[size=11.000000pt]Some critics ofthe Olympian Party candidate Zeus Pater are pleased that he haschosen Artemis Rhodes, the prefect ofAlexandria, to be his running mate; asmany commentators have pointed out, her views on social issues are more in linewith the Olympian Party platform than are Pater’s.
我不理解的点在于为什么会在句子最后有个are。因为我觉得不应该有这个are吧,这样的话are就跟之前her views on social issues are more in line的are 平行了,那么Pater's就要和比较级进行平行。而已根据句意理解的话肯定比较的是her views和Pater's,不应该are 和 are平行吧?希望懂的大家帮忙解答哈~
谢谢 那这句话可不可以直接说 than Pater's没有那个are 呢?作者: Ommmnipotence 时间: 2014-7-19 17:43
同问。这里肯定是倒装的用法,但问题的关键是为什么有 are。 如果这么说,那在“ Her views are better than mine” 中,是不是mine后面也要加are呢?明显不对呀。求高人请解答。作者: heidiym 时间: 2014-7-19 23:01
Ommmnipotence 发表于 2014-7-19 17:43
同问。这里肯定是倒装的用法,但问题的关键是为什么有 are。 如果这么说,那在“ Her views are better tha ...
我回过头来再想的时候发现这个are是必须的 这里倒装我不知道为什么,但是这个are是必须的 因为你看这句话her views on social issues (n.) are more in line with the Olympian Party platform (n.) than are Pater’s. 这句话前面有两个名词 如果不加are表示主语平行的话有pater's和后面plympian party patform比较的歧义了。
Her views are better than mine这句话不用是因为比较的前半段只有her views这一个名词 因此mine=my views只能跟前面唯一的名词比较,所以不会有歧义啦作者: 吃饭睡觉打豆豆 时间: 2014-7-20 00:23
比如:I eat more apples than you. 这里,我肯定不会吃you,所以比较的肯定是eat,省略动词或者助动词也没错。
I eat more apples than pears. 这里,比较的肯定是apple和pears也不会有歧义。
I play with Tim more often than Jake. 这里就有歧义了。
歧义1:I play with Tim more often than with Jake.
歧义2:I play with Tim more often than did Jake.
I play with Tim more often than Jake did. 这个也可以
her views on social issues are more in linewith the Olympian Party platform than are Pater’s.
her views on social issues are more in linewith the Olympian Party platform than Pater’s.
1. her views on social issues are more in linewith the Olympian Party platform than are Pater’s.
2. her views on social issues are more in linewith the Olympian Party platform than with Pater’s.
当然,这里第一个句子如果把are调整到pater's后面也没啥不对的。 作者: heidiym 时间: 2014-7-20 10:33
吃饭睡觉打豆豆 发表于 2014-7-20 00:23
比如:I eat more ...