
标题: Deleted [打印本页]

作者: nevsaynev222    时间: 2014-2-16 21:01
标题: Deleted
作者: henryxub    时间: 2014-2-17 06:37
What MM bank? If the bank is Baird/HW/WB or other solid ones, then you could risk it.
Boutique IBD sounds nice as well, but you could face competition from applications from the IBD pool, which means you might be up against GS/MS/JPM NY guys if M7 is your goal.

Either way, good luck with your choice!
作者: nevsaynev222    时间: 2014-2-17 20:57
henryxub 发表于 2014-2-17 06:37
What MM bank? If the bank is Baird/HW/WB or other solid ones, then you could risk it.
Boutique IBD  ...

我所说的MM bank应该还是非常solid的,package和各个BB基本差不多。这也是为什么割舍不下啊。

作者: comesagain    时间: 2014-2-17 23:54
cicc都能申到top mba,在海外的boutique/mm理论上比cicc更容易被录取
作者: fidelityfish    时间: 2014-2-19 05:22
很简单 如果那个MM是二楼所说那几家,那就拿你准备去读书狠命的劲儿实习争取拿return offer。至于楼上所说其实不对,cicc算是在ibd大陆申请人里竞争力比较高的一个pool,但是海外的boutique ibd将要面对大批海外bb和elite mm的竞争,竞争力大幅下降
作者: 金融小三    时间: 2014-2-22 21:17
念9个月的master然后搞定BB summer intern真的是微乎其微,今年london office 除了在扩张的DB和刚刚喘过气的UBS招的intern多点(UBS IBD 40人, DB要搬去伯明翰),其余的全是15人左右的坑。刨去spring intern的return和拿过spring intern的applicant,剩下的还有多少LZ可以掂量掂量。

至于申HK office,建议LZ好好考虑下来年5月毕业怎么拿在校生身份办Visa的问题。(BTW,我身边有12个月master项目的朋友通过缓期毕业的方式去了HK BB IBD 做summer,但是9个月的。。。。没见过)

最后,我是建议LZ先选择工作,能拿到HK IBD的ft说明LZ本科实力已经不错了,这时候一个镀金性质的master实际意义并不大。至于考虑以后MBA申请竞争力的问题,我想说的是,你最少最少还有2年多的时间去distinguish yourself,这也比9个月的时间获得质的改变的可能性要大吧。

作者: supan1989    时间: 2014-2-24 15:11

Oxford那个offer我周围有好多人都收到过,一抓一大把,去了也不一定回来能有offer,人太多了。如果楼主现在有好机会,package满意,先做着感觉一下,你就会知道你到底需要什么了。job offer不是想有就能有,而读书offer还不是随时都能申请嘛。

作者: henryxub    时间: 2014-2-25 08:13
fidelityfish 发表于 2014-2-18 15:22
很简单 如果那个MM是二楼所说那几家,那就拿你准备去读书狠命的劲儿实习争取拿return offer。至于楼上所说 ...

Exactly. I know some guy who got Stanford GSB from CICC but he was heavily involved with an IPO program of a mega-cap company back in 08/09. Considering the condition of CICC now, I would say that it is not competitive at all.

But anyhow I vote for work all the way.
作者: asxiao    时间: 2014-2-27 19:59
you go to the boutique -> you will always remember that you might have a chance to go to a BB
you go for the MM intern -> you get a return offer -> you are better off
you go for the MM intern -> you don't get a return offer -> you go to ox -> you have a chance for BB intern in london, then you may go back to hk to a BB/MM. there is always vancacy if you give it some time
you can get a boutique offer now, you can do that after a year at ox. you lose a year, but you have ox on your resume.

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