
标题: 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—34系列】【34-14】经管 [打印本页]

作者: AceJ    时间: 2014-4-3 21:50
标题: 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—34系列】【34-14】经管
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Part I: Speaker

Taking Prescription Drugs

Paula: Okay, I’m off to bed.
Marcus: Wait a second. Where are you going with all of those pill bottles?
Paula: My doctor prescribed a couple of medications to help me sleep.
Marcus: Let me see those. You have four different medications here. This is a painkiller, this is a sedative, this is a tranquilizer, and this is a stimulant.
Paula: I don’t take that last one when I go to bed.
Marcus: You mean you take the first three every night?
Paula: Not every night.
Marcus: I can’t believe that your doctor would prescribe all three of these medications just to help you sleep. This seems like overkill.
Paula: I saw more than one doctor. They each gave me a different prescription.
Marcus: How do you know they won’t interact and produce side effects?
Paula: A doctor prescribed each one. I’m sure they’re safe.
Marcus: Yes, but does the left hand know what the right hand is doing? I’m confiscating these until you can talk to a doctor or pharmacist to make sure you won’t overdose by taking all three of these at one time.
Paula: But how will I fall asleep until then?
Marcus: You’re always telling me how boring I am. I’ll just regale you with stories of my youth. Let’s start at the beginning. My earliest memory is...

Source: ESLPOD

[Rephrase 1, 17:07]

作者: AceJ    时间: 2014-4-3 21:50

Part II: Speed


Flipping the organization
BY James M. Kerr | April 2, 2014

It is the people of the enterprise that ultimately determine its long-term success or failure. Specifically, it is the front-line personnel, the troops in the trench that ultimately define the "customer experience" of an organization's stakeholders.

They produce the products that are consumed. They deliver the services that are expected by discerning customers. They execute the key processes and use the automated tools that get work done. They are the organization's most important asset.

Interestingly, this runs counter to how most senior leadership teams see it. They operate from a very different perspective – one where they sit at the top of the pyramid. Within this paradigm, their needs come first, followed by the middle management layer. The front-line staff is at the bottom of the proverbial totem pole.

Sure, much has been written about the importance of the customer-facing functions. Most management teams even talk about how their front-line personnel are crucial to the growth and profitability of the business. But little has been done to recast the current top-of-the-pyramid mindset and flip the pyramid on its ear so to provide emphasis on the front-line staff that does the work of the organization. Why is that?
[196 words]

[Time 3]
The Paradox in Rethinking the Pyramid
An interesting paradox exists that complicates matters when it comes to flipping the pyramid. You see, we're asking those who are at the top to place themselves at the bottom of the ladder.

Executive teams have a vested interest in the prolongation of the current mindset. They don't want to miss out on the perks, lower their salaries, live without the luxuries that have become part and parcel to executive life. This paradox is perhaps the greatest challenge to overcome in changing the way business is organized and operates.

Typically, paradigm shifts like the one suggested here come from the outside of the status quo. Recall struggles related to women's rights and racial equality for examples of societal paradigm shifts that were successfully driven from outsiders and redefined the way things work in the United States.

So, why even bother proposing such radical thinking? As a management consultant, I am the epitome of an "outsider". I have nothing to gain politically or financially by making the suggestion. But, I do have the challenge of developing a compelling business case for such change.

Simply put, today's business environment is anything but typical. The U.S. has still not recovered from its financial shambles, huge swathes of industry have vanished taking hundreds of thousands of jobs with them and it is still quite possible that if a shift in thinking doesn't take place then the very survival of many other enterprises will be at stake.

So it is in today's leadership team's respective best interests to figure out how to stop the death spiral – or there will be outsiders called upon to make the transition for them.

It seems the time is right to become a bit radical.
[291 words]

[Time 4]
Making It Happen
There are implications to turning the corner on executive thinking. Firstly, an upside-down view of the organization must be adopted, where customers are at the top, those who work with customers are next and those who work to support those who work with customers are at subsequent rungs. This type of change will drive business decisions from a new perspective and everyone in the organization will be affected by it. True empowerment is enabled and those closest to the customer are allowed to "call the shots" on how the customer is treated.

In order to make this happen, we must sharpen our perspectives on the players that inhabit the basic layers of the organization. We must recognize that each layer have unique perspectives and are responsible for specific essential actions.

The executive layer, for example, is looking out five years. They are to determine where the organization is heading. The senior leadership team is responsible for establishing and articulating a compelling vision and then working hard to engage their staff members in the pursuit of it.

While the senior executives are envisioning what the enterprise can become over the next several years, the mid-level managers are concerned about operational excellence. They use the current year as a timeframe. The middle managers are overseeing and auditing work being done this year.

Certainly they need to understand the vision so to translate it for their respective staff members. But, in the end, they must empower their associates to do what is necessary to achieve the vision, while managing this year's budget.

[262 words]

[Time 5]
Staff members, on the other hand, are ultimately responsible for execution. Part of their responsibility is to be constantly looking for ways to improve what they do. They must develop new skills and fine-tune existing ones so to be ever prepared to do what it takes to get the job done. Optimizing performance today is the driver for this layer of the organization. After all, it is their work that ultimately delivers value to the customer.

Once we gain the necessary understanding and perspective, senior leaders can shift their attention to the work needed to promote the cultural change that flipping the pyramid represents. It is essential that executives become the ambassadors of change that is essential to this shift. By doing so, they will begin to engage in the service of the staff that is ultimately responsible for delivering desired results.

Think of the powerhouses that could be established if the millions of dollars allocated to executive bonuses were instead redirected to staff training, development and workplace / technology enhancements. Talk about a stimulus package!

Of course, awareness programs must be put into place to help educate staff regarding this shift in prerogative and to inform them of what is expected in the new work environment. It certainly takes more than talk. Actions must follow the message and new development programs must be introduced immediately to demonstrate appropriate commitment to flipping the pyramid.

