
标题: 打造世界顶级的商学院课程:ChaseDream专访牛津大学赛德商学院 [打印本页]

作者: Career    时间: 2013-12-2 10:30
标题: 打造世界顶级的商学院课程:ChaseDream专访牛津大学赛德商学院


       第一次见到牛津大学赛德商学院(Saïd)院长彼得• 图法诺(Peter Tufano)是在金融街的Westin 酒店。作为一名金融学教授,图法诺非常聪明、迷人、有说服力且温文尔雅。他一直在推动学术领域的前沿,多年来致力于把研究应用的思想带到实践中。2011 年出任牛津大学塞德商学院院长以来,一场悄无声息的革命正在商学院进行。
       图法诺院长推出了各种新的方案和倡议,包括“1 +1”课程项目计划,联合学生和校友建立的 GOTO Web 在线问题解决平台。他坚信,一个植根于大学的商学院模式,是最强大、最适合未来教育的一种模型,同时认为中国的大学也可以采取类似的改革走进世界顶级商学院的队伍。他希望赛德商学院能够与包括哈佛商学院(Harvard)在内的美国顶尖商学院一较高下,为这所商学院赢得与牛津大学一样骄人的声誉,成为最负盛名的商学院之一。

彼得•图法诺:【Siid】。赛德商学院的前身是牛津大学管理学院(The School of Management Studies),成立于1991年。1998年,管理学院正式更名赛德商学院,取名“赛德”是为了纪念慈善款项捐赠者沃菲克•赛德先生(Wafic Saïd)。

彼得•图法诺:“1+1”项目是2012年正式启动的。这是商学院首次和牛津大学其他部门合作,项目允许学生在两年时间内拿到牛津大学专业课程的硕士以及 MBA 学位。学生将从800年历史的牛津大学汲取深度的同时,获得一个世界顶级商学院的MBA学位,达到“深度+广度”的学习效果。


CD: 1+1项目是否学费昂贵?
彼得•图法诺:事实上,它的学费要比一个典型的2年制MBA便宜。因为一个硕士课程项目要比MBA便宜许多,所以总体减少了1+1项目的学费。不仅如此,我们还为该项目特别提供了一项奖学金,即牛津大学研究生奖学金,由潘兴广场基金(The Pershing Square Foundation)每年提供5个完全资助MBA学费的名额。奖学金可以帮助卓越的学员发展自我,实现他们作为未来全球领导人的潜力,致力于解决全球性的社会挑战问题。潘兴广场基金已经有450,0000英镑作为永久性的奖学金项目,在此基础上,牛津大学又提供了300,0000英镑,因此1+1项目共有750,000英镑作为奖学金。

CD:您创办GOTO(Global Opportunities and Threats Oxford)平台的目的是什么?

(编注:英国财政大臣乔治•奥斯本(George Osborne)2013年10月14日在北京宣布了一系列为中国访客精简申请赴英签证手续的措施。同一时间,我们采访了图法诺院长。)
(编注:学校还提供了更多关于工作签证的信息。2012年4月,政府出台了新规定,对非欧洲经济区国家学生使用第2梯队(通用)(Tier 2 (General))的分数移民系统(points based immigration system)。学生从英国的大学顺利地完成一个HTS(Highly Trusted Sponsor)认证的本科或硕士学位有资格申请第2梯队(通用)签证。如果一个学生毕业后拿到一份最低工资水平的工作以及第2梯队(通用)签证,他可以拿到3年的英国签证资格,并且有机会在3年期满续签3年。)

CD: 我听过一个说法,那就是欧洲商学院都喜欢有较长时间工作经验的中国申请者。就筛选简历来看,赛德商学院倾向招收什么样的学生?

Diploma (total)
Open (total)
248 (2013/14)
70 (2013/14)
83 (2012/13)
207 (2012/13)
689 (2012/13)


Oxford University Saïd Business School: To build theworld's top Business School
--Interview with Peter Tufano, Dean of Saïd BusinessSchool

by Karen

The first time I met Dean Peter Tufano was in Westin Hotel in the Financial Street, Beijing. As the Deanof Oxford University’s Saïd Business School and a finance Professor, Tufano looksabsolutely charming, persuasive and gentle. He has been at the forefront ofadvancing the academic field and bringing ideas from research into practice formany years. Since he joined Saïd in 2011, a quiet revolution was set at theSaïd Business School. Dean Tufano has recently launched a variety of newprogrammes and initiatives, including the 1+1 MBA Programme and the GOTO, an onlineproblem-solving Web platform uniting students and alumni. He believes that auniversity-based business school is the most powerful model of furthereducation, and that established Chinese universities could make similar movesinto the b-school world. His desire is to make Saïd the model of a new businessschool by uniting the modern business school to that of the excellence of the 13thcentury University of Oxford that it is paired with.

