标题: GWD-8-40 [打印本页]
作者: clelia 时间: 2005-1-18 17:49
标题: GWD-8-40
From 1973 to 1976, total United States consumption of cigarettes increased 3.4 percent,
and total sales of chewing tobacco rose 18.0 percent. During the same period, total
United States population increased 5.0 percent.
If the statements above are true, which of the following conclusions can be properly drawn?
A. United States manufacturers of tobacco products had higher profits in 1976 than in 1973.
B. Per capita consumption of cigarettes in the United States was lower in 1976 than in 1973.
C. The proportion of nonsmokers in the United States population dropped slightly between 1973 and 1976.
D. United States manufacturers of tobacco products realize a lower profit on cigarettes than on chewing tobacco.
E. A large percentage of United States smokers switched from cigarettes to chewing tobacco between 1973 and 1976.
我的思路:在这段期间内,抽cigarette的人增加了3.4%(比平均增加人口少)chewing tobacco的人增加18%(比平均增加人口多)所以除了增加的人口里都chewing tobacco外,抽cigarette的人应该会有一些转移到chewing tobacco,才会造成 tobacco的人口增加这么多,不是吗??
作者: 番茄炒蛋 时间: 2005-1-18 22:54
虽然抽cigarette的人应该会有一些转移到chewing tobacco,但是没有理由得出A large percentage 这样一个修饰词
作者: ethyl 时间: 2005-5-25 20:57
作者: fchn951 时间: 2005-5-26 11:09
当然是B了。你不能假设抽cigarette的人会有一些转移到chewing tobacco。吃叶子的量的增加原因很多,就像楼上两位讲的:可能是吃叶子的人吃得更多了。
作者: 小女公子 时间: 2005-5-28 16:48
吃叶子的人算不算non smoker呀??
作者: pengpengming 时间: 2005-7-20 21:12
吃叶子的应该不算NON SMOKER,管它是吸的还是嚼的都是烟民;
假设1973年的total consumption of cigarettes=X ; US population=Y
根据题目增长比例,则1976年的total consumption of cigarettes=(1+3.4%)X ; US population=(1+5%) Y
Per capita consumption of cigarettes in 1973 = X/Y
Per capita consumption of cigarettes in 1978 = 1.034X/1.05Y
1.034X/1.05Y < X/Y 人均消费量下降
作者: michellechang 时间: 2005-8-21 17:54
作者: mystery0816 时间: 2005-12-11 01:21
作者: steveyangxt 时间: 2005-12-11 10:13
嚼烟叶的人的增加可能来自原来的菲烟民, 不一定来自抽烟者
作者: 罗马青年 时间: 2007-6-6 18:43
作者: RichardTian 时间: 2007-9-30 22:53
人均:1034/1050 < 1盒/人
作者: 天蝎座1107 时间: 2009-1-24 12:54
标题: 同类题-GMAT骗人招数...
From 1980 to 1989, total consumption of fish in the country of Jurania increased by 4.5 percent, and total consumption of poultry products there increased by 9.0 percent. During the same period, the population of Jurania increased by 6 percent, in part due to immigration to Jurania from other countries in the region.
If the statements above are true, which of the following must also be true on the basis of them?
- During the 1980’s in Jurania, profits of wholesale distributors of poultry products increased at a greater rate than did profits of wholesale distributors of fish. 和profits没有关系。consumption增加推不出profits的情况同下面GWD-8-40一个骗人招数!
- For people who immigrated to Jurania during the 1980’s, fish was less likely to be a major part of their diet than was poultry.这个选项想说新来了immigrates是人口增加的部分原因,而吃鱼的增长比吃poultry的增长少,那么推的是由于immigrate人更爱吃poultry.其实推不出的,原先吃poultry的人更加疯狂爱吃poultry,也可以导致poultry consumption增加比fish consumption增加好多。同下面的GWD-8-40里同颜色的选项一个骗人招数!
- In 1989 Juranians consumed twice as much poultry as fish.很好排除,没有poultry和fish的基数,这个是推不出的!
