
标题: 天山-3-24(以前没讨论过) [打印本页]

作者: delia12345    时间: 2005-1-19 00:18
标题: 天山-3-24(以前没讨论过)

24,Each year red-winged blackbirds stop in a certain region of Midland Province on their spring and fall migrations. In the fall, they eat a significant portion of the province's sunflower crop. This year Midland farmers sought permits to set out small amounts of posioned rice during the blackbirds' spring stop in order to reduce the fall blackbird poplution. Some residents voiced concern that the rice could threaten certain species of rare migratory birds. Nevertheless, the wildlife agency approved the permits.

Which of the following, if true, most helps to justify the widlife agency's approved of the permits, given the conerns voiced by some residents?

A .In the region where the red-winged blackbirds stop, they are the first birds to be present in the spring.

B The poison that farmers want to use does not koll birds  but rather makes them incapable of producing viable eggs.

C. Since rice is not raised in Midland Province, few species of birds native to the province normally eat rice.

D .Without the permit, any farmers shown to have set out poison for the blackbirds would be heavily fined.

E. The posion that farmers got approval to use has no tast or smell that would make it detectable by birds.



请帮忙解释一下,我觉得C更有道理,文章给出的rare migratory birds.,这样的话,他们是最先出现在春天的不能保证它们一定在其他出现之前已经全部把poison吃完了。

c说birds not raised in Midland Province 也就是rare migratory birds,不吃rice,不是很对么?

作者: litheliluo    时间: 2005-1-19 01:51

rare migratory birds的意思是珍稀候鸟,不等于birds native to the province


作者: delia12345    时间: 2005-1-19 05:49
以下是引用litheliluo在2005-1-19 1:51:00的发言:

rare migratory birds的意思是珍稀候鸟,不等于birds native to the province


作者: stillwater    时间: 2005-2-11 03:15

agree C. I remembered  i have seen this in GWD? .

The answer is C.

作者: yukon    时间: 2005-7-2 16:37

A .In the region where the red-winged blackbirds stop, they are the first birds to be present in the spring.



作者: remona9t    时间: 2005-7-4 16:06

这道题做错了,想问问,这里说的red-winged blackbirds和  certain species of

rare migratory birds不是一种鸟么?


作者: 携隐    时间: 2005-7-5 10:51
作者: leader    时间: 2005-7-11 19:11
作者: doublestrand    时间: 2005-8-3 12:42

A. the red-winged blackbird are the first birds to be present in Spring not fall.

So I don't think A is a reliable answer, even though C does not seem right either.

作者: 潜龙勿用    时间: 2005-8-5 06:35
以下是引用doublestrand在2005-8-3 12:42:00的发言:

A. the red-winged blackbird are the first birds to be present in Spring not fall.

So I don't think A is a reliable answer, even though C does not seem right either.

看看原文这句:set out small amounts of posioned rice during the blackbirds' spring stop in order to reduce the fall blackbird poplution.
作者: Lucky0506    时间: 2005-8-15 16:45
以下是引用yukon在2005-7-2 16:37:00的发言:

A .In the region where the red-winged blackbirds stop, they are the first birds to be present in the spring.





所以,我选了B.....    觉得至少没有杀死这些鸟,就不是threat, 而且这些red birth不能生好蛋,那么其population肯定比能生好蛋要少,所以在秋天来的鸟的数量就会减少了。



[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-14 21:17:26编辑过]

作者: smalltree    时间: 2005-8-17 03:15

I'd like to support B and C... But I really do not understand why to choose A.

It is easy to understand the context of argument, but the chooses are too confuse to choose. what is critical point or direction needed to solve this question?

who can explain why A is better than B and C??

NN help!!!

作者: vivinzone    时间: 2005-9-4 20:14



作者: 思谦    时间: 2005-9-9 22:30
作者: wwwhahchn    时间: 2005-9-10 20:44
以下是引用Lucky0506在2005-8-15 16:45:00的发言:



所以,我选了B.....    觉得至少没有杀死这些鸟,就不是threat, 而且这些red birth不能生好蛋,那么其population肯定比能生好蛋要少,所以在秋天来的鸟的数量就会减少了。



not NN

B可能导致其他鸟数量减少,没有把red-winged blackbirdd和其他鸟区分开


作者: AegeanSea2006    时间: 2005-9-12 15:42
以下是引用litheliluo在2005-1-19 1:51:00的发言:

rare migratory birds的意思是珍稀候鸟,不等于birds native to the province






[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-12 15:47:49编辑过]

