
标题: OG-112 以前没人问过 [打印本页]

作者: happythree    时间: 2005-1-12 22:51
标题: OG-112 以前没人问过

112. In an attempt to promote the widespread use of paper rather than plastic, and thus reduce

nonbiodegradable waster, the council of a small town plans to ban the sale of disposable plastic goods for which substitutes made of paper exist. The council argues that since most paper is entirely biodegradable, paper goods are environmentally preferable.

Which of the following, if true, indicates that the plan to ban the sale of disposable plastic goods is ill suited to the town council’s environmental goals?

(A) Although biodegradable plastic goods are now available, members of the town council believe

biodegradable paper goods to be safer for the environment.

(B) The paper factory at which most of the towns-people are employed plans to increase production of biodegradable paper goods.

(C) After other towns enacted similar bans on the sale of plastic goods, the environmental benefits were not discernible for several years.

(D) Since most townspeople prefer plastic goods to paper goods in many instances, they are likely to purchase them in neighboring towns where plastic goods are available for sale.

(E) Products other than those derived from wood pulp are often used in the manufacture of paper goods that are entirely biodegradable.

答案是D, 这个我明白.但是答案C,我觉得好像也行.OG的解释为:Choice C suggests that environmental benefits would ensue, albeit not immediately. 但我觉得看不出would ensue


作者: babypace    时间: 2005-1-13 00:51
逻辑上的一个大问题,你可能在AWA上也会遇到的,就是C这类横向比较。首先,类似的城镇用了相同的政策效果不明显,不能证明这个镇用了也会效果不明显。两者之间不一定可比。另外,OG说的,C只讲了“几年之内没有看到效果”,也就是说几年后可能会看到效果的,只是效果来的不是马上。这就是albeit not immediately的。
作者: happythree    时间: 2005-1-13 04:39




作者: babypace    时间: 2005-1-13 07:11
目前我看到这样比的都是错的。你可以自己观察一下OG CR的题。我觉得这种比较不严密的。因为同一政策在不同城镇,即使是类似的城镇,但不是完全一抹一样的城镇,就会有一些其他因素影响,比如每个城镇的居民的消费习惯可能不同,导致了政策不能收到好的效果。等等,类似的条件还可以举出很多的,所以我觉得这样的比较不够严密。
作者: happythree    时间: 2005-1-13 12:47


作者: happythree    时间: 2005-1-13 12:51


Leaders of a miners’ union on strike against Coalco are contemplating additional measures to pressure the company to accept the union’s contract proposal. The union leaders are considering as their principal new tactic a consumer boycott against Gasco gas stations, which are owned by Energy Incorporated, the same corporation that owns Coalco.

Answer to which of the following questions is LEAST directly relevant to the union leaders’ consideration of whether attempting a boycott of Gasco will lead to acceptance of their contract proposal?

(A) Would revenue losses by Gasco seriously affect Energy Incorporated?

(B) Can current Gasco customers easily obtain gasoline elsewhere?

(C) Have other miners’ unions won contracts similar to the one proposed by this union?

(D) Have other unions that have employed a similar tactic achieved their goals with it?

(E) Do other corporations that own coal companies also own gas stations?

作者: babypace    时间: 2005-1-14 11:59

97题是很容易选出E的。因为这题是比较几个选项中哪个和工会要达到的目的最不相关的。当然是E了, E讨论到其他公司又有煤矿又有卖油的。这个和题目是一点边都沾不上的。当然,C和D选项时我们上面说过不严密的横向比较,但是不严谨不等于不相关。另外,横向比较的结果可以作为一个参考数据,但是不能完全代表另一个事务的结果。

比如:A和B同时准备GMAT,复习资料相同, 他们同一大学毕业的,毕业后都没有接触过英语。A考到了700分以上,所以B认为自己也能考到700分以上。


作者: zenithy    时间: 2005-3-28 00:43
作者: welkin    时间: 2005-6-22 11:11
以下是引用zenithy在2005-3-28 0:43:00的发言:

我当时做题的时候和你想法一样(后来误选了E,我以为E是在说造纸需要木头),后来觉得就算选项是“使用纸会导致树木的减少”或者“使用纸会也有环境污染问题” 也不是正确答案,因为此题的问题是: Which of the following, if true, indicates that the plan to ban the sale of disposable plastic goods is ill suited to the town council’s environmental goals? 只要选项没有说禁止了塑料制品不一定能达到town council’s environmental goals(这个goal是reduce nonbiodegradable waster),选项就不是正确答案,(也许这就是lawyer NN说的要注意结论的具体性)。比如我们猜想的答案“使用纸会导致树木的减少”或者“使用纸会也有环境污染问题” , 这些只是在说使用纸会有环境问题,但并没有说会妨碍reduce nonbiodegradable waster,所以不能是正确答案。


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-6-22 11:19:18编辑过]

作者: gigiga0118    时间: 2005-7-5 20:24



the council of a small town plans to ban the sale of disposable plastic goods for which substitutes made of paper exist. The council argues that since most paper is entirely biodegradable, paper goods are environmentally preferable.


made of怎麼會放在substitute後面??



作者: gigiga0118    时间: 2005-7-7 00:18


作者: wingkim    时间: 2005-7-7 00:19
以下是引用babypace在2005-1-13 0:51:00的发言:
逻辑上的一个大问题,你可能在AWA上也会遇到的,就是C这类横向比较。首先,类似的城镇用了相同的政策效果不明显,不能证明这个镇用了也会效果不明显。两者之间不一定可比。另外,OG说的,C只讲了“几年之内没有看到效果”,也就是说几年后可能会看到效果的,只是效果来的不是马上。这就是albeit not immediately的。


个人认为C真正错的地方就跟og的解释一样,主要是没有阐明最后的结果;而且C也只是说”benefits were not discernible for several years“就是在几年内没有被分辨出,并不代表绝对没有产生这样的benefits,可能只是相关部门没法评估出来而已;假如C改成最后真的绝对没有产生benefits,那么我认为C也是对的。至于是否横向对比就一定错,大家能不能总结一下,看是不是有这样的规律。

作者: gigiga0118    时间: 2005-7-7 00:21

the council of a small town plans to ban the sale of disposable plastic goods for which substitutes made of paper exist. The council argues that since most paper is entirely biodegradable, paper goods are environmentally preferable.



作者: wingkim    时间: 2005-7-7 00:33
以下是引用gigiga0118在2005-7-7 0:21:00的发言:

the council of a small town plans to ban the sale of disposable plastic goods for which substitutes made of paper exist. The council argues that since most paper is entirely biodegradable, paper goods are environmentally preferable.



我理解“the sale of disposable plastic goods for which substitutes made of paper exist.”为“the sale of disposable plastic goods  which substitutes made of paper exist for.”意思是“那些可以由纸制产品替代随意使用的塑料产品存在的销售。”for which 。。。exit为前置介词、which作宾语的定语从句,不知理解是否正确。
作者: swlfx    时间: 2005-7-29 14:01


which代替 plastic goods ; substitutes为名词; made of  paper后置,修饰substitutes

作者: swlfx    时间: 2005-7-29 14:13
作者: KATIEUS    时间: 2006-11-29 08:28



作者: 任菲    时间: 2007-11-20 10:20


作者: KooZhang    时间: 2008-6-10 17:38
以下是引用welkin在2005-6-22 11:11:00的发言:

因为此题的问题是: Which of the following, if true, indicates that the plan to ban the sale of disposable plastic goods is ill suited to the town council’s environmental goals?
只要选项没有说禁止了塑料制品不一定能达到town council’s environmental goals(这个goal是reduce nonbiodegradable waster),选项就不是正确答案,(也许这就是lawyer NN说的要注意结论的具体性)。


作者: smiling_cd    时间: 2009-1-5 13:02
以下是引用welkin在2005-6-22 11:11:00的发言:
以下是引用zenithy在2005-3-28 0:43:00的发言:

我当时做题的时候和你想法一样(后来误选了E,我以为E是在说造纸需要木头),后来觉得就算选项是“使用纸会导致树木的减少”或者“使用纸会也有环境污染问题” 也不是正确答案,因为此题的问题是: Which of the following, if true, indicates that the plan to ban the sale of disposable plastic goods is ill suited to the town council’s environmental goals?
只要选项没有说禁止了塑料制品不一定能达到town council’s environmental goals(这个goal是reduce nonbiodegradable waster),选项就不是正确答案,(也许这就是lawyer NN说的要注意结论的具体性)。比如我们猜想的答案“使用纸会导致树木的减少”或者“使用纸会也有环境污染问题” , 这些只是在说使用纸会有环境问题,但并没有说会妨碍reduce nonbiodegradable waster,所以不能是正确答案。


E的OG解释是说, the specific materials that go into the making nonbiodegradable paper are not in question. 所以这个选项无关。

E 选项:Products other than those derived from wood plup are often used in the manufacure of paper goods that are entirely biddegradable.---很多不是从木质纸浆提取出来的东西用来生产(完全可以生物降解的)纸制品。

我理解E的说法是 papers good that entirely biodegradable. 只要paper goods是可降解的就没问题,其实是有点support的意味。

这个选项里面没有涉及到nonbiodegradable. OG解释里面的这个是从哪里来的呢?我怎么有点糊涂了。我看到的是OG11的紫皮书,难道是OG有问题。

如果选项里面的biddegradable 变成了 nonbiodegradable。 那这个选项就应该是一个正确答案,消弱了council的plan吧?

作者: 伯爵奶茶    时间: 2009-4-30 23:07

个人认为C真正错的地方就跟og的解释一样,主要是没有阐明最后的结果;而且C也只是说”benefits were not discernible for several years“就是在几年内没有被分辨出,并不代表绝对没有产生这样的benefits,可能只是相关部门没法评估出来而已;假如C改成最后真的绝对没有产生benefits,那么我认为C也是对的。至于是否横向对比就一定错,大家能不能总结一下,看是不是有这样的规律。

作者: 桑夏    时间: 2009-5-2 08:29

which 指代的前面的 plastic goods.

substitutes 是n.代替品。就是说存在用纸制造的塑料袋的代替品。

substitutes (made of paper 定语,修饰substitutes) for plastic goods exist


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