- For a significant proportion of Jurania’s population, both fish and poultry products were a regular part of their diet during the 1980’s.不知道fish和poultry以外的其他diet情况,根本没办法判断fish和poultry是不是regular part of their diet
- Per capita consumption of fish in Jurania was lower in 1989 than in 1980. 正确答案,看到下面GWD-8-40一样的正确答案!
From 1973 to 1976, total United States consumption of cigarettes increased 3.4 percent,
and total sales of chewing tobacco rose 18.0 percent. During the same period, total
United States population increased 5.0 percent.
If the statements above are true, which of the following conclusions can be properly drawn?
United States manufacturers of tobacco products had higher profits in 1976 than in 1973.
B. Per capita consumption of cigarettes in the United States was lower in 1976 than in 1973.
C. The proportion of nonsmokers in the United States population dropped slightly between 1973 and 1976.
D. United States manufacturers of tobacco products realize a lower profit on cigarettes than on chewing tobacco.
E. A large percentage of United States smokers switched from cigarettes to chewing tobacco between 1973 and 1976.
1973 consumption of cigarettes-a 1976-1.034a
1973-Tobacco-b 1976-1.18b
1973-Population c 19761.05c
作者: mdautobox 时间: 2011-6-10 14:50
作者: 海砂516 时间: 2012-3-23 20:58
From 1980 to 1989, total consumption of fish in the country of Jurania increased by 4.5 percent, and total consumption of poultry products there increased by 9.0 percent. During the same period, the population of Jurania increased by 6 percent, in part due to immigration to Jurania from other countries in the region.
If the statements above are true, which of the following must also be true on the basis of them?
During the 1980’s in Jurania, profits of wholesale distributors of poultry products increased at a greater rate than did profits of wholesale distributors of fish. 和profits没有关系。consumption增加推不出profits的情况同下面GWD-8-40一个骗人招数!For people who immigrated to Jurania during the 1980’s, fish was less likely to be a major part of their diet than was poultry.这个选项想说新来了immigrates是人口增加的部分原因,而吃鱼的增长比吃poultry的增长少,那么推的是由于immigrate人更爱吃poultry.其实推不出的,原先吃poultry的人更加疯狂爱吃poultry,也可以导致poultry consumption增加比fish consumption增加好多。同下面的GWD-8-40里同颜色的选项一个骗人招数!In 1989 Juranians consumed twice as much poultry as fish.很好排除,没有poultry和fish的基数,这个是推不出的!For a significant proportion of Jurania’s population, both fish and poultry products were a regular part of their diet during the 1980’s.不知道fish和poultry以外的其他diet情况,根本没办法判断fish和poultry是不是regular part of their dietPer capita consumption of fish in Jurania was lower in 1989 than in 1980. 正确答案,看到下面GWD-8-40一样的正确答案!
GWD-8-40From 1973 to 1976, total United States consumption of cigarettes increased 3.4 percent,
and total sales of chewing tobacco rose 18.0 percent. During the same period, total
United States population increased 5.0 percent.
If the statements above are true, which of the following conclusions can be properly drawn?
United States manufacturers of tobacco products had higher profits in 1976 than in 1973.
B. Per capita consumption of cigarettes in the United States was lower in 1976 than in 1973.
C. The proportion of nonsmokers in the United States population dropped slightly between 1973 and 1976.
D. United States manufacturers of tobacco products realize a lower profit on cigarettes than on chewing tobacco.
E. A large percentage of United States smokers switched from cigarettes to chewing tobacco between 1973 and 1976.
这个题和本帖问的GWD8-40是一模一样!!!大家应当把GWD里的同类思维的题总结再一起,这样GMAT的骗人招数自然明了。那么我们现在把这两道题对比一下看看错误选项有什么相同地方。1973 consumption of cigarettes-a 1976-1.034a
1973-Tobacco-b 1976-1.18b
1973-Population c 19761.05c
-- by 会员 天蝎座1107 (2009/1/24 12:54:00)
作者: rustraff 时间: 2016-7-14 11:05
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