作者: fatlara    时间: 2005-9-14 15:39

觉得B不对~~~~poison也会让residents想保护的rare migratory birds不能生育阿~~这样的议案当然不能被通过了。

嗯,我偏向于C,因为A还需要一个假设条件:the red-winged blackbird吃光所有的rice。。。。

但是,如果rare migratory birds的意思如2楼所说,是珍稀候鸟,不等于c里面的birds native to the province。。。。C就不对了。。。只能选错的不太离谱的A。。。。。虽然偶做题的时候选的C。。。

汗~~~~~呼唤nn出来解释一下rare migratory birds是个什么意思~~~

作者: amacd    时间: 2005-9-14 17:20

think the answer is A

the birds will eat a signifantly amount of sunflowers..but the farmers are only placed a small amount of poisoned rice..

if those birds arrive's very likely that they will finish the small amount of rice (因為她們食量大!)

作者: fatlara    时间: 2005-9-14 22:47
以下是引用amacd在2005-9-14 17:20:00的发言:

think the answer is A

the birds will eat a signifantly amount of sunflowers..but the farmers are only placed a small amount of poisoned rice..

if those birds arrive's very likely that they will finish the small amount of rice (因為她們食量大!)


还是想知道c里面的rare migratory birds应该怎么理解~~~~

作者: illgetthere    时间: 2005-9-19 00:11
以下是引用amacd在2005-9-14 17:20:00的发言:

think the answer is A

the birds will eat a signifantly amount of sunflowers..but the farmers are only placed a small amount of poisoned rice..

if those birds arrive's very likely that they will finish the small amount of rice (因為她們食量大!)

make sense!

作者: fatlara    时间: 2005-10-2 11:37



another reason: the expression in C is " few species of birds blablabla...". It is possible that the "rare migratory birds" which the farmers want to protect happen to be the minority "few species" that eats the poisoned rice!

作者: seekmydream    时间: 2005-10-13 09:00

rare migratory birds 确实是"珍稀候鸟"


作者: puccamummy    时间: 2005-10-21 23:56


  C只说本地的鸟类很少吃rice。但这没用,对于migratory bird来说,可能它们吃rice,所以还是有可能毒到他们。

  A选项:虽然最早一批到达不见得吃光毒大米,但是看原题——small amounts of——所以说明要毒只能毒部分的red-winged,让他们fall再回来的时候没那么多数量而已;米早就吃光,更别提别被别的鸟吃了。

作者: z520m    时间: 2005-10-28 16:02

很迷惑,选了C.可是发现C的问题很大,A还是有一点加强的。唉~ 这道题加强太弱了

作者: scorp_w    时间: 2005-10-28 18:30

red-winged blackbird 也是一种候鸟!撒了毒米后,因为red-winged blackbird 每年是第一批迁徙到这里的,所以他们会把这些米吃光,而不会影响到其他候鸟!


作者: yangxiaogang    时间: 2005-11-4 07:40
作者: 似水无痕    时间: 2005-11-5 12:51

Can I regard "rare migratory birds" as birds that seldem migrate?

作者: steveyangxt    时间: 2005-12-20 22:10
以下是引用yukon在2005-7-2 16:37:00的发言:

A .In the region where the red-winged blackbirds stop, they are the first birds to be present in the spring.



hehehe放心吧 会很自觉的, 因为毒大米的量很少,文中由说明的

作者: debbiejada    时间: 2006-2-7 01:07





作者: monabluestone    时间: 2006-6-13 22:28

Which of the following, if true, most helps to justify the wildlife agency’s approval of the permits, given the concern voiced by some residents?题目翻译不明白


作者: mba06    时间: 2006-6-15 13:07


rare migratory bird 應該是指留鳥。也就是說這些鳥是不走的。不管red-winged blackbird是不是第一個到達的候鳥﹐rare migratory bird都已經在當地了。所以這些留鳥是可能第一個吃米的。當地人關心的是毒米會不會影響這些留鳥。所以C指明這些留鳥不吃毒米。應是正確答案。

至於其它候鳥是不是也吃毒米﹐ 這並不是residents關心的。注意理解文章。

作者: mba06    时间: 2006-6-15 13:19
以下是引用litheliluo在2005-1-19 1:51:00的发言:

rare migratory birds的意思是珍稀候鸟,不等于birds native to the province


作者: Ville    时间: 2006-7-11 13:37



[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-11 13:44:16编辑过]

作者: mymengming    时间: 2006-7-12 20:01
作者: 哈佛情人    时间: 2006-8-12 02:54




作者: tinashih8800    时间: 2006-8-17 06:12

This year Midland farmers sought permits to set out small amounts of posioned rice during the blackbirds' spring stop in order to reduce the fall blackbird poplution...

A is correct.