Finally, new ways of measuring and rewarding employee performance is required, too. By tying compensation to behavior modification we motivate personnel to commit to self-improvement. Indeed, this is how organizations will transition and, ultimately, achieve peak performance.
[271 words]

[Time 6]
To Sum
Change will not be easy. Indeed, executive compensation continues to be greater, their perks are plentiful, their private offices are well appointed and their support staffs are very attentive. What did the management team at several Wall Street firms do months after the U.S. government provided millions in bail-out money? They awarded themselves hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses!

One can argue that bonuses are part of the executive compensation package prevalent on Wall Street. But, aren't bonuses awarded on merit? Did any of Wall Street's executive's performance warrant a bonus after how their greed so strongly contributed to the near-collapse of the world economy?

Such behavior is the epitome of the prevailing executive mindset. "I exist therefore I deserve." Nothing is more ridiculous, and, as recent headlines suggest, nothing is more dangerous to the long-term success of an organization.

Perhaps, now more than ever before, the prevailing mindset must be changed. Indeed, businesses must begin to flip the pyramid upside down and focus attention on, and, pour precious resources into the nurturing and development of the staff that ultimately deliver products and services to the customer – not on the executives whom primarily manage the spin among the institutional investment community.

If the game doesn't change, many more U.S. business institutions are likely to flail and falter. It is time to flip the pyramid.
[227 words]

Source: Management Issue

作者: AceJ    时间: 2014-4-3 21:50

Part III: Obstacle

Doing stuff, not making stuff
By S. C. | January 20, 2014

[Paraphrase 7]
NOT everyone treats China's official statistics with casual disdain. Last month the head of China's National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) paid a visit to Mr Ye, an elderly man in Jiangsu province, who has kept a meticulous daily record of his household's income and spending for the past 47 years. His cache of ledger books note every accrual (from wages to birthday gifts) and every outlay (some worth tens of thousands of yuan, others worth pennies) in painstaking detail, providing a microscopic view of China's macroeconomic transformation. Mr Ye has now donated his ledgers-of-love to the NBS—so we know that at least some of their records are accurate.

The diligent Mr Ye earned a mention in today's NBS press conference, which reviewed China's economic progress in 2013. He exemplifies the kind of conscientious, ground-level reporting on which the NBS relies for its overarching figures. Those aggregate numbers revealed that China's economy grew by 7.7% in 2013, the same pace as 2012 and a little above the government's lower limit of 7.5%.

The economy's growth was, however, substantially slower than the expansion of credit, adding to worries about financial fragility and potential defaults. And GDP grew as fast as it did only because the government once again allowed investment to revive flagging demand, despite its longstanding desire to move away from a pattern of debt-financed, investment-led growth. Capital spending on buildings, factories, infrastructure and other physical assets made the biggest contribution to China's growth (54%), outweighing consumer spending of the sort recorded so carefully by Mr Ye.* This investment-heavy expansion arrested a tentative trend towards consumption-led growth that began in 2011.

Those looking for a "rebalanced" Chinese economy had to look elsewhere: not in China's pattern of spending, but in its pattern of production and income. For the first time since 1961, China's production of services (which include transport, wholesaling, retailing, hotels, finance, real estate and scientific research, among other things) exceeded its industrial output (see chart). The new figures meant that China's economy is now primarily based on doing things for people not making things for them. For a country renowned for its industrial clout, this marked a long-awaited turning point.


The income earned from all this production was also distributed a little differently in 2013. The country's official Gini coefficient, a measure of inequality that ranges from zero (when income is evenly distributed) to 1 (when one person takes all), fell ever so slightly to 0.473, continuing a five-year trend of narrowing inequality.

This trend in the official figures is not believed by many Chinese citizens, who are frequently disgusted by the conspicuous consumption of China's wealthy elites. Sceptics suspect that the official bean-counters miss a lot of the shady income that passes through the hands of the flashy rich. Not every household, after all, records their income as scrupulously as Mr Ye does.

But the narrowing of inequality may nonetheless capture something real. China's statistical shortcomings, insofar as they exist, should distort the level of the Gini coefficient more than its trend. And it's also possible that China's resentful citizenry are so preoccupied with rising inequaility within China's metropolises that they ignore the narrowing inequality between its cities and the countryside. In 2009 the disposable income of the average Chinese urbanite was 3.33 times the net income of a rural resident. That ratio has now fallen to 3.03, according to today's NBS figures.

The migrants who cross from the countryside to the city are also enjoying healthy gains in wages. Their monthly incomes increased by 13.9% in nominal terms in 2013. These pay hikes may reflect the increase in their bargaining power as China's workforce begins to thin out. The country's population of working age (aged 16-59) fell by 2.44 million in 2013, according to the NBS. Its head noted that many firms report labour costs rising by 10-15%.

The ageing of China's population causes almost as much concern as the maturing of its debt. But it is important to keep things in perspective. The fact that urban employment increased by almost 11.4m in 2013 suggests that China's hinterland is not quite empty yet. There are still people ready to move to city jobs if the terms are sufficiently compelling. There is also a potential supply of workers among the people aged 60 and over who do not yet consider themselves to be above working age, whatever the statisticians say. The diligent Mr Ye, for example, is 80 years old.  
[748 words]

Source: Economists

作者: xiaofan0205    时间: 2014-4-3 21:51

Off to bed: going to sleep now
pill bottles: small bottle in which you keep pills
prescibed: to writh down the medication the patient should take
medications: drugs, pills
painkiller: a medicine helps reduce pain
sedative: a medicine that clams you down to sleepy
tranquilizer: a medicaine that makes you feel less worried
stimulant: a drug that gives you more energy
overkill: too much of something
interact: how the two things work together
side effects: other things that the drug do to your body, it doesn't help you but unaviodable
does the left hand know what the right hand is doing: one person is doing something, anoter person is doing something, but they don't know what the other do, you will have some unexpect consequence
confiscating: take something away from someone without permission
pharmacist: someone prepares drugs for people who has permission from doctors
overdose: someone take too many drugs that lead him to die
regale: to tell stories to someone in a funny way

Time2: 1'26"
Time3: 1'56"
Time4: 1'35"
Time5: 1'54"
Time6: 1'30"
It is the front-line personnel that ultimately determine its long-term success or failure, but little has been done to provide emphasis on the front-line staff that does the work of the organization. Why is that?
The paradox that ask the people at the top of the pyramid to place themselves at the bottom of the ladder is perhaps the greatest challenge to overcome in changing the way business is organized and operates.
There are implications to turning the corner on executive thinking. In order to make this happen, we must sharpen our perspectives on the players that inhabit the basic layers of the organization. we must recognize that each layer have unique perspectives and are responsible for specific essential actions. Ultimately, the organizations will transition and achieve peak performance.
Change will not be easy, businesses must begin to flip the pyramid upside down. If the game doesn't change, many more institutions are likely to flail and falter, it is time to flip the pyramid.

