
标题: 2015新加坡管理大学(SMU)MBA申请在校生答疑 [打印本页]

作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-3-21 20:04
标题: 2015新加坡管理大学(SMU)MBA申请在校生答疑
我们是SMUSingapore Management University2014届全日制MBA在校学生,为了给准备留学的中国同学更多申请上的帮助和交流,特别开通此贴。

新加坡管理大学(SMU)成立于2000年,是由新加坡政府投资创办的主攻business 方向,依照美国沃顿商学院办学模式而成立的亚洲学府。

我们2014 MBA一共有60位学生,其中有6位同学来自中国。

毕业后平均薪水S$60k – 80k/

Full-time(for the class starting inJanuary 2015):
1 March      2014(Round 1)
18 July        2014 (Round 2)
15 October  2014 (Final)
学校会在4月12日(周六)在上海参加QS Fair
4月13日(周日)在北京参加QS Fair并于同一天举办一个info session

作者: xiaoyongnao    时间: 2014-3-24 17:44
For certain applicants, one year MBA is very good
作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-3-24 22:57
xiaoyongnao 发表于 2014-3-24 17:44
For certain applicants, one year MBA is very good

hi xiaoyongnao:Thank you for your attention on SMU program
作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-3-24 23:04
updated info session in China, welcome come to learn more

Coffee Sessions in Shanghai, China
11 April 2014 (Friday)
Venue: Hotel Lobby Café of Swissôtel Grand Shanghai, No. 1 Yu Yuan Road, Jing An District
Time: 6pm-7pm / 7pm - 8pm
Click following to reserve a seat

QS TopMBA Connect 1-2-1 in Shanghai, China
12th April 2014 (Saturday)
Venue: Renaissance Shanghai Yu Garden, Guancheng Shanghai 200010, China
Time: 13:00 - 18:00
Click following to register

Information Session in Beijing, China
13th April 2014 (Sunday)
Venue: **,北京市朝阳区三元桥中国中冶大厦6层, Floor 6, MCC Tower, No.28, Shuguangxili, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100028
Time: 10:00 - 11:30
Click following to register

QS TopMBA Connect 1-2-1 in Beijing, China
13th April 2014 (Sunday)
Venue: Hilton Wangfujing, 8 Wangfujing East Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100006, China
Time: 13:00 - 18:00
Click following to register

作者: B787    时间: 2014-3-25 13:27
作者: gfuturer    时间: 2014-3-26 17:03
Dear LZ,
thanks for your info, I plan to apply SMU MBA/Master of Wealth Management(MWM) next year.
as far as i know, even though SMU MBA has good placement record, it is not highly ranked over the world as well as in Asia.
however, i attended a MWM session couple of weeks ago in SMU and got to know that MWM is ranked the 2nd in FT, plus that MWM has internship opportunities for students without banking experience.
To conclude, I personally think MWM is more worthwhile for a shot.
may I hear some analysis/suggestions from you?
thanks very much!
作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-3-26 19:34
SMUMBA2014 发表于 2014-3-24 23:04
updated info session in China, welcome come to learn more

Coffee Sessions in Shanghai, China


As we are collating the employment statistics for the Class of 2013, which just graduated in December 2013, you can share with them the employment statistics for the Class of 2012.  For this class, about 91% found jobs at the 6-month mark after graduation with the remaining 3 uncontactable by our Career Services.  Some have multiple offers.  However we believe the 3 have gone back to their respective home countries and have already started working but did not inform us. The salary range for this group is between S$70,000 to S$83,000 and this excludes all benefits other than basic salary for a year.  This is based on those who are currently working in Singapore and excludes the “outliers” (ie. Those who earn exceedingly high salaries due to certain job nature).   Please note that the Full-time Class of 2012 is a small class (34) compared to the Class of 2013 which has 55 full-time students and the Class of 2014 which has 60 full-timers.  On average, about 80% of our full-time MBA students are non-Singaporeans and every year, around 70% of this group found jobs in Singapore.  

