同学能不能稍微说仔细点?让我们都学习学习。作者: Jonathan2011 时间: 2014-3-8 05:08
big 4....you have more exposure to real finance and you actually acquire useful skills from the experience...Ops in IB is pretty boring and many job/roles are being outsourced or automated.....plus, we do see ppl switch from audit to advisory/IBD,but we almost never see ppl switch from Ops to advisory/IBD.....in term of MBA application, neither of them gives you comparative advantages(as many front office ppl are applying as well)作者: Bear88 时间: 2014-3-8 21:48
顶!已收到最新的人事安排,lz已更新了收到的offer的具体岗位,望大家多提建议!ddl快到了,马上需要给回复作者: cslinjun 时间: 2014-3-10 10:27
Big 4 can barely offer you a intensive learning environment (quality of new hires) nor a comprehensive training system (cost is everything) like 5 or 10 years ago......We are struggling in finishing engagements with minimum costs...who cares about what you have learned....also, most working papres done by associates are repeating and boring..such as sampling......
No one could guarantee that you will have chances to participate in IPO projects or Big group consolidation projects......in these big projects if you want to try some core techniques, maybe your grade should be above S2
Don't even mention the salary```作者: cissy918 时间: 2015-5-19 19:36