作者: hemodata    时间: 2014-4-3 22:09

speaker: This conversation begins whren Paula was going to take some prescription drugs before went to bed. Marks was astonished by how many pillls she would take. Paula explained that she will take three different kinds of these medicine, one is pain killer, one helps her to recude anxiety and the last one helps her calm down. But since all these drugs were presicribed by differrent doctors, they might not know what others have gave Paula and the drugs may interact and prduce side effects. So Marks claimed that he will confiscate the drugs until Paula gets a clear feedback from any doctor.
作者: 小蘑菇开始打怪    时间: 2014-4-3 22:10

it is the front-line personnel decide the long-term success or failure of an enterprise
however, many company set the need of the front-line personnel in the bottom of the pyramid

executive who has always enjoy the rights of being the top of pyramid make it difficult to bring a change to the construction of the company
some change for example related to women' rights all comes from outsiders
now, the US is suffering a economic crisis, if the company could not change the way they treat their front-line personnel, they may need the help from the outside or they will end up with failure

in order to achieve the change,executive need an upside-down view of the organization
executive need to plan what their company is going to do in five years and the senior executives just focus on the work they should to do in this year
the upper controllers should stand at the view of the front-line personnel and translate the work and responsibilities to the front-line personnel

staff members are ultimately responsible for exception and create  value to the customers
executive should embrace the change from the deep in heart and promote the cultural around the company
senior executive and executive should help staff have the awareness of the company and stand at an upper level to see the operation of the organization and their work

to compensate the effort of executive,bonus is a good way but do they deserve the bonus?
if the company could not change the pyramid, it will fail in the future

Mr Ye provides some original records of the economy development to NBS
some data related to the economy of China in 2013, are publicized by NBS, however some of them are criticized by people
the difference between the income of different people is narrowing but the result may not be accurate because some of factors may not be considered by NBS
the workforce begins to thin out so the cost of labor rise by almost ten percentages
aging is becoming a huge problem of the country and give a huge pressure on the financial budget

作者: 疏离无罪    时间: 2014-4-3 22:21

Speaker: Today's dialogue is about the abuse of prescription drugs.

It is the people of the company that can determine its long-term success.And the front-line workers are the most important.But they have little attention in the organization.

It is difficult for those top managers to place themselve at the bottom and lose their current comfort.An outsider may give the best advice and changes.It's time to make change insider before outsiders come in.

To make this happen,an upside-down view of the organization must be adopted.Customers are at the top and then employees who work with customers.The executive layer should determine whete the company head to.

In this organization,different layers have their own function.And awareness program must be used to educate employees.Meanwhile,measuring and rewarding system is needed stimulate employees.

It is ridiculous that executive get millions of bonuses just because they are there.the prevailing mindset must be changed and the new organization pyramid must be set,even though this chane won't be easy.

Main Idea: China's economy model is transforming
A Jiangsu citizen's household record for the past 47 years shows the macroeconomic transformation of China. And now the NBS record showed that tough china's economy growth is slowing down,the GDP still grows fast.But most of the growth of GDP still depends on investment,which do not meet the plan of transfomation to the consumption-led growth.But the good news is that the percentage of service industry in GPD exceeds manufacturing industry at first time.More people are doing things for people instead of making things for people.
NBS also released Gini coefficient,which is not believed by most citizens.But it still shows the inequality bewtween urban and rural areas.
Ageing is and will be a big problem to China.

作者: MAGGIEHE1993    时间: 2014-4-3 22:51
Speaker: take prescription drugs
         off to bed: be going to go to sleep
         pill: small, round object, usually medicine that you put in mouth and swallow
         prescribe: write down a type of medication
         medication: drugs, medicine
         painkiller: a medicine that helps to reduce pain
         sedative: medicine that calms you down in order to make you sleep
         tranquilizer: medicine that makes you feel calmer, reduce anxiety and be less aggressive
         stimulant: medicine that gives you more energy
         overkill: too much of something
         interact: how two things work together
         side effects: other effects that drugs do to you
         does the left hand know what the right hand is doing
         confiscate: take something away from someone
         overdose: takes too much drug and can be very dangerous
         regale: tell stories to someone in a funny way
         youth: years when you are growing as a child
time2: 1min 27"
time3: 2min 03"
time4: 1min 50"
time5: 1min 57"
time6: 1min 36"
       Front-line employees are important assets of companies because they are involved in the key processes of business
       and sell products to customers. They know how to realize the company's value. Thus there is a need to flip the pyramid
       and pay more attention and bonus to the employees.

Obstacle: 5min 27"
       Mr Ye donated his accounting books to NBS, which partly represents the economic transformation of China over the past
       years. The economic of China has more largely depended on investments and factories but less on customer spending. Nowadays
       economic volume of doing things for people has exceeded the volume of making things for people. However, the trend in the
       official figures is not believed by many Chinese citizens. The writer stated some economic figures of China recently.

作者: wangziann    时间: 2014-4-3 22:55
垫底来 ~
Before the woman went to bad, she was going to take 3 medicinse which different doctor perscribe to make spleep easier for her, the man said that would overkill because she did not know if the pills may interact with each other and create side effect.
Time 2
>It is the front-linepersonnel that determine the enterprise success and failure.
>They are the organization’smost important asset.
>But the need of managementteam who sit at the top of the pyramid is more priority.
>The management team dolittle to pay attention about the front-line worker’s mindset though they talkabout the front-line employee are crucial to the growth and profitability ofthe business.