A. the red-winged blackbird are the first birds to be present in Spring.

作者: allenwml    时间: 2007-3-20 11:51
以下是引用似水无痕在2005-11-5 12:51:00的发言:

Can I regard "rare migratory birds" as birds that seldem migrate?



作者: lvqingling    时间: 2007-4-4 19:32


E. The poison that farmers got approval to use has no taste or smell that would make it detectable by birds.

E说明这种毒药根本不会被鸟吃到,因为它的气味和口味根本不会被鸟发觉; 批准了也没关系,毒不死鸟,又能安抚群众。

作者: znlhy    时间: 2007-4-27 00:18

楼上:注意题目中问的是“given the concern voiced by some residents”,要根据群众的关注点来。这道题里面焦点是两类鸟,E没有比较的含义,排除。



作者: guoguo463    时间: 2007-7-8 18:34





[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-8 18:35:38编辑过]

作者: fengyun158    时间: 2007-7-25 21:56

这个题目要理解结论的特殊性,to set out small amounts of poisoned rice during the blackbirds’ spring stop in order to reduce the fall blackbird population

既然是减少blackbird population,B和C显然对所有的鸟都有影响,所以不对。

作者: mimixiaxia    时间: 2007-9-4 12:25
作者: gan4sula    时间: 2007-9-15 17:57
以下是引用mba06在2006-6-15 13:07:00的发言:


rare migratory bird 應該是指留鳥。也就是說這些鳥是不走的。不管red-winged blackbird是不是第一個到達的候鳥﹐rare migratory bird都已經在當地了。所以這些留鳥是可能第一個吃米的。當地人關心的是毒米會不會影響這些留鳥。所以C指明這些留鳥不吃毒米。應是正確答案。

至於其它候鳥是不是也吃毒米﹐ 這並不是residents關心的。注意理解文章。

I accutally want to support mba

Using SC rules, rare migratory bird, rare modifies migratory, migratory modifies bird.   if it were to mean that the bird is rare, it would say something like "migratory brid that is rare"

Here it would mean native bird.

A: we do not know that red-winged blackbirds would finish the poison rice or even eat the rice.

C: few species of "rare migratory bird" (native to the province) eat rice

作者: benyneb    时间: 2007-9-15 19:52

rare和migratory并列修饰bird 是稀有的迁徙鸟类.



以下是引用gan4sula在2007-9-15 17:57:00的发言:

I accutally want to support mba

Using SC rules, rare migratory bird, rare modifies migratory, migratory modifies bird.   if it were to mean that the bird is rare, it would say something like "migratory brid that is rare"

Here it would mean native bird.

A: we do not know that red-winged blackbirds would finish the poison rice or even eat the rice.

C: few species of "rare migratory bird" (native to the province) eat rice

作者: carolinelmf    时间: 2007-10-20 13:37
A项对。题目透露红鸟食量非常大“significant portion of the province’s sunflower crop”,而毒米少“small amounts of poisoned rice”,所以红鸟会把毒米吃光,其它鸟不会受到影响。
作者: susan0219    时间: 2007-11-11 12:59
以下是引用carolinelmf在2007-10-20 13:37:00的发言:
A项对。题目透露红鸟食量非常大“significant portion of the province’s sunflower crop”,而毒米少“small amounts of poisoned rice”,所以红鸟会把毒米吃光,其它鸟不会受到影响。

ls所言极是,自己做的时候就没有想到“significant portion of the province’s sunflower crop”,这句话隐藏的含义——red winged blackbird食量很大。现在看来A选项没有什么漏洞了!
作者: prayer    时间: 2007-11-12 19:38


作者: tangyuehua    时间: 2008-2-17 23:55


作者: eileenmu木    时间: 2008-3-19 16:20
以下是引用carolinelmf在2007-10-20 13:37:00的发言:
A项对。题目透露红鸟食量非常大“significant portion of the province’s sunflower crop”,而毒米少“small amounts of poisoned rice”,所以红鸟会把毒米吃光,其它鸟不会受到影响。

作者: happykiki    时间: 2008-6-14 21:36

The right choice should be A.

C completely has nothing to do with the argument, the rare migratory birds is not the birds which would stay in the same places for ever, but the birds have a small amount and migrate too.

作者: robbiexu    时间: 2008-6-15 15:47
mba said the following,


migratory bird 應該是指留鳥。也就是說這些鳥是不走的。不管red-winged
blackbird是不是第一個到達的候鳥﹐rare migratory

至於其它候鳥是不是也吃毒米﹐ 這並不是residents關心的。注意理解文章。

After googling the phrase, I find in many newspapers that refer it as a specie of bird that is rare and migratory. Please find the one of the links below. So, according to this explanation, I've no doubt that choise A should be the best answer.

