标题: MBA申请被拒的原因 [打印本页]
作者: JHUGMBA 时间: 2013-12-30 12:29
标题: MBA申请被拒的原因
1. You may also be asked to write about a specific task orchallenge that you have faced. Make sure that your answers are specific and give the admissionscommittee enough context to evaluate your actions. Again, make sure that thewriting is clear, logical, and well-organized.
If your answer requires you to show specific knowledge aboutthat school’s program, make sure that you put your response in your own wordsand don’t just copy from the school’s website.
Also make sure to double check that you haven't just copieda response for one school into an application to another. Every year we see a couple of applications where students mention that "School XYZ" is their dreamschool and it's not the name of our program!
确保你写自我陈述的时候内容丰富, 语法正确, 当然注意不要把别的学校的名字不小心复制粘贴到另外学校的申请书上。
2. Building on the last comment, explain extenuatingcircumstances on your application if possible. Often, schools will give you an opportunity to explainan aspect of your application, such as if you don’t believe that yourundergraduate grades were a true representation of your academic ability.For example, if you believe that a particular semester was impacted by a seriousfamily illness or death in the family, bring that to the attention of thereaders.
合理利用学校给你的optionalessay, 解释在申请材料重无法得到解释的地方。
3. Often, applicants who are rejected are well outside the profile of the school’s desiredapplicants. Most schools publish information about the range of GMAT/GREscores that they have previously accepted, as well as the TOEFL, GPAs and work experience. Show that you have done your research. Choose schools that are afit for you and for whom you would be a fit.
在申请之前就可以通过官网了解学校主要招收的对象, 可以比较客观的给自己一个定位。
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