Time 3
The advocate of change that replacing the management team on topof pyramid with the bottom of the ladder mindset should be called out fromoutsider.
status quo
An interesting paradox exists that complicates matters when it comes to flipping the pyramid.

How toturn the corner on executive thinking: an upside-down view of thinking must beadopted. We should sharp our perspective on the players that inhabit the basic layersof the organization. Each layers should have unique perspectives and areresponsible for specific essential actions.

作者: wangziann    时间: 2014-4-3 23:04
我错了, 我又重复回复了,能删除吗?
Before the woman went to bad, she was going to take 3 medicinse which different doctor perscribe to make spleep easier for her, the man said that would overkill because she did not know if the pills may interact with each other and create side effect.
作者: 菜农人民    时间: 2014-4-3 23:22
Speaker: M's doctors have prescribed her three diffenent pills which could help her go to bed.M wants to eat all of them at one time. So P trys to persuade her not to eat such numerous pills, because they maybe have side effects.

Time2 1:55
Time3 3:05
Time4 2:30
Time5 2:01
Time6 1:44
Obstacle 6:27
作者: Talitha    时间: 2014-4-3 23:29
2: front line workers are suppose to be the most important ones in the company. however, their need is fulfilled the least.

3:The pyramid of an organization should be restructure. the major problem is the top level management does not want to give up luxury life. It is necessary to change in order to have successful business.

4:author explains why it is important to place the workers who directly work with the customers are the most important people in the organization.

5:how to flip the pyramid. executives need to understand the importance of the front line workers. executives need to be the ambassador of changing the system. The awareness program and new rewarding system need to be implement.

6:author summed up by saying the importance of flipping the pyramid of the organization.

作者: 晓野的野    时间: 2014-4-3 23:49
掌管 4        00:01:27.20        00:05:41.71
掌管 3        00:01:31.49        00:04:14.51
掌管 2        00:01:35.50        00:02:43.02
掌管 1        00:01:07.51        00:01:07.51

作者: Christina54    时间: 2014-4-4 03:27
The woman was going to take her prescribed medication before she went to bed. Three medications include painkiller, sedative and tranquilizer can assist her sleep. The man was was worried that these three pills would interact and produce side effects on her. So he took away her prescribed drugs and regaled her with stories of his youth.

Time2: 1'59"
The author presented us a three layers of a pyramid, including the senior leader teams, the middle management layer and the front-line staff. The conventional view regarding the front-line personnel as the bottom level but the author implied the importance of the customer-facing functions. So the paradigm shift was very necessary in organization.
Time3: 2'19"
The author pointed out that if a shift in thinking doesn't take place then the survival of many companies will be at stake.
Time4: 2'03"
The author proposed some feasible methods to flip the organization. Firstly an upside-down view of the organization should be adopted. Each layer have unique perspectives and are responsible for specific essential actions. For instance, the executive should determine where the organization is heading; senior managers are responsible for establishing and articulation a compelling vision and then working hard to engage their staffs to pursuit the same goal; mid-level managers should concern about the operation procedures which include overseeing and auditoring the work to be done. It is important for them to understand the vision so to translate it for their respective staff members.
Time5: 1'46"
Staff members are responsible for execution. They should find ways to improve what the do since they are the ultimately deliverers value to customers. Also executives plays a key role in change that is essential to this shift. Some programs should also be provided to help educate staff regarding the shift. Meanwhile, the author reveals the importance of measuring and rewarding employee performance in order to motivate personnel to commit to self-improvement.
Time6: 1'42"
The author mentioned some challenges of the shift. For example, executives may not compromise due to the great compensation and company bonus. The author also point out that bonus should be awarded on merits; more resources should be allocated on nurturing and development of the staffs.
Time7: 6'20"
The whole passage is mainly talk about the development of economy in China.Firstly it provides Mr Ye's record of income and layout. He is not the representative of all Chinese people, some new rich with the shady income. The table shows the first time since 1961 China's production of service exceeded its industrial output. Also the narrowing of inequality between city and countryside; the aging population in China...

作者: ieveline    时间: 2014-4-4 07:27

Woman was going to take three medicines to go to sleep.
But these three medicines are from three different doctors, who does not know the others prescribions.
Man confiscated the medicines and asked woman to talk to a doctor and pharmacist to make sure she would not overdoes by taking three medicines at one time.
sediative--calm you down
tranquilizer--make you feel calmer
Front-line personnel determined the suceess or failure of a company, but even mananger team talk about how important front-line is, no enough emphasis has been put on the front-line staff.
Flipp the pyramid will harm executive teams' benefit.
Paradigm shifts typically from the outside.
US has not recovered from its finacial problems.
It is time to make the change, not only for the US, but also for the survive of a company.
How to make flip happen.
Recognize the unique perspective that each layer has.
The exxcutive layer is determining where the organziation is heading five years.
The senior leadership team is engaging staff in pursuit goal.
The middle leadership team is working on operational excellence.
Staff memebrs are responsible for excution with optimization.
After flipping, senior leaders are responsible for promoting the cultural change.
Executives is in charge of whole shift.
All the money used pay for executives will go to staff training, development and other enhancement.
New ways of performance measurement and reward system must be setup.
This filp must be done.

Frankly, this is not convincing.
Mr Ye's ledgers shows some information about China economy trend during 37 years.
The econmoy grows slower tahn the expansion of credit.
GDP grew as fast as government allows investment on buildings, factories, infrastucture and other physical assets.
In 2013, Service share gets more than industry share of China's GDP.
Gini coefficient narrowe because the inequality between cities and coutryside.
The migrants contribute the narrowing difference.
The aging problem seems overemphasised, since there are sufficient people and people over 60 and more may still want to work.

