对的 都是以找工作为导向作者: 玩转地球简 时间: 2014-1-23 20:06
Jiayi来打个酱油~作者: stella920229 时间: 2014-2-6 12:06
想问一下楼主有没有交schulich的deposit呢?作者: paopaogjp 时间: 2014-2-15 09:52
Data for Chinese students in our MA program.
Within 3 months: 64%
Within 6 months: 71%
After 6 months: 75%
Some of our Chinese students return to China and do not report their employment information. We expect that the 75% is higher, but we have no way of verifying it.
Of the Chinese students that reported employment, here is the location of their job: