tripled as a result ofseveral improvements in blowing machinery and because coal replaced charcoal asthe fuel used in the smelting of iron ore.
A.     Over the course of the eighteenth century, the average outputof ironwork tripled as a result of several improvements in blowing machineryand because coal replaced charcoal as the fuel used in the smelting of iron [url=]ore[/url][ST1] .
B.     Over the course of the eighteenth century a tripling in theaverage output of ironwork was due to the replacement of charcoal by coal forthe fuel used in the smelting of iron ore, [url=]in addition to[/url][ST2]  several improvements in blowing machinery.
C.     With[url=]charcoal’s being[/url][ST3]  replaced by coal as the fuel used in the smelting of ironore and several improvements in blowing machinery, the average output ofironwork tripled over the eighteenth century.
D.     The replacement of charcoal with coal for the fuel used inthe smelting of iron ore and several improvements in blowing machinery, theaverage output of ironwork tripled over the eighteenth century.
E.     Charcoal being replaced by coal as the fuel used in thesmelting of iron ore, and several improvements in blowing machinery, whichtripled the average output of ironwork over the course of the eighteenthcentury.




作者: bright1798    时间: 2014-7-13 16:21
作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-7-13 17:35
bright1798 发表于 2014-7-13 16:21

作者: bright1798    时间: 2014-7-13 19:15
醒醒Shine 发表于 2014-7-13 17:35
摔,潜水复习作文去了! ...

作者: crystal9291    时间: 2014-7-14 14:15
作者: 钧宁    时间: 2014-7-15 15:35
哈哈 醒醒加油!!!!我们就靠你了!!
作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-9-4 18:24
√ 单词4lists
√ SC:重温OG13,好多感慨:
1、 to be 和That clause做主语,语法不错误,但是在GMAC看来就是awkward。it做placeholder是正道。不要在怀疑!!
5、* manhattan关于allow的习语总结:RIGHT:The holiday ALLOWS Maria TO WATCH the movie.(=permits)
       Maria WAS ALLOWED TO WATCH the moive. 【常用】
       The demolition of the old building ALLOWS FOR new construction
                                                         (=permits the existence of)

6、as much/many as这一类比较题,容易引起歧义的就是后面是否补足的问题。如果会有歧义,那就是unclear的选项。 OG13  79
Ry∆nosuke Akutagawa’s knowledge of the literatures of Europe, China, and that of Japan were instrumental in his development as a writer, informing his literary style as much as the content of his fiction.

(A) that of Japan were instrumental in his development as a writer, informing his literary style as much as——究竟谁跟谁对等?有歧义。did his knowledge inform his style as much as it informed the content, or did it inform his style as much as the content informed his style?

(B) that of Japan was instrumental in his development as a writer, and it informed both his literary style as well as

(C) Japan was instrumental in his development as a writer, informing both his literary style and

(D) Japan was instrumental in his development as a writer, as it informed his literary style as much as

(E) Japan were instrumental in his development as a writer, informing both his literary style in addition to

7、前面名词出现过多,pron指代不清的问题,最好就是直接重复那个n。OG13 81

作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-9-10 18:03

1、that 和 which的问题。
障眼法:有时候也不绝对是在考that的修饰,碰到一个把whose eggs require和 that have eggs requiring对比的。考点变成了“拥有”的表达。

(at least) as great as
as great as or greater than
greater than

make it n/adj to do
make it adj that...
make it adj why...

在it is said/thought/announced (that)...都出现了省略的情况,记住。

5、sth's ving 被GMAC会经常认为不地道的表达被嫌弃,一般都不如直接用v做谓语来得简洁有效。




例句:We are teahcers  while serving as students.

Prep2012-Pack1-SC-020 VSC07621 Medium
Unlike computer skills or other technical skills, there is a disinclination on the part of many people to recognize the decree to which their analytical skills are weak.
A. Unlike computer skills or other technical skills, there is a disinclination on the part of many people to recognize the degree to which their analytical skills are weak. there be句型不清晰和unlike部分的对比,错。
B. Unlike computer skills or other technical skills, which they admit they lack, many people are disinclined to recognize that their analytical skills are weak. 对比对象错。
C. Unlike computer skills or other technical skills, analytical skills bring out a disinclination in many people to recognize that they are weak to a degree. bring out sth in sb to recognize..动作recognize的发出者究竟是analytical skills还是people?people不在核心词位置而是介宾部分。
D. Many people, willing to admit that they lack computer skills or other technical skills, are disinclined to recognize that their analytical skills are weak.
E. Many people have a disinclination to recognize the weakness of their analytical skills while willing to admit their lack of computer skills or other technical skills.这里while前后对比不平行,前面是have a disinclination,后面是willing to admit. 改成:Many people are disinclined to recognize.... while wiilling to admit....应该就可以。

