The weight was lifted TO FREE my leg. 这句话在曼哈顿里面是认为是错误的
但是我搜索的帖子里pwt930 问了同样的问题.她说:"
MANHATTAN上说 “Infinitives of purpose can be used with unnamed agent in passive voice”
并举例道“The weight was lifted to free my leg”是OK的"
难道我用的是盗版的曼哈顿 (╯°Д°)╯( ┻━┻(
还有 extra部分里面有这样的东西
Right: The contractors demolished the building TO KEEP IT from falling down.
Right: The building was demolished TO KEEP IT from falling down.
Wrong: The building was demolished TO AVOID falling down.
为什么同样是被动语态,to keep it from 就可以,to avoid 就不可以呢.
如果假设上面pwt930童鞋看错,The weight was lifted to free my leg是错误的.是否可以理解为不定式做状语需要某个人来做先行词呢.但是如果这样的话The building was demolished TO KEEP IT from falling down.为什么没有先行词也对呢?
Right: The building was demolished TO KEEP IT from falling down.
主动形式;we demolish the building to keep it from falling down. (正确we keep it from)
Wrong: The building was demolished TO AVOID falling down.
主动形式;we demolish the building to avoid falling down .错误(we to falling down)
事实上这个如果算一个语法点的话应该归到岐义类中,它只所以会出现在岐义深层次的原因在于avoid 的复合宾语的直接宾语产生了混淆,也就是说这里本来应该是
We demolish the building to avoid it's falling donwn. 但是由于缺少了逻辑主语造成了岐义。作者: darkritual 时间: 2013-12-9 23:15
例如; they are asked to stop talking .
这里我们似乎可以说we ask them to stop talking.但事实这个句子也应该算到一个岐义句里。
因为我们可以说they are asked to stop taking (talking means the talking也就是有制止别人说话的岐义)