作者: cherry6891    时间: 2014-4-4 08:20
Speaker: the talk is about the discussion about the drug the woman got from 3 doctors.she took them at the same time regardless whether there is interaction.then the man said she took overdose.
--Article starts with a accurate record of household income and spending of Mr Ye,which miniature the development way of Chinese
--from the graph the first time industry GDP met the service GDP in 2013 which means china transform the way of development from making something to doing something for people
--even thought China still face a lot of problems: inequality income between cities and countryside,aging population and mature debts

time2-5 the front-line staff decide the success or failure of the business and they provide customes  service by discerning customers, however, they were not valued by executives and no flig pyramid to hear their voice. Why it goes like that?
Executives got used to the perk position and good salary
how to deal with this problem?
change the upside down view of organization- customers are on the top, then front-line workers, then middle manages,the bottom is executives
and give detail despict of certain level should do,for example, front-line worker should develop new skills needed in work
change is not easy. But  the company need change or the it will falter

作者: yinghua9122    时间: 2014-4-4 08:29
作者: 云游    时间: 2014-4-4 09:20
Speaker: Lucky enough, I have no insomnia symptom.
Time 1:1'12''  It is the front-line of an organization that determine the success of this company, however,for most organization currently, it is the upper layer of it that enjoys most attention and care.
Time 2:  1'09'' Calling for a flip inside the organization might sound like a paradigm shift, but for the author, he think he has the liability to do so, for the overall dumping situation of the U.S. economy is calling for a radical change.
Time 3: 1'20'' To make this paradigm shift happening, coporation must root the concept of upside-down into each layer of the managment team.
Time 4:1'28'' Introduce series of actions taken to achieve the designated goals.
Time 5: 1'12'' Greedy and lack of self-displine on those executive persons have almost jeopardized the world economy as a whole, so it's time to take some actions--to flip the side of management.
作者: mozhiwanjia    时间: 2014-4-4 09:43
AceJ 发表于 2014-4-3 21:50
Part III: Obstacle

Doing stuff, not making stuff

掌管 6        00:08:54.90        00:25:32.06
掌管 5        00:03:46.21        00:16:37.16
掌管 4        00:02:32.28        00:12:50.94
掌管 3        00:01:50.66        00:10:18.66
掌管 2        00:05:38.48        00:08:27.99
掌管 1        00:02:49.51        00:02:49.51

作者: TaoRs92    时间: 2014-4-4 10:14

People play very important role in an organization.Especially those in the front line.They do the most work to face consumers directly.They are important asset of a company.
But companies not always pay much attention on these people.Why?
The paradox of rethinking the pyramid--not easy to consider the top as the bottom.People don't want to change.
Why need rethinking?Because it is good for companies to survive in the present financial condition(after financial shambles in 2008,US hasn't recovered fully yet)
How to make the change?
Upside down structure.
Recognize each layer has its unique function.
Different roles have different works to do.Specific duties of different positions in the company.The executive layer..
What should staff members do--responsible for execution/improve what they do.
What should senior leaders do--when staff members complete their work,they can shift their focus to promote the cultural change.
Awareness programs are needed for staff members.
Measuring and rewarding employee performances are needed,too.
Exeutives gain large bonuses.But they haven't done good work.They don't deserve the rewards and bonuses.
Company should pay more attention to those in the front line.
The record from a citizen in China.His data and record reflect the macroeconomic change in China in severl decades,with accuracy.
NBS's numbers about economic growth--not accurate.China's economy grows slower than the data.Capital spending exceeds consumer spending.Consumption led-growth is not very successful now.
NBS's numbers in Rebalance--in patterns of spending,as well as production and income--Services exceeds industry/Gini coefficient declined,narrow ineuality.
1 not believed by many citizens(the true situation disguised by few wealthy elites.)
2 but this number has some truth to believe--consider the rising equality between countryside and city--rural residents become richer than before/they also enjoy better healthy income gains.
The aging of China's population--still now a very serious problem.

作者: wangweiyi5332    时间: 2014-4-4 10:27
Timer1  1:40
Front-line staff is much important to the company's growth and profitability.But the needs of top staff of the enterprise usually come first ,middle management layer followed. However, the top manager always emphasize how important the front-line staff is , in fact that is not like what they underlined.
Timer3 2:40
top executives  have an invested interest of the enterprise ,and they do not want to lower their salaries and make  their life without luxuries. this mindset may date from the feminist movement , which shape the way American think. Nevertheless ,enterprise need the strength come from outsider to compel the company to make transition.  
Timer4  2:40
作者: wangweiyi5332    时间: 2014-4-4 11:02
Timer5 2:40
作者: simonleo    时间: 2014-4-4 11:06
It is a dialogue about taking drug medicine.

Time 2 1:54
front-line personnel plays a crucial part in a company, but is at the bottom of a company, give a question that why this phenomenon is.

Time 3 2:25
explain why it is a complicated case to flip the work pyramid and give a seemingly radical suggestion that there need a transition in the business world.

Time 4 2:29
give example to show how the company works after the transition.

Time 5 2: 46
the benefits from the flipping and what the senior leader should do to accomplish this shift.

Time 6 2:15
Some discussions about status quo and a sum that a shift is need in the business world.

Obstacle 8:23
A essay about the economy of China. First it involves a statistics about the income records of Mr Ye, which cannot represent all the households. And then it shows some problems in the chinese economy and the possible inaccurate statistics from NBS.
作者: slave918    时间: 2014-4-4 13:23
time2 2:12
The first-line members of corporation are important in a company, because they know consumers. However, they are often the bottom layer in a hierarchy of company.
time3 3:14
The paradox encountered is that top managers wouldn't shift their top position to bottom position. Only outsiders cam change the current status quo
time4 3:04
Consumers should be positioned in top, and then front-line employees are subordinate. To achieve this organization, we should arrange different hierarchy do different aspects of things.
tiem5 3:05
Staffs who are responsible for execution should improve their abilities.
Senior should promote cultural change.
Awareness should be emphasizing.
New ways of measuring and rewarding should be put into effect.  
time6 1:58
Executive compensation is often and is a epitome of executive's mindset. To change the mindset, we must change the organization of company.
obstacle 8:48
Mr. Ye took a daily disdain, for 47 years, which reflect china's macro economy in some extent. In china, lowering GDP brings some worries.
People should concern about production and income, since service production is larger than industrial production.
Inequality is decreasing. Although people suspect the statistics, it reveals some real situation in china.
Gini and wage can reflect the reality.

