标题: 给第三轮申请的建议 [打印本页]
作者: JHUGMBA 时间: 2014-2-21 04:37
标题: 给第三轮申请的建议
Let's consider why business schools offer a round 3. Whileit can vary from one business school to the next, many do set aside seats forRound 3. Why? A need for balance; not wanting to overlook diamonds in the rough; in order to becompetitive with international business schools, many of which have later application deadlines. As competitive as it is for applicants to gainentry to top business schools, top business schools are also competing for topapplicants.
1. Q: If a student applies in Round 3 but does not make itinto their target schools - does it hurt their chance of admission in Round 1the following year (given not much time has passed between applications)?
A: Not necessarily. Recognize that if you do get rejected, you will need to show"progress" before you re-apply. It may potentially bedifficult for you to do so before Round 1 of the next cycle. Officially, many business schools say that denied applicants from Round 3 are at no disadvantage reapplying in an early round in the subsequent admissions cycle. Also, applying in Round 3 will put you on the admission’s office radar and allow you todemonstrate interest early - which could actually be a plus. So,ultimately, it depends. Sorry that it's not as cut and dry as you might want itto be.
大家都知道申请第三轮是比较难的。 那么如果被拒绝的话, 对之后申请的影响大嘛? 答案是: 如果你能在被拒之后离你下次申请有很大的进步的话(各项指标), 还是有希望被录取的。
2. Q: How is Round 3 viewed for international applicants. Iam from India but currently residing in United States. I applied in Round 1& 2 with my GRE score. and now for Round A: am planning to apply with GMATscore. If I am able to score around 700 , will I have a decent chance to getinto Business School.
A: Where you are from is less important than whether your background is going to be able to lend to the diversity of the class that admissions officers are looking to build. Recognize that Indian applicants are typically overrepresented in theapplicant pool so you will need some strong differentiators - whether personalor professional - to have a good shot at getting admitted in Round 3.
对于中国学生来说, 也是这个问题, 水涨船高, 大家的GMAT都高, 对你的要求也就长高了。
3. Q: how much weight is given to the GMAT score in Round 3?I mean to say, is it more important or it will be viewed just like any othercomponent of the application.
A: No more weight than in any other round. Unless you haveextremely high or extremely low scores, in which case it can be more supportive/detrimental to your chances. If your score is below the average GMAT, you should holdoff on Round 3 and instead retake the GMAT with the hope of raising your scorebefore Round 1 next cycle.
如果你的GMAT分数都没有到录取平均分, 建议你还是仔细考虑一下要不要第三轮申请, 可能比较危险。
4. Q: Can you elaborate on what admissions offers might expect from a Round 3 application (vs Round 1 or 2)? What are aspects (highlevel) that you feel a candidate should emphasize to be competitive in the lastround of applications?
A: Keep three questions in the back of your mind: Why do you want to pursue an MBA nowfrom a particular program? What makes you different and what will youcontribute? Why do you want to pursue an MBA? These questions form thefoundation of your "story." The “now” of Question 1 and “contribute”of Question 2 is particularly important in Round 3.
5. Q: In round 3, what if a candidate falls in the mid 80%range of the school's GMAT score but below the school's average GMATscore? Also, let's say if a candidate applies to a school in round 3 witha low GMAT score and gets rejected and he applies again the following year inround 1 with a significant improvement in his GMAT score, and shows that as astrong data point in his application. How does that show on his part?
A: If your GMAT score is on the low end of the 80th, youbetter have some other really interesting/compelling pieces of your applicationto compensate for it. With that said, if you feel you could then make significant improvements to your GMAT score, then reapplying in Round 1 would make sense.
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