The Singapore-based companies that recruited our students from the Class of 2012 full-time programme include the following:

Singapore Marine Technology (Singapore)
MasterCard (Singapore)
IFC International (Singapore)
Apple (Singapore)
Capital Dynamics (Singapore)
Singapore Post (Singapore)
Philips Electronics (Singapore)
Apple (Singapore)
Advanced Micro Devices (Singapore)
Nimoi Capital (Singapore)
Noble Resources (Singapore)
Kimberly-Clark (Singapore)
FACT Software (Singapore)
Philips Electronics Singapore
Double Effect (Singapore)
Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore)
MediaCorp (Singapore)

作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-3-26 19:53
B787 发表于 2014-3-25 13:27

hi gfuturer: thank you for your attention.
you are right, SMU MBA does not have ranking status since the organization responsible for ranking ask minimium requirement to be ranked are at least 30 full time students and three years after their graduation. due to SMU MBA had 34 students who graduated at the the end of 2012, so, SMU will be ranked in 2015 or in 2016.
for full time MBAs, school provides loads of intern opportunities ( SMU have very good networking with the companies in Singapore) to help students to apply intern, since around 80% of the final full time job offers are come from the intern. so, intern is quite critical important for MBAs.
Due to I am not this major, so I cannot tell much about that, but if you need more information or help please do let me know, I will try to help you out.
Let me share the reasons why I chose SMU
1. reputation: SMU shares the same reputation (or even higher than ) NUS and NTU in Singapore, equal or better opportunity to show myself to the future employers.
2. small classes : this is super advantage to me whose mother language is not English and unwilling to open mouth speak English. In small class, I cannot either escape from expressing myself in class or hide myself from the professor. very good opportunity to practice communicating and speaking in public
3.  Singapore is good for international study exposure.
hope my opinion help you a little bit to make decision.
作者: jeff1439    时间: 2014-3-26 22:49
SMUMBA2014 发表于 2014-3-26 19:53
hi gfuturer: thank you for your attention.
you are right, SMU MBA does not have ranking  ...

I don't often make comments on the post of the other schools or alumni ... I think it might not be a proper behavior, since I was not a student there .. and sometimes some schools try to market themselves by over stating themselves, meanwhile underming the others, which might lead to endless argument on the website ....

However, when you are saying that the reputation of SMU is equal or even better than NUS & NTU, do you have any data or facts to support your point of view , could you share with us !

By the way, most bschool in the English speaking countries teach students in English, most MBA classes are small classes(10 ~ 35 persons), especially for electives, it is not something special.

作者: gfuturer    时间: 2014-3-27 11:40
SMUMBA2014 发表于 2014-3-26 19:53
hi gfuturer: thank you for your attention.
you are right, SMU MBA does not have ranking  ...

Dear lz,
thanks very much for sharing so many impressive info.
作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-3-27 19:52
jeff1439 发表于 2014-3-26 22:49
I don't often make comments on the post of the other schools or alumni ... I think it might not be  ...

hi jeff1439: thank you for your comments. you are totally right, it is absolutely wrong to undermine others, so, i never neither undermine others nor say bad mouth of others since that will lower myself. I apology if my reply make you misunderstand or feel uncomfortable.

I do evaluate SMU reputation is equivalen or higher than others. this is my own opinion - based on my own experience. you may have different idea based on our own experiences but whatever ideas you have, i would completely respect your ideas no matter your ideas are same with mine or not.

in SMU, both core classes and elective classes are small classess.   

Again, thank you for comments in our post.
作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-3-27 19:53
gfuturer 发表于 2014-3-27 11:40
Dear lz,
thanks very much for sharing so many impressive info.

hi gfuturer: thank you for your interested in my post. let me know whenever you have any question about SMU especially MBA program.
作者: Reficul99    时间: 2014-3-30 12:14
SMUMBA2014 发表于 2014-3-27 19:52
hi jeff1439: thank you for your comments. you are totally right, it is absolutely wrong to undermi ...