作者: huwanyue123    时间: 2014-4-4 14:57
Be off to bed =be going to bed
Overkill=to much of something
Does the left hand know what the right hand is doing?

Though front-line personal is important to an enterprise’ success, it seems to be unrealized to majority of people.
A paradox in rethinking the relationship (structure)
a change to the pyramid and how to do the change
first-line be the customer, then the people who work with customers, and finally the execute people.
Every level has its own responsibilities.
Sum: change is not easy


作者: 饼干小熊    时间: 2014-4-4 15:23
T2 1'24 Why the front-line personnel's work havent been emphasised?
T3 1‘56 The Paradox in Rethinking the Pyramid and it semms the enterprised need the change to keep survival
T4 2'16 How to make it happen in details.
T5 1'14 More details
T6 1'08 Its still hard to flip the pyramid but there is a need for the change.
T7 3'40
作者: 奔奔宝贝    时间: 2014-4-4 15:24

 [time 2]  1:40  117wpm
    People of the enterprise determine the long-term success. Unfortunately, most senior leadership teams put the leaders on the top of the team,but the front-line people in the bottom. Though many emphersis the importance of the fornt-line people,there's still much to do to put the emphersis on the front-line staff.
  [time 3]  2:06  138wpm
    The biggest challenge to flip the pyramid is to make the executives give up their high salaries and put themselvies lower. Today's business environment is anything but typical. The economy has not fully recovered from the recession. To win,the enterprises have to shift their thoughts.
  [time 4]  1:45  149wpm
    To make the flip happen,an upside-dowm view of the organization has to be adopted. The customers should be put in the first place,then come the people who directly connect with customers,then the managers,the the executives. Each layer of the team should focus on and be responsible for its own commision.
  [time 5]  2:06  129wpm
    Staff members are ultimately responsible for the execution. They should constantly look for ways to improve what they do. They should be preparerd to convey the survices to the customers. More money should be invested in the training of the staff. Staff should be awared of this thansition. Finally,there should be new ways to measure the performance of the staff.
  [time 6]  1:36  141wpm
    Change may not be easy. The executives' compensatoin grows greater.However, to survive in the world market, enterprises have to change their minds.
  [obstacle]  6:12  120wpm
    Not everyone believes the figures released by NBS. NBS has payed a visit to Mr Ye, who has been keeping the expenditure in very detail for the past decades. Mr Ye's note reflects China's microeconomy. In 2013, China's production of service for the first time since 1961 surpasses that of the industry. That means, China has begun to do for the customers instead of producing for them.However the increased economy,the income gap between China's rich and the poor is huge. NBS estimated China's Gini coefficint of 2013 as 0.473, but many don't buy this. People think NBS ignored the rich's dark income. But NBS's figures do have something useful-to reflect China's statistical shortcome. China still has potential to get more people work.
作者: chenyu2436    时间: 2014-4-4 15:43
Time 2 1'05
The people of the enterprise determines its long-term succeed or failure, however, the needs of the board director always come first than the people of the enterprise, how is that possible? (background)

Time3 1'35
status quo:现状
finanical shambles 金融混论
swathes of 大片的
at stake 处于紧要关头
introduce paradox: what makes it hard to reshape the pyramid?
reason: top managers don't want to miss out the perks. resahpe will put the enterprise at stake. only outsiders might help and thus it is radical.

Time 4 1'10
call the shots 发号施令
author's suggestion about how to make this reshape happen
executive layer>senior leadership>middle managers

Time 5 1'42
p1p2p3: introduce what each kind of working group function at this new pyrimid and how the corporation will

benefit fro it.
P4P5 two new programs or departments need to be added (awareness program and new ways of measuring and rewarding employee performance)

Time 6 1'27
bail-out money:救助金  bail-out 以优先股发给股东作为红利之行为
on merit 凭本事
main idea: author strongly oppose the bail out behavior, and suggest change to flip the pyramid.

Time 7 6'17
shortcomings 毛病
in perspective 正确的判断,通过透视法判断
the author compares a bookkeeping records of a chinese citizens with the chinese governmental statistic data to indicates some of the Chinese governmental statistic are accurate but not all. and the author interpreted from this comparison such as a shift in consumer spending pattern as well as a shift in production and income pattern, thus it show that China's economy is now primarily based on doing things for people not making things for them. however, these statistics are not believed by many of the chinese citizens.
作者: 小草莓之梦    时间: 2014-4-4 15:59
[Time2] 01:27.31
Front-line personnel plays an important role in deciding the company’s long term success of failure. But most management teams did not put much emphasis on the front-line staff.

The paradox between the outsiders’ appeal and the executive’s interest existed in the business. The outsiders called upon for paradigm shifts.

An upside-down view of the organization must be adopted, the customers should come first, then follow the people who work with customers, and managers come at last, and each layer have unique perspectives and are responsible for specific essential actions.

1)Senior leaders can put much emphasis on the the aspect of flipping the pyramid.
2)The bonuses allocated to executive can be a stimulus package for the working staff.
3)New ways of measuring and rewarding employee performance is require.

Several executives at several Wall Street firms took the bail-out money as their bonuses as such behavior is the prevailing executive mindset. It is time to flip the pyramid in the business institutions.

Obstacle 06:00.05
1)Some people treat the China's official statistics with carefulness, such as Mr ye noted all his spending and savings down during his working years.
2)Chinese economy shows a tentative rebalanced trend because of the increasing investment  in the capital rather than the improvements in other aspects.
3)the GDP from service>the GDP from industry
4)The gap between the rich and the poor is narrowing.
作者: tian767    时间: 2014-4-4 16:26
A woman told her doctor she had 3 diff pills to cure her insomnia

T2 1:25
Quest about the company organization

T3 3:00
The lead ceil is steady. They don’t want to change, however the company will stop if they do so.

