标题: gwd-TN-11 [打印本页] 作者: robot青 时间: 2014-5-7 20:36 标题: gwd-TN-11 T-3-Q22.
Giuseppe Alessi, a world-class chef whose life has been a search for the genuine and the delicious in Florentine cooking, is an accomplished scholar not only unearthing many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts but also a poet and philosopher who draws his inspiration from the idyllic frescoes of Etruscan tombs.
A. not only unearthing many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts but also a poet and philosopher who draws
B. unearthing many of his recipes both from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, as well as a poet and a philosopher who draws
C. who unearths many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, as well as a poet and a philosopher who draws
D. who unearths many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, but also a poet and a philosopher drawing
E. unearths many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, a poet and philosopher drawing
因为不是说as well as 后面的成分视作状语吗。。是次要的内容,但是原句用的是but also啊,看上去是强调后半句的意思。。。。
恩,我记得prep08里讲,在木有not only的情况下but also也是可以单独粗线的。。。
恩。。是不是d就是因为 who 和 drawing木有对称所以选他呢?
下面是gwd官方解释。。。(但是我记得as well as 是不用平行的呀。。。)
An accomplished scholar who… as well as a poet and a philosopher who…
作者: robot青 时间: 2014-5-7 20:49
自问自答>< http://forum.chasedream.com/foru ... p;highlight=T-3-Q22作者: robot青 时间: 2014-5-7 20:58
关于上面 为什么不能用but also的问题: not only 。。。butalso 表示的是递进 ,but also表示的转折,然而这里米有转折的意思,所以but also有时也能用它作者: crazysin 时间: 2014-5-7 21:51
A: not only doing, but also sb 错
B: a scholar+分词-modifier as well as a poet+who-modifier 错
D: but also 缺 not only 错
E: is a scholar unearths 不清楚是什么 错
crazysin 发表于 2014-5-7 21:51
A: not only doing, but also sb 错
B: a scholar+分词-modifier as well as a ...
谢谢你,这道题我看了大侠们以前的讨论帖,明白了~还有那个d—— not only 。。。butalso 表示的是递进 ,but also表示的转折,然而这里米有转折的意思。好像but also单独有时也能用它,但是要注意but两边平行作者: slave918 时间: 2014-5-8 19:31
you are right