You are funny! You said you never undermine others but actually you did. Since you said you evaluate SMU's reputation is equivalentor even higher than others, could you give out any data to prove it? Or just your subjective judgement without any foundation?

One more question, do you representative the official voice of SMU MBA?
作者: 8424    时间: 2014-3-31 20:42
Hey Reficul99, if I were you, I will avoid using such mean word as "funny", especially when you find out that you are a joke yourself!

By saying undermining others, do you imply that SMU's reputation in Singapore is lower than the others? What a judgement! Prove it please, but I doubt you have that ability.

Seriously, you try to quantify reputation? Can you? At least let me give you some hint, you find the intrinsic value and the market value of all the graduates in the program, the difference between the two is roughly the reputation of the program. Even if I taught you this, I am sure enough that you still can't figure it out. So don't be too harsh to yourself.

Besides, why do you care if this post is official or not? Suppose you are a NUS student, you luckily have your foot on a piece of shit and you shout:"What the F*ck", you represent NUS?

Finally, please "别喝了点洋墨水,就拿着鸡毛当令箭,其实你只是支2B铅笔"
作者: jeff1439    时间: 2014-3-31 23:02
看到楼上两位都用新帐户发言, 并且争论, 觉得很没有必要, 有不同观点可以心平气和的讨论!

在marketing 课堂上, 大多数mba 都应该学过, 有争议性的品牌通常拥有更多的市场暴光率( 比如罗胖子的锤子手机), 不喜欢这个品牌的人们会力挺他们不喜欢这个品牌的理由; 喜欢这个品牌的一方会列出他们喜欢的理由; 两方面极容易产生争论, 导致相关话题和品牌 在人们视野中频繁出现, 尤其在新媒体上. 但这样的通过争议性 或者事件性来扩大推广的方式并不是一种高大上的手段.  好的品牌 自然有好品牌的产品特性, 越是好的品牌其争议度就越低, 比如google, 比如harvard ..  在这个以结果为导向的世界里, 每一个MBA 都有足够的 analytical skills 来区分是与非.

SMU 本身在新加坡是一个比较有争议性的品牌,  在坡也并不是第一次看到类似争论..  当然也有很多NUS, NTU 毕业的校友在那任教.

By the way, 感谢 楼主, 用一个看上去很像官方帐户的 account 来和大家分享你的 individual opinion, thanks !

对于reputation 的是否可以量化.. 请参照如下link


作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-4-1 00:09
Reficul99 发表于 2014-3-30 12:14
You are funny! You said you never undermine others but actually you did. Since you said you evalua ...

hi Reficul99: Thank you for your comments and question.
hehe ... I replied that the comments I made were base on my own experience. for anything ( include reputation ) different people must have different ideas, as I said no matter others have whatever ideas, especially those different with mine, I will respect to them as well. in simple, I cannot ask everyone in this world have same opinion on one thing. apology to you if I made you mistake.
I and my classmates who from China represent ourselves for this post, our purpose is very simple: just to help those who want to pursue SUM MBA or even those who want to study in Singapore, we would like to offer whatever help we can.
again, thank you for your comments.  
作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-4-1 00:10
8424 发表于 2014-3-31 20:42
Hey Reficul99, if I were you, I will avoid using such mean word as "funny", especially when you find ...

hi 8424, Thank you for your understanding and comments accordingly.
作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-4-1 00:22
jeff1439 发表于 2014-3-31 23:02
看到楼上两位都用新帐户发言, 并且争论, 觉得很没有必要, 有不同观点可以心平气和的讨论!

在marketing 课 ...