Rare Migratory Birds Flock to Chinese Lake

        Large flocks of rare migratory birds from north China and Siberia have been arriving at Poyang Lake in east China's Jiangxi Province this week to spend the winter.

Sources with the state-level Poyang Lake Nature Reserve said the number of birds is increasing rapidly.

According to the sources, these birds include white cranes, grey cranes, swans and many other rare species ......

作者: leo-liu    时间: 2008-6-18 21:39

agree with LS

I also checked lots of paragraphs from google. It seems that "rare migratory birds" is a defined terminology that means "rare" & "migratory" birds.

作者: shuai9119    时间: 2008-8-30 11:48

如果rare migratory birds 包括red-winged blackbird(从题干中我们判断不出来是否包括,因为用的是certain而不是other),那么,如果选A的话,还是不能消除一些居民的CONCERN,因为 blackbird吃了毒药后数量就有可能被threaten.

当然B也不是好答案,C无关,因为native和migratory birds 正好相对.


作者: 3bao    时间: 2009-1-2 11:14








作者: hpn1987    时间: 2009-8-8 18:44
以下是引用delia12345在2005/1/19 0:18:00的发言:

24,Each year red-winged blackbirds stop in a certain region of Midland Province on their spring and fall migrations. In the fall, they eat a significant portion of the province's sunflower crop. This year Midland farmers sought permits to set out small amounts of posioned rice during the blackbirds' spring stop in order to reduce the fall blackbird poplution. Some residents voiced concern that the rice could threaten certain species of rare migratory birds. Nevertheless, the wildlife agency approved the permits.

Which of the following, if true, most helps to justify the widlife agency's approved of the permits, given the conerns voiced by some residents?

A .In the region where the red-winged blackbirds stop, they are the first birds to be present in the spring.

B The poison that farmers want to use does not koll birds  but rather makes them incapable of producing viable eggs.

C. Since rice is not raised in Midland Province, few species of birds native to the province normally eat rice.

D .Without the permit, any farmers shown to have set out poison for the blackbirds would be heavily fined.

E. The posion that farmers got approval to use has no tast or smell that would make it detectable by birds.



请帮忙解释一下,我觉得C更有道理,文章给出的rare migratory birds.,这样的话,他们是最先出现在春天的不能保证它们一定在其他出现之前已经全部把poison吃完了。

c说birds not raised in Midland Province 也就是rare migratory birds,不吃rice,不是很对么?

原文说要保护的(即不受影响)的是rare migratory birds,不是native birds. Thus whether native birds will eat rice is irrelevant.

the answer is A.

作者: 苹果古    时间: 2009-8-19 22:45
在A与B之间痛苦抉择了半天,根据题目说的given the concern voiced by some residents,意思是也该考虑一些居民的感受,而这些居民认为毒米会对稀有鸟类构成威胁,A中说候鸟是春天第一批来的鸟,所以毒米会被他们吃掉从而不会对稀有鸟类构成威胁,所以the wildlife agency approved the permits.而B考虑的是farmer的感受,而不是居民的感受,所以还得先看清题意才是最重要的!妈妈呀,真要命。。。
作者: dullness    时间: 2009-9-7 01:54
a significant portion和small,对rw作为首轮消费者能吃光毒米起了大作用。

作者: lmarceau    时间: 2010-1-20 19:56

作者: beryl8    时间: 2010-9-4 08:39
作者: 双鱼游    时间: 2010-9-26 22:56
A strengthener with a twist: we have to take an objection into account.

Our prediction: an answer that suggests that the rare species will NOT be harmed by the poison.

Only (a) gives us any reason to believe that the poison will keep the blackbirds under control but won't hurt other species. If the blackbirds get there first, then we postulate that either:

- the blackbirds eat all the poisoned rice, so other birds aren't affected; or

- once the blackbirds are gone, the farmers can remove the poisoned rice, so other birds aren't affected.

Remember: "strengthen" is NOT synonomous with "prove". (a) certainly doesn't prove that other birds won't be affected, but it gives us a reason to believe that they won't be.

(b) through (e) don't distinguish between blackbirds and other birds, so they're all outside the scope.
作者: xieguodong    时间: 2011-6-30 10:39
think the answer is A

the birds will eat a signifantly amount of sunflowers..but the farmers are only placed a small amount of poisoned rice..

if those birds arrive's very likely that they will finish the small amount of rice (因為她們食量大!)
-- by 会员 amacd (2005/9/14 17:20:00)

作者: wtylys    时间: 2011-7-22 13:27

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