Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
Concerned about the financial well-being of its elderly citizens, the government of Runagia decided two years ago to increase by 20 percent the government-provided pension paid to all Runagians over 65. Inflation in the intervening period has been negligible, and the increase has been duly received by all eligible Runagians. Nevertheless, many of them are no better off financially than they were before the increase, in large part because __________.
A. they rely entirely on the government pension for their income
B. Runagian banks are so inefficient that it can take up to three weeks to cash a pension check
C. they buy goods whose prices tend to rise especially fast in times of inflation
D. the pension was increased when the number of elderly Runagians below the poverty level reached an all-time high
E. in Runagia children typically supplement the income of elderly parents, but only by enough to provide them with a comfortable living
实在不解,求各位答疑解惑!小弟感激不尽~~作者: airyun 时间: 2014-2-24 09:51
“The answer is by looking at the word that leads to the blank. This is the word that comes immediately before the blank. If the word is since or because (like in the above argument) then you will definitely be required to strengthen the author’s argument. Also the author’s conclusion will be in the sentence that leads up to this word.
If the leading word/phrase is that or it should be expected that, then you will be required to make an inference from the information provided in the stimulus. In these questions remember to avoid extreme options and go with vaguely worded ones.
If the leading word is assuming that, then obviously you need to point out the assumption in the
argument and the conclusion will again be the last sentence that leads up to the blank.
If the OG13 is anything to go by, most Logical Conclusion questions will have a since or because at the end and hence will require you to strengthen the argument.”
我就彻底没辙了。。。作者: 迟迟钟鼓 时间: 2014-2-27 12:28
C说的是在in times of inflation, they buy goods whose prices rise especially fast.
但题干中说的是 Inflation in the intervening period has been negligible,也就是说C中讨论的情况是 out of scope的。
OG中原题题干的表述是annual rate of inflation since the pension increase has been below 5 percent
正确选项的表述是The prices of goods and services that meet the special needs of many senior citizens have increased at a rate much higher than the rate of inflation.