1. 的确,我们应该尊重不同观点的存在,毕竟每个人的成长经历都不同,对世界(包括学校)的认知肯定也不同,没有必要争论到面红耳赤直到对方同意自己观点为止。
2. 你举例marketing课堂,实在是贴切。呵呵。。。
3. 也没错,的确有很多老师也包括我现在的同班同学都是NUS或者NTU毕业的,他们人都很好。而且我现在最好的一个朋友也是NTU毕业的。所以,不会(我也没有资格)说其他学校不好。呵呵。。
4. 因为我们几个中国人目的很简单,就是想帮助那些想来SMUMBA或者想来新加坡学习的同学提供些利索能力的帮助,所以我们的答复都是个人经验和意见而已,也是第一次在网上开贴,没有经验啊。有让大家误解的地方请一定原谅。哈哈。。。
(昨天还有同学说我那个even higher than太主观了呢,但是,毕竟我现在在SMU上学,而且让我做到100%的客观恐怕也不现实,只能尽量根据自己的经验回答,有让你误解的地方请一定包含,呵呵。。)
作者: jeff1439    时间: 2014-4-1 00:34
SMUMBA2014 发表于 2014-4-1 00:22
1. 的确,我们应该尊重不同观点 ...

嗯 嗯  网络用词要谨慎 ! 我现在理解了你们的观点和初衷, 大家作为国人要一起努力..  
作者: B787    时间: 2014-4-1 23:27
SMUMBA2014 发表于 2014-4-1 00:22
1. 的确,我们应该尊重不同观点 ...

作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-4-2 19:50
jeff1439 发表于 2014-4-1 00:34
嗯 嗯  网络用词要谨慎 ! 我现在理解了你们的观点和初衷, 大家作为国人要一起努力..   ...

作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-4-2 19:53
B787 发表于 2014-4-1 23:27

作者: hss112233    时间: 2014-4-27 03:05
作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-4-27 20:12
作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-4-27 20:15
hss112233 发表于 2014-4-27 03:05

作者: hellobilli    时间: 2014-5-11 00:33
查了SMU MBA的官方资料,比较关心费用问题,30w学费+10w生活费(不知是否正确?)数目也不小,毕竟新加坡不像美国,外国人不能贷款,SMU奖学金额度也不多吧,所以想问下楼主费用问题是否全部自费解决呢? 因为财力有限,主要机会成本还是不小。是否实习可以补贴一些呢?  另外,学生签过去是否可以转part-time边工作边读呢。。 真心谢谢!
作者: 薰衣星海    时间: 2014-5-12 16:49
LZ ,我看了您发的MBA的要求,雅思一定要7分吗?6.5的话有希望吗?
作者: 薰衣星海    时间: 2014-5-12 16:59
作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-5-13 18:39
hellobilli 发表于 2014-5-11 00:33
查了SMU MBA的官方资料,比较关心费用问题,30w学费+10w生活费(不知是否正确?)数目也不小,毕竟新加坡不 ...

不好意思,我们刚刚考完试,没有及时回复。关于费用的问题, 准备充分点比较好,大概要三十万左右(包括奖学金,算入所有的开销)。实习是可以解决生活费问题了,我们现在就可以全职实习了。实习收入虽然不高,解决普通生活费还是可以的。我们一共五个学期,前两个学期是core modules, 你几乎没时间考虑工作的事,五月以后,时间上是可以全职了,SMU的学生准证就可以做实习。

作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-5-13 18:41
薰衣星海 发表于 2014-5-12 16:59
另外,我想问一下楼主,管大MBA是否有建QQ群,是否可以请学姐学长们建一个QQ群,然后分享一些经验 ...

作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-5-13 18:45
薰衣星海 发表于 2014-5-12 16:49
LZ ,我看了您发的MBA的要求,雅思一定要7分吗?6.5的话有希望吗?

SMU 对GMAT和雅思只有一个指导性的要求。不能说6.5就没有希望,但是每年申请人也越来越多,要求也是水涨船高,建议你可以参加SMU在中国的招生说明会,然后把你的情况给负责招生的老师说下,他们会给你更具体的建议。而且,英文的流利对于MBA的学习经验,还有找工作面试都极其重要。
作者: hellobilli    时间: 2014-5-19 00:10
SMUMBA2014 发表于 2014-5-13 18:39
不好意思,我们刚刚考完试,没有及时回复。关于费用的问题, 准备充分点比较好,大概要三十万左右(包括 ...