OG的解释:The point of this sentence is to contrast how people feel about their computer skills or other technical skills with how they feel about their analytical skills. However, the awkward, wordy construction that begins with there is confuses this comparison, so that computer skills... are illogically contrasted with disinclination. Making the sentence more concise allows the contrast to be clear.

10、on account of, because of, despite/in spite of , as a result of , due to,like/unlike 之后只能接简单的名词短语。不接ving, sb's doing,且名词短语之后用一复杂的现在分词来修饰时或后面跟动词的抽象名词形式===》都要改为because,although等conj的句子更适合。

作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-9-12 16:15
CR 感悟:由此及彼,RC的文章大部分结构都如此;AWA的作文就是让你自己写一篇质疑
1 学会质疑:没有天衣无缝的论断。没发现的不代表不存在;发现了不代表是真的(眼花眼瞎不专业);同时发生不代表互为因果;人无完人总有漏掉的evidence;样本和整体,有代表性吗?相对和绝对——参照物选对了吗?是同一的吗?
This conclusion must be depended on the assumptions that.... However, as we all know, .... For instance, .... This example illustrates that sometimes.... Consequently, XXX really need to study this case and review that..  carefully.
2 学会算账:收支对比是王道。总有遗漏的成本、收入===》影响利润;只要整体利润增加,不管其中有增有减
It goes extreme to state that..../ It is still premature for sb to espouse that...  We don't know whether...., and whether....  But if ...., XXX might not have the opportunity to ..., not even to speak of.... Therefore, in order to ...., the author ought to plan carefully through the entire process and make sure that each part will work together with the XXX's final goal.
3 plan-to-go:个人意愿?是否真的是非A既B的选择?
Neglecting....., this claim leaves to open the possibility that.....
4 可比性:比较的两个方案/对象/事物 真的有可比性吗?特性、背景。
The differences between A and B clearly outweigh the similarities, thus making the analogy less valid that.....
RC 文章:

1、关于each of 后面接单数可数名词………………连错三题都是each = =

作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-9-13 19:18
PREP2012 72题

A study of food resources in the North Pacific between 1989 and 1996 revealed that creatures of the seabed were suffering from dwindling food supplies, possibly a result from increasing sea surface temperatures during the same period
(A) that creatures of the seabed were suffering from dwindling food supplies, possibly a result from increasing
(B) that creatures of the seabed were suffering because food supplies were dwindling, possibly as a result of an increase in
(C) that creatures of the seabed were suffering because of food supplies, which were dwindling possibly as a result of increasing
(D) creatures of the seabed that were suffering from food supplies that were dwindling, possibly resulting from an increase in
(E) creatures of the seabed that were suffering because food supplies were dwindling, which possibly resulted from increasing

A:从原句分析:一个study revealed that 某物 suffer 了creatures of the seabed,原因是缺乏food supplies,而造成这个缺乏又是……的原因
===》得出结论,food supplies并不影响主论元的内容(只要这个某物存在,就能跟主句构成一个完整的句意)
B:对比看B选项,food supplies被放到了因果从句的部分。

Choice A:
you can have it as an adjective modifier, without a comma - as in the following sentence:
the flooding resulting from the abnormally strong storms had left six inches of standing water in the street.
note that the boldface is an adjective modifier, modifying 'flooding'.
it appears that on the gmat, as well as in standard written english in general, 'resulting from' after a comma is generally considered unacceptable.

