
标题: 2月27日作业题目 [打印本页]

作者: belinda_cao    时间: 2014-2-27 11:03
标题: 2月27日作业题目


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1)At present the Hollywood Restaurant has only standard-height tables. However, many customers come to watch the celebrities who frequent the Hollywood, and they would prefer tall tables with stools because such seating would afford a better view of the celebrities. Moreover, diners seated on stools typically do not stay as long as diners seated at standard-height tables. Therefore, if the Hollywood replaced some of its seating with high tables and stools, its profits would increase.
The argument is vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that it gives reason to believe that it is likely that
.some celebrities come to the Hollywood to be seen, and so might choose to sit at the tall tables if they were available
B. the price of meals ordered by celebrities dining at the Hollywood compensates for the longer time, if any, they spend lingering over their meals
C.a customer of the Hollywood who would choose to sit at a tall table would be an exception to the generalization about lingering
D.a restaurant's customers who spend less time at their meals typically order less expensive meals than those who remain at their meals longer
E.with enough tall tables to accommodate all the Hollywood's customers interested in such seating, there would be no view except of other tall tables

2) A year ago, Dietz Foods launched a yearlong advertising campaign for its canned tuna. Last year Dietz sold 12 million cans of tuna compared to the 10 million sold during the previous year, an increase directly attributable to new customers brought in by the campaign. Profits from the additional sales, however, were substantially less than the cost of the advertising campaign. Clearly, therefore, the campaign did nothing to further Dietz's economic interests.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A . Sales of canned tuna account for a relatively small percentage of Dietz Foods' profits.  .
B .Most of the people who bought Dietz's canned tuna for the first time as a result of the campaign were already loyal customers of other Dietz products.  .
C .A less expensive advertising campaign would have brought in significantly fewer new customers for Dietz's canned tuna than did the campaign Dietz Foods launched last year.  .
D .Dietz made money on sales of canned tuna last year.  .
E .In each of the past five years, there was a steep, industry-wide decline in sales of canned tuna.

3) Bank depositors in the United States are all financially protected against bank failure because the government insures all individuals' bank deposits. An economist argues that this insurance is partly responsible for the high rate of bank failures, since it removes from depositors any financial incentive to find out whether the bank that holds their money is secure against failure. If depositors were more selective then banks would need to be secure in order to compete for depositors' money.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the economist s argument?
A.  Before the government started to insure depositors against bank failure, there was a lower rate of bank failure than there is now.  
B. When the government did not insure deposits frequent bank failures occurred as a result of depositors' fears of losing money in bank failures.  
C. Surveys show that a significant proportion of depositors are aware that their deposits are insured by the government.  
D. There is an upper limit on the amount of an individual's deposit that the government will insure. But very few individuals' deposits exceed this limit.  
E. The security of a bank against failure depends on the percentage of its assets that are loaned out and also on how much risk its loans involve.

4) Guillemots are birds of Arctic regions. They feed on fish that gather beneath thin sheets of floating ice, and they nest on nearby land. Guillemots need 80 consecutive snow-free days in a year to raise their chicks, so until average temperatures in the Arctic began to rise recently, the guillemots' range was limited to the southernmost Arctic coast. Therefore, if the warming continues, the guillemots' range will probably be enlarged by being extended northward along the coast.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A. Even if the warming trend continues, there will still be years in which guillemot chicks are killed by an unusually early snow.  
B. If the Arctic warming continues, guillemots' current predators are likely to succeed in extending their own range farther north.  
C. Guillemots nest in coastal areas, where temperatures are generally higher than in inland areas.  
D. If the Arctic warming continues, much of the thin ice in the southern Arctic will disappear.  
E. The fish that guillemots eat are currently preyed on by a wider variety of predators in the southernmost Arctic regions than they are farther north.

5)Travel agents are market intermediaries who make their living by gathering, organizing, and dispensing information about travel-related services that is not readily available to most consumers through new information technologies, such as the internet much of this information can now be made directly available to consumers demand for the services of travel agents will be drastically reduced.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A. Travel agents routinely use the internet and other new information technologies as sources for the information they obtain for their customers.  
B. The amount of information available through the internet and other new information technologies is increasing faster than the capabilities of most consumers to process it  
C. Many people use travel-related services, such as airlines and hotels without consulting a travel agent .  
D. The people who currently use the services of travel agents are also those most likely to gain access to new information technologies  
E. The internet and other new information technologies are currently used by a relatively small proportion of the population  

作者: lisida929    时间: 2014-2-27 20:03
作者: belinda_cao    时间: 2014-2-27 23:59

因:客人喜欢看名人-高脚凳有利于看名人-客人喜欢高脚凳  2)高脚凳用餐时间短  
A,名人选择高凳,无关 B 名人付费高, 无关 C 选择高凳的人逗留时间长,因一和因二冲突,保留 D 花时间少的人花钱少 ,和因二冲突? 没有。因一冲突?,没有。结论冲突?结果冲突?可能 E 全换高凳子没法看演出,无关。 C D 选一个,保留C
2) 分析过程:
因:1)广告投放,销售增长,新顾客增加 2)利润小于广告投入
A灌装金枪鱼只占D公司很小的份额。 看原因,无关。
B第一次购买金枪鱼的客户基本是D公司的老客户。 看原因,无关。
C广告花钱要是少了,新顾客就相应减少。看回原因,广告增加,顾客增加;有可能和因一相同。 排除
E 行业在衰退。 看回原因销量在增长,新客户
因:1)存款被保险了。 2)保险从储户的任何财务奖励中分割开来,这些财务奖励能够找出银行是安全还是失败 果:保险对银行失败负有部分责任
A:在政府设置保险前,银行的失败率很低。 无关   B政府没有保险导致储户不存钱,银行经常失败;明确削弱C 调查显示很大比例的人群意识到他们的钱是安全的。 增强  D 上限,无关 E 银行的其他安全问题,无关
4)因:1)鸟吃漂浮冰下的鱼,他们在附近的冰上筑巢 2)她们需要80天来孕育她们的孩子 ,温度上升前,她们必须在最南端    果:温度上升,她们将扩大活动范围
A温度上升,幼鸟被雪杀死。看因,无关 B 捕食者扩大范围, 无关 C 鸟巢在岸边,温度高。无关D 温度升高,冰融化,原有区域变小,与扩大想反。留着。E鱼有很多的捕食者, 无关。
5)分析过程: 因,网络可提供信息 果,不再需要导游
A:导游获取信息, 无关 B信息增长快,超出消费者能力; 需要  留着  C 很多人自由使用旅行服务,加强,排除 D 那些使用导游的人,也会使用网络信息 ;加强? E 使用网络的人很少,无关,排除

作者: belinda_cao    时间: 2014-3-5 21:47
listening :30 days challenge , 30 day is right amount of time for adding a new habit or substrating from others

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