*成绩单, Resume, essay, 推荐信, 学位证或在读证明都可以通过网申在线提交。然后,需把你的官方文件和成绩单寄到如下地址:
The University of Texas at Dallas
Admission and Enrollment Services
800 W Campbell Rd
Richardson TX 75080-3021
Finance Program 网址:http://jindal.utdallas.edu/academic-areas/finance-and-managerial-economics/master-of-science-in-finance 其中包含了很全面的项目介绍,申请要求,学位计划等 如果还有更多问题,
Placement Data: The Placement data is that 20% have offers at the time of graduation. Within 6 – 8 months of graduation, the number goes to 80-85%. Not all of those positions are in the US. Some International students are finding positions, but it is slowly and the positions may not be ideal (smaller firms, not the exact position originally desired, etc.). It also includes international students returning to their home country.
UT Dallas MSF 与上海交大的合作项目的详细信息
详情可以进入链接,也可以联系两位UTDallas Finance Department 负责此项目的老师。 Prof. Yexiao Xu, PhDyexiaoxu@utdallas.eduProf. Harold H. Zhangharold.zhang@utdallas.edu 欢迎大家积极的在帖子里留言提问!
final degree and certificate这个没关系的,录取后再交也行。已经资料完全了。作者: 491429784 时间: 2015-1-15 10:28
就是正常的要求的PS就好了, 没有特别要求。作者: helloylmm 时间: 2015-1-24 09:33
楼主好!昨天收到邮件说少三项:Official Degree Certificates, Final College Trans-Eng, Final College Trans-Orig. 我还没毕业,是否这三项我现在都无法上传?它们这样留在我的to do list里,会影响申请吗?望解答谢谢!