求定位,M7有戏不?万分感谢作者: JonFrank 时间: 2015-3-12 20:29
Hello there!
Well your profile certainly has some promise! And if Tuck is interested in you and you are still interested in going there, you should definitely contact them directly so you can start thinking about what you can do.
Your GRE is fantastic! And it should be good enough to get you into Top schools! You also work for a great industry and seem to have a very interesting profile with all that leadership you have. The only weakness I can see if your grades with are good but not excellent. But I think you already did the best you can there, by getting an amazing GRE.
So I have great hopes for your profile.
I wish you the best of luck,
JF作者: yinyulinzll 时间: 2015-3-13 00:36
哈哈哈,大牛当年装低调求定位没人理,只有一个哥们热心回复,现在大牛横扫M7现真身了,一群人上来打热心哥们的脸,太好玩了作者: scarllet1990 时间: 2015-3-29 17:49
哈哈哈 小哥你好逗啊 我也是14年MBA申请人~ 申请offer已经拿完 你要是还会登录CD网,加一个微信啊,哈哈哈哈作者: discursive 时间: 2015-5-29 17:58