T4 0:50
An upside-down views must be adopted. Then introduce some steps to achieve the goal

T5 1:02
New edu & tech is needed for the employer. In addition, a rewarding system is also needed

T6 1:26
Good organization is importation to a long-term success of a company. The leadership has to change its mind, otherwise, more institutions are going to fail.

O 4:23
Mr Ye example reveal the eco history of China. GDP & GINI analysis. talked about the country ppl move to city to find job, and the old ppl lengthen their working age.

作者: 盘腿大王    时间: 2014-4-4 19:38
Paula has 4 kinds of medications to help her sleep.She eats first 3 usually,all of these drugs were prescribe by different doctors.
Marcus confiscate her drugs until she make sure she won't overdose by takong all three of these at one time.

the front-line personnel ultimately determine its long-term success or failure.But little managements to provide emphasis on the front-line staff that does the work of the organization. Why is that?

The paradox that ask the people at the top of the pyramid to place themselves at the bottom of the ladder is perhaps the greatest challenge to overcome in

if want to change the paradox ,an upside-down view of the organization must be adopted.In order to make this happen, we must sharpen our perspectives.

if want to achieve peak perfoemance
Staffs who are responsible for execution should improve their abilities.
the senior leaders will pay millions of dollars for staff training.

businesses must begin to flip the pyramid upside down and focus attention on, and, pour precious resources into the nurturing and development of the staff that ultimately deliver products and services to the customer

Mr.Ye has a ledger book which record of his household's income and spending for the past 47 years. That providing a microscopic view of China's macroeconomic transformation.
China's economy is now primarily based on doing things for people not making things for them.
Many Chinese citizens are not believe the narrowing of inequently.
The ageing of China's population causes almost as much concern as the maturing of its debt.
作者: ROLEDAD    时间: 2014-4-4 22:04
taking prescribed drugs
Since Paula take three different drugs, which are prescribed by three doctors, at the one time to help her to sleep, Marcus suggests her to make sure that the three medicine won't interact together and produce side effect.

Time2: 1'02''
Although it is known by most senior leaders that customer experience is important to the organization, yet little has been done to recast the managers to provide emphasis on the front-line staffs.

Time3: 1'56''
Although the transition of the pyramid, which flipping it by asking those at the top top to place themselves at the bottom of the ladder, is really needed, yet it is difficult to overcome in changing the way business is organized and operates.

Time4: 1'30''
There are implications to turning the corner on executive thinking.
Firstly, an upside-down view of the organization must be adopted.
And then we must sharpen our perspectives on the players that inhabit the basic layers of the organization. For the  senior executives, they need to envision what the enterprise can become over the next several years,  and the mid-level managers are required to concerned about operational excellence. As for staff members, they need to put them into practise.
In the end, they must empower their associates to do what is necessary to achieve the vision, while managing this year's budget

Time5: 1'23''
To be specific, staff member need to be trained to delivers value to the customer, including awareness programs, measuring and rewarding employee performance.

Time6: 55''
By taking the example of WSJ, it proves that awarding and bonus is necessary to the long-term success of an organization. And finally, all mentioned above support the claim that the prevailing mindset must be changed, flipping the pyramid upside down and focus attention on, and, pour precious resources into the nurturing and development of the staff.

[obstacle] 4'42''
Started with a meticulous daily record of Mr Ye's household's income and spending for the past 47 years, it is true that  China's economy progressed during the recent period.
The growth of the economy is caused by capital spending on buildings, factories, infrastructure and other physical assets, showing that China's economy is now primarily based on doing things for people not making things for them.
The change in production consequently narrow the inequality between cites and countries proved by the decreased gini coefficient, with a tendency of increasing income.

作者: ceciliauno    时间: 2014-4-4 23:10
time 2 1'05
"customer experience" is of vital important for an organization's long-term achievements, but in fact the senior leadership didn't put the front-line personnel as an important stage.

time 3 1'42
there are an challenge paradox in the problem, the power man in the top-line would not want to lower their stage to the front. the only possible solution comes from the outsides, just as the women's rights movement

time 4 0'59
some action suggestions for org. we need to give every layers unique perspectives and specific essential actions.

time 5 1'19
employees also need to take ultimately responsible for their performance under properly measuring and rewarding system

time 6 0'53

作者: Arielindo    时间: 2014-4-5 02:31
time2+3+4+5+6 6:36
-employees are the most crucial asset in the company. But the organization of employees is shaped as a pyramid. Companies have to change the stereotype  to management to focus more on the executive team in order to provide better service and products to customers, otherwise companies might be bankrupted.

time 7 4:07
-Chinese government visit one elder man who is 80 years old and still working in the the position for 47 years. More Chinese work over the age of 60, because they still can work. The combination of GDP in China also has changed, more and more employees working for service industry rather than industrial industry.  

作者: pennyz    时间: 2014-4-5 11:44
it is time to flip the pyramid.
the importance of the front-line personnel and paradox of the rank of them
its neccessity of transform the corporation
the first step is to adopt an upside-down view of the organization
and shift the attention of the senoir leaders to the work needed to promote the cultural change that flipping the pyramid represents
new ways of measuring and rewarding employee performance
mainidea:the growth of China economy from the perspective of the householder's account
the account of Mr ye show some trend of the china economy growth
the finding show that the increase of the debt is faster than that of the econonmy.
but the rebalancing way of china economy lie in the the production way not the spending
the statistics show that the turnover of service has surplus that of production
the recent geni index is the most narrowing in few years,but many shed cast on it

作者: NativeStudy菌    时间: 2014-4-5 14:39
kimwang53 发表于 2014-4-3 22:07

My dear Kuimwang~
Don't forget to have your passage read today~ you know I don't want to see your message being deleted.
作者: NativeStudy菌    时间: 2014-4-5 14:49
小蘑菇开始打怪 发表于 2014-4-3 22:10

Dear little mushroom~
Glad to see you in the front page~ But you have to finish reading the passage within 3 days, otherwise, your message will be deleted.