The correct version of this sentence needs to clarify the causal logic of the study: increasing sea surface temperatures may cause dwindling food which cause creatures of the sea bed to suffer.  重在三者的因果陈述
A. The placement of the final appositive (possibly a result. . . ) causes confusion as to what is being described—dwindling food or suffering creatures; the preposition from is not idiomatic.当用suffering from结构的时候,from是介词顺承,并没有真正更好地把前面creatures和supplies两个词的上下级拉开。
B. Correct. This sentence clarifies the causal relationships among suffering creatures, dwindling food supplies and increasing temperatures 对比看B,通过because的conj,更能清晰反应前面两个词的逻辑主次(supplies导致了creature suffer),那么appositive同位语放在后面(抽象名词result+that clause时是修饰主语,而不是就近)更清晰的体现了在修饰核心词。

作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-9-14 11:15
模考PREP01 做到地40题还有8min,最怕的就是自己节奏不够好,35min的时候题目做到20左右就好。
SC:5题  邪门
CR:1题 恩这次都简单。唯一错的一题就是题目没读懂的——阅读是关键,不用抢时间
RC:2题 不难

241. As well as heat and light, the Sun is the source of a continuous stream of atomic particles known as the solar wind.
(A)  As well as heat and light, the Sun is the source of a continuous stream
(B)  Besides heat and light, also the Sun is the source of a continuous stream
(C)  Besides heat and light, the Sun is also the source of a continuous streaming
(D)  The Sun is the source not only of heat and light, but also of a continuous stream
(E)  The Sun is the source of not only heat and light but, as well, of a continuous streaming

总结二:that are修饰意义上的微妙——that后面的谓语动词的动作发出者是有特定主语的。这个主语会跟它去修饰的对象之间有逻辑上的关系。
So-called green taxes, which exact a price for the use of polluting or nonrenewable fuels, are having a positive effect on the environment and natural resource base of countries as varied as China, the Netherlands, and Hungary.

a. Same as above 这些coutries有CNH这一类的国家(类似列举)
b. as varied as are
c. as varied as those of
d. that are as varied as 句意变成了跟C,N,H一样varied的国家
e. that are varied as are

There's a very subtle difference in meaning, although Stacey is correct that the main issue is that of redundancy/wordiness. But consider the difference between these two sentences, which would illustrate the point:
(1) I get mail from cities as far away as Providence.
(2) I get mail from cities that are as far away as Providence.

If I'm in San Francisco, then sentence #2 means, strangely enough, that I get mail from cities that are all exactly 3,082 miles away (the distance from SF to Providence). Sentence #1 implies no such thing.

Similarly, the wrong answer (D) seems to imply that EACH country is somehow as 'varied' as EACH other country. That's not the intended meaning, which is that the SET of countries is varied.

Ozone, a special form of oxygen that screens out harmful UV rays, reaches high concentrations twelve miles above Earth, where it has long appeared that it was immune from human influence; we have now realized, though, that emissions of industrial chloroflorocarbons deplete the ozone layer.

A) has long appeared that it was immune from (逃离,脱离影响的意思)
B) has long appeared to have been immune from
C) has long appeared as being immune to
D) had long appeared immune to (免疫,不受感染、影响的意思)
E) had long appeared that it was immune to

The verb tense in the underlined part of the sentence must be compared with what is taking place now. As the sentence states we have realized that emissions of industrial chloroflorocarbons deplete the ozone layer (present perfect), we need the past perfect had appeared to indicate a time period prior to the present. Additionally, "immune from" means free of exempt from (eg. immune from prosecution), whereas "immune to" means not susceptible (eg. immune to chicken pox). In this case, the ozone layer was considered not susceptible to human influence. Thus, "immune to" is idiomatically correct.

作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-9-15 09:20

SC 用法对句意的作用——一切以不产生歧义为原则===》产生歧义的可能方向:可修饰的对象有多个,单复数/时态/语态不一致,逻辑上的动作发出者不合理
Prep2012-Pack1-SC-066 VSC003211 hard
Unlike amateur clammers, who usually dig clams by hand during the summer, professional clammers work year-round, using all-weather instruments such as the hydraulic dredge or a 20-foot-Iona implement known as a bull rake.
A. work year-round, using all-weather instruments such as the dredge or a 20-foot-long implement known as a bull rake
B. work year-round by using all-weather instruments like hydraulic dredges or 20-foot-long implements known as a bull rake 单复数错
C. working year-round and using such all-weather instruments as a hydraulic dredge or a 20-foot-long implement known as a bull rake 无谓语
D. working year-round use all-weather instruments like hydraulic dredges or 20-foot-long implements known as a bull rake单复数错
E. work year-round using all-weather instruments, for example, a dredge or 20-foot-long implements known as bull rakes for example放在中间用双逗号隔开,让人产生误解到底是谁的例子?主句主语的例子,还是instruments?