作者: hellobilli    时间: 2014-5-19 00:58
作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-5-25 23:03
hellobilli 发表于 2014-5-19 00:10
谢谢回复。听说最近新加坡政府收紧了移民政策,不知道是不是MBA毕业工作两年仍然可以申请PR呢?还有就是 ...

嗨,hellobilli:你好。据说政府的确收紧了移民政策,申请PR需要查看ICA的官网,但是,据说官网基本没什么要求,但是实际发放时会有时松,有时紧。因为上届的中国同学不多,有2-3个留下,有1-2个回去的。具体数字我不记得了。至于回国发展竞争力的问题: 这个我觉着主要还是要看个人表现和能力,不过我感觉我们还是比较注重亚洲文化,经济和市场的(不知道欧美MBA们要不要学习这么多亚洲的business)。比如我们有一门core module就是asian business,选修也有一门strategic management in China。
作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-5-25 23:08
hellobilli 发表于 2014-5-19 00:58

作者: tinkham    时间: 2014-6-4 20:38
作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-6-6 22:08
作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-6-6 22:09
tinkham 发表于 2014-6-4 20:38
lz好,我下周SMU的面试,应该是电话面或者skype,求介绍,这是我大学第一次面这种。应该怎么办? ...

作者: tinkham    时间: 2014-6-7 17:55
SMUMBA2014 发表于 2014-6-6 22:09
嗨,tinkham,你好。恭喜你啊,已经拿到面试通知了。无论是电话或者是skype都一样吧,我当时是电话。我感 ...

thx.面试的老师都知道是哪位了,在SMU的官网上查了下的资料,大牛的感觉,不知道LZ知道么,信息系统学院里面的ENOCH,一位副教授。lz,还有问题,1,看这个ENOCH的名字,知道是哪里人么?2,因为我是走的硕士项目(我所在本科学校的,我是大三),是直接联系那种,SMU那边给我们这边的老师发的信息提到了一个词,informal chat,我想知道这和一般提到的面试形式一样么?或者是内容上面?
作者: tinkham    时间: 2014-6-7 17:59
tinkham 发表于 2014-6-7 17:55
thx.面试的老师都知道是哪位了,在SMU的官网上查了下的资料,大牛的感觉,不知道LZ知道么,信息系统学院 ...

作者: 薰衣星海    时间: 2014-6-10 17:12
LZ, 我想咨询一下奖学金方面的事情。之前好像有听说有GMAT700多的申请到了2-3w新币的奖学金,能否提供一些这方面的信息呢?
作者: 薰衣星海    时间: 2014-7-7 10:50
请拿到2015 SMU MBA offer的同学可以加群,群号: 193319661
作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-7-7 22:02
tinkham 发表于 2014-6-7 17:59

作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-7-7 22:05
tinkham 发表于 2014-6-7 17:59

作者: SMUMBA2014    时间: 2014-7-7 22:09
薰衣星海 发表于 2014-6-10 17:12
LZ, 我想咨询一下奖学金方面的事情。之前好像有听说有GMAT700多的申请到了2-3w新币的奖学金,能否提供一些 ...

嗨,熏衣星海,你好,非常抱歉回复晚了,最近实在太忙,没来CD及时回复。奖学金种类还是挺多的,金额还是根据每个人的具体情况而不同,如果你方便可以参加7月19日上海或者7月20日的info session,到时会有招办的老师在,可以详细了解下。
Information Session in Shanghai, China 19 July 2014 (Saturday)
Venue: EIC上海, 上海市黄浦区南京西路388号仙乐斯广场1801室
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Click following to register
Information Session in Beijing, China
20th July 2014 (Sunday)
Venue: **,北京市朝阳区三元桥中国中冶大厦6层,
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Click following to register

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