作者: lemonjuice0    时间: 2014-4-5 19:28
[Time2] 1’05
It is the front-line staff who meet directly with the customers and thus the most important part of the company. However, the fact turns out to be weird that those on the top of the pyramid are these executives, instead of the front-line personal.
[Time 3] 2’12
It is hard to flip the pyramid, since the executive groups now are still the mindset of the company. But, this kind of shift is essential for the people in the outside of the company.
[Time 4] 2’06
How to change the mind of the executives to comfort with the rule of “customers are priority”?
[Time 5] 2’10
To realize the project of ‘flipping the pyramid’, the executives must fully understand the importance of the front-line staff and also educate and compensate them.
[Time 6] 1’13
The bonus to the executives today seems unfair and such circumstance does no good for long-term development.
[Paraphrase 7] 5’26

作者: daisyjin    时间: 2014-4-5 21:47
2. 1:07
The front-line personnel are important at the process of production. They are people who directly connect to custmers, deciding the ultimately production. However, executives think that those people are least important and regard them as the bottem of pyramid. Why does this phenomenon happens?
3. 1:33
There is a paradox between the interest of the executive and the slipping of the pyramid. Executive does not want to lower his salary and luxury. It may be necessary to introduce the conception of outsider in determining the change.
4. 1:34
The executive should makes decision based on the opinion of customers. The voice from customer can be heard by the executive, who, in turn, focuses on a new respective and changes the strategy of marketing. However, they must empower his associates to achieve the vision while managing this year's budget.
5. 1:31
The staff members are ultimately responsible for execution and the flipping of pyramid is needed.
6. 1:04
The necessary to flip the pyramid.

A person recently visits a meticulous person Mr ye, a person is so cautious with accounts that he wrote all the items in detail. And he also donated some of his writing to NBS, provide more convince to his words.
He praises the NBS for the carefulness to conclude every item in the economy. From the NBS, we can infer the economy change. One change is that we are tranforming from making things to doing things. However, GINI coefficient is still high in our country. we need to pull it down.
And another finding about labour indicates a decline in the number of workforce. However, we should keep things in perspective. The fact that more people ready rush to cities to be workforces and some people not in the workforce age range in the statistics are likely to work.
作者: jokerking    时间: 2014-4-6 09:10
spk : pillbottles : medicine bottle
        sedative : calms you down to make you sleep
        stimulant : get you more motivated and energy
        overkill : too much of sth.
        confiscate:  to take sth away without permission
        pharmacist : someone prepare medicines, drugist
       regale : to tell story in a funny and interesting way
spd  :  1.09  most companies acknowleged their frontier staff are crucial in the compnay. but few of them want to flip the top-down stereotype in the company.
         1.37  top ladder people dont want to lose their benefit make the flip hard to implement. typically , the change led by an outsider without politically or financially benefit, and the American economy need this radical change.
         1.38  upside-down of organization is urgent needed, and each layer of company play the same important role in progress.
         1.35  Staff members are ultimately responsible for execution. put money on optimizing the staffs' performance is a wise decision.Finally, new ways of measuring and rewarding employee performance is required, too.
         1.22  to sum up, businesses must begin to flip the pyramid upside down and focus attention on the staff which ultimately deliver products and services to the customer, not on the excutives.
OB  :  4.25
作者: 铁板神猴    时间: 2014-4-8 16:38

Taking Prescription Drugs

Marcus confiscated Paula's three different pill bottles in case she overdosed herself. Then he would regale Paula with stories of his youth.


Flipping the organization
Time 2
frontline personnel,
senior management layer,
little has been done to change it.

Time 3
executives have a vested interest
paradigm shifts come from outsiders
to avoid further crisis, time to be a bit ridical

Time 4
a super change is called, empower their associates

Time 5
staff members are ultimately responsible, training stimulus package, new ways of measuring and rewarding employees

Time 6
executive compensation continues to be greater
things need to change or many more US business institutions are likely to flail and falter.


Doing stuff, not making stuff
Paraphrase 7

作者: zyr220    时间: 2014-4-10 12:09
T2  1‘27
T3  1'56
T4  1'39
T5  2'03
T6  1'45
O  5'01

Obstacle 基本记不得什么
作者: cyndichiang    时间: 2014-4-12 08:05
Time2 1'31''
Front-line employees determine the success of the enterprise. Executes always emphasize the significance of the front-line staff but executes talk little about front-line staff within the pyramid

Time3 2'22''
The author shows us some reasons why the radical thinking of the flipping the pyramid is difficult to conduct?  The most important challenge  the author think is the business environment.
And the author think the time is right.

Time4 1'35''
The upside-down view of thinking is needed and the key to the policy is the empowerment of bottom staffs and the perspectives from each layers.
Many top executes are envisioning to try to transfer the state quo.

Time5 2'22''
Staffs are ultimately responsible for execution. So the executives should motive staffs to achieve optimal performance by some radical actions.
Executives will begin to engage in the service of the staff or allocate their bonus to staff'education or so
Also, they should motivate personnel to commit to self-improvement by some motivation thus achieve peak-performance.

Time6 1'28''
In sum, though the change of organization have many difficulties and challenges, it's needed now for several reasons.

Obstacle 5'34''
The passage shows us some statistics and analysis of China's current economy from NBS.
1.  economy's growth was slower than the expansion of credit thus some potential defaults exist
2. The distribution of the increasing GDP is uneven because the government capital constitutes a large part ,almost 54% and the consumers' spending constitutes relatively small fragment.
3. The service industries outweighs the manufacture industries recently according to the chart, this phenomenon means that China's economy is now primarily based on doing things not making things .
4.income narrowing means that inequality of distribution is narrow. eg. immigrants from countryside earn more than previously because many firm's labor cost increases about 10-15%
5. That urban employment increases about 11.4m means that China's hinterland is not quite empty yet
作者: 某葵    时间: 2014-4-13 08:15
[196 words] 1'33
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[271 words] 1'57
[227 words] 1'21

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