
标题: 求助逻辑题目里面的一句话 [打印本页]

作者: guixiuek    时间: 2014-2-17 10:41
标题: 求助逻辑题目里面的一句话
做了 prep里面一道逻辑题目,但是其中一句话不是很明白什么意思,想求助下。
Treatment for hypertension forestalls (预先阻止) certain medical expenses by preventing (防止)strokes and heart disease.  Yet any money so saved amounts to onlyone-fourth of the expenditures required to treat the hypertensivepopulation. Therefore, there is no economic justification for preventive treatmentfor hypertension.


作者: xiqiong    时间: 2014-2-23 23:34
然而那些节约的钱只占treat H所花费的1/4。LZ联系上下文一下子就理解啦

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