CR解题顿悟: 寻找事物的关联点,那么考题的方向一定会围绕此关联点,而并不是天马行空不可捉摸。答案虽然不能预测,但是方向可以预测。
For several years, per capita expenditure on prescription drugs in Voronia rose by fifteen percent or more annually. In order to curb these dramatic increases, the ministry of health prohibited drug manufacturers from raising any of their products' prices. Even though use of prescription drugs did not expand after this price freeze, per capita expenditure for prescription drugs continued to increase by a substantial percentage each year.

Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain why the ministry's action did not achieve its goal? 注意问的是政府的action not achieve(通过限价达到降低人均药品花销)
(A) After price increases were prohibited, drug manufacturers concentrated on producing new medications to replace existing products.
(B) The population of Voronia rose steadily throughout the period.
(C) Improvements in manufacturing processes enabled drug manufacturers to maintain high profit levels on drugs despite the price freeze.
(D) In addition to imposing a price freeze, the government encouraged doctors to prescribe generic versions of common drugs instead of the more expensive brand-name versions. 会减少 这里并没有交代人们买药是价格驱动型
(E) After price increases were prohibited, some foreign manufacturers of expensive drugs ceased marketing them in Voronia.

"per-capita expenditure" is the total price paid for drugs (price per pill * # of pills) divided by the number of people.
If the per capita expenditure is increasing, either the numerator has to be increasing or the denominator has to be decreasing or both.
So, either the price is increasing, the number of pills is increasing, or the number of people is decreasing (or some combination of the above).
premise: product prices can't be raised (note: by definition, this only addresses existing products; new products not yet introduced do not yet have assigned prices)
--> So I can't raise the price of existing products, but I could introduce more expensive products.
premise: the use of prescription drugs did not increase after the price freeze
--> So the number of pills isn't changing
A) new medications = new price introductions. If these prices are higher than the prices for the old products, then that's how I can increase the numerator of my "per capita expenditure" calculation
作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-9-16 11:54

SC ——抽象名词的从句结构表达一定更优,因为能完整表达句意。原文未出现的动作发出者,一定要非常小心脑补。
Both the Federal Reserve’s decision that borrowing rates be raised, along with investor’s speculation that another increase might be on the way, helped bolster the dollar in recent weeks by making deposits more attractive.


The computer company’s present troubles are a result of technological stagnation, marketing missteps, and managerial blunders so that several attempts to revise corporate strategies have failed to correct it.
A.      so that several attempts to revise corporate strategies have failed to correct it.
B.      so that several attempts at revising corporate strategies have failed to corret
C.      in that several attempts at revising corporate strategies have failed to correct them
D.      that several attempts to revise corporate strategies have failed to correct  
E.      that several attempts at revising corporate strategies have failed to correct them

attempt to是固定搭配,选D了。

作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-9-17 11:07
The computer company has announced that it will purchase the color-printing division of a rival company for $950 million, which is part of a deal that will make it the largest manufacturer in the office color-printing market.
A) million, which is part of a deal that will make which就近指代有歧义,deal的内容应该是花950million去购买一整个部门这件事
B) million, a part of a deal that makes Ron解释:deal不是抽象名词,所以在做同位语的时候只能就近修饰dollar了。
C) million, part of a deal making 同上
D) million as a part of a deal to make make的动作发出者变成了company,而自己make自己的时候,后面不能用it而是itself
E) million as part of a deal that will make

that's a "comma + abstract noun" setup. it probably has some sort of grammatical name, but i have absolutely no idea what that name is.


the coach tried to put 5 receivers on the line, a strategy that failed.
--> here, "a strategy" (an ABSTRACT noun) stands for the WHOLE IDEA of putting 5 receivers on the line.

X observed large concentrations of metals in the sediments, findings consistent with...
in this case, "findings" (an abstract noun) stands for the WHOLE IDEA of observing large concentrations of blah blah blah.


on the other hand,

i went to the bar with john smith, a consultant in los angeles.
here, "a consultant" (a CONCRETE noun) refers ONLY to "john smith" (the preceding noun).

i went to the bar with john smith, an excursion that was much more fun than working all night.
here, "an excursion" (an ABSTRACT noun) stands for the WHOLE IDEA of going to the bar with john smith.

SC:rather than+v;instead of+n比较常见

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