
标题: 录取求比较! Johns Hopkins MBA vs Casewestern Reserve Mba!标题要长长长长长长长长长长长长长长..... [打印本页]

作者: windflower715    时间: 2014-3-4 16:42
标题: 录取求比较! Johns Hopkins MBA vs Casewestern Reserve Mba!标题要长长长长长长长长长长长长长长.....
现在拿到了两个offer,Johns Hopkins MBA vs Casewestern Reserve Mba, Case western给了60%的奖学金,对于MBA的高额学费来说还是很诱人的。

Johns Hopkins pro学校综排较高,地理位置距离纽约较近,实习和就业都比较方便
                    con学校商学院新开不久,听说项目很水,招很多学生当做cash cow
Case             pro奖学金非常诱人是真的,学校专排比较好,商科也是强项

作者: chriszhangice    时间: 2014-3-4 16:52
作者: wangtao1988    时间: 2014-3-4 17:06
作者: 小甲gg    时间: 2014-3-4 19:57

作者: MissBean25    时间: 2014-3-4 20:06

不考虑的话,我会选JHU,MBA需要big name

作者: 坞城路少年    时间: 2014-3-4 20:41
Vote for CWR, 即便JHU是有潜力,但两年的时间应该太短了……另外,ROI是一个重要的指标,CWR其实蛮不错的。
作者: comesagain    时间: 2014-3-4 23:53
yale som都成立快40年了还只是现在这样,jhu未来几十年内你能抱多大希望?潜力股都是自欺欺人的说法
作者: 月老文曲星    时间: 2014-3-5 08:30
作者: ziz5039    时间: 2014-3-5 12:40
作者: JonFrank    时间: 2014-3-6 09:38
It's a tough choice dude, and there is no easy answer, but I usually tell folks that they should go to the best school possible. The most important thing, keep in mind, is gonna be the job you can get when you leave, and often, the better schools are better becuase they give you those opportunities!

作者: blxue8369    时间: 2014-3-6 21:07
作者: windflower715    时间: 2014-3-9 22:24
JonFrank 发表于 2014-3-6 09:38
It's a tough choice dude, and there is no easy answer, but I usually tell folks that they should go  ...

do you think JHU is a better option for me ?
The reputation for JHU's business school is not that great though, do you think that the big name of Jhu will give it the competitive edge when I try to get a job in the U.S after graduation?
作者: windflower715    时间: 2014-3-9 22:25
blxue8369 发表于 2014-3-6 21:07

作者: kky2014    时间: 2014-3-10 12:39
windflower715 发表于 2014-3-9 22:24
do you think JHU is a better option for me ?
The reputation for JHU's business school is not that  ...

For now, Casewestern can give you a chance to look for a good job with a good MBA degree when graduating.
JHU will honor your family in, I will say, perhaps 60 years.
You can tell your grandson that you graduated from JHU 60 years ago. Perhaps they will respond "wow" at that time. Maybe.
作者: JonFrank    时间: 2014-3-12 11:31
That's true. But I do think that overall JHU has a better rep than Casewestern as a school in general. For the business school it's hard to tell because its so young, so how to tell what the results are? The tough thing (and I think this is why it's really a hard decision) is: is the advantage gained by JHU worth the 60% scholarship that Casewestern is offering???

Looking at Caswewestern, it has not too bad employment stats for its ranking. Keep in mind though that both schools are likely to be highly regional, and you will likely live and work somewhere around the schools locations, so that might affect your decision. If you are still totally unsure, I'd definitely suggest thinking about a visit to both before you make this very important, life-changing decision.


作者: anchang    时间: 2014-4-5 11:37
作者: V_Krystal    时间: 2014-4-7 21:21
作者: ljwqlcl881703    时间: 2014-4-10 08:56
求加扣扣跟你了解下MBA的项目 651257445
作者: fzy0007    时间: 2014-5-8 13:28

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