ChaseDream (CD): How is “Saïd “pronounced, and what’s the story behindthe name of the Saïd Business School?
Dean Peter Tufano (Dean): [saiid], The Schoolof Management Studies was established in 1991, and in 1998 the School becamethe Saïd Business School in recognition of the initial benefaction of £20million from Mr Wafic Saïd, businessman and philanthropist.
CD: It’llbe helpful for Chinese students to read the name correctly. So is this surnameoriginated from Britain?
Dean: Mr. Saïd was born in Syria, and came to UK in his childhood.
CD: Canyou introduce the new 1+1 MBA programme?
Dean: This programme, launched in 2012, offersstudents the opportunity to undertake both an MSc and an MBA over a two-yearperiod. This is a joint initiative between the business school and other departmentsof the University of Oxford. It allows students to take a masters’ degree from anotherof Oxford’s other departments, as well as an MBA from the business school. Studentswill have access to the University’s 800 years of education whilst learning inone of the world’s top business schools. This postgraduate experience combinesthe depth of study of a specialist MSc, with the managerial and leadershipbreadth of an MBA.
To date, thefollowing eight departments are committed to linking their 21 MSc programmes tothe Oxford 1+1 MBA programme: the Department of Geography and the Environment,the Department of Education, the Oxford Internet Institute, the Department ofComputer Science, the Centre for Criminology, the Department of Social Policyand Intervention, the Department of Sociology, and the School ofInterdisciplinary Area Studies. The number of available master’s programmes isgrowing regularly, and we anticipate adding more programmes over the comingmonths.
CD:Are there any graduated 1+1 students? What’s the sequence of the master and MBAin the 1+1?
Dean: Yes there are. For instance, Kevin Baum is a U.S. student withenvironmental science major, who joined 1+1 programme, obtained a master degreeon water policy, and then an MBA degree, and just graduated this summer. As anMBA student, he won the University-wide business plan competition with an ideaand team drawn from his expertise around water issues. And 1+1 students willtake the MSc first, then the MBA.
CD: Will1+1 be expensive?
Dean: No, it’s less expensive than a typical 2 year MBA programme since anacademic master is much less expensive, so reducing the overall 2 year combinedtuition fee,
And we are happyto provide a specific scholarship for 1+1 program students, namely the Oxford PershingSquare Graduate Scholarship, which endowed by the Pershing Square Foundation.It offers five fully funded scholarships each year for the MBA component of the1+1 programme. The scholarship will help extraordinary individuals to developand realize their potential as future global leaders who are committed toaddressing world-scale social challenges. The Pershing Square Foundation hasmade a gift of £4.5m to endow the Scholarships in perpetuity. Alongside this, theUniversity of Oxford has provided a further £3m under the Oxford GraduateScholarship Matched Fund, taking the total Scholarship funding to £7.5m.
CD: What’syour purpose to found GOTO?
Dean: The reason we initiated an online problem-solving  platform called GOTO (Global Opportunities,Threats: Oxford), is to bring together Oxford academics, MBA and EMBA studentsand alumni, to form an action-oriented community focused on solving some of theworld's most pressing problems – such as population, ageing, energy andsustainability. Its central feature is a dynamic multimedia platform hostingvideos from experts and practitioners, infographics, images, curated contentand real-time online debate which is blended with in-person learning throughtutorial groups and events to generate ideas, high-level content and actionplans for the big problems facing the world.
Students willstudy a different topic each year – the topic for the first programme launchedin Jan 2013 was demographic change which focused on the business and policyissues created by the long-term trend towards global ageing and changingdemographics. The new MBA class is studying this topic during this term andduring next term starting in 2014, the topic will be Big Data.
CD: As far as I know, UK has released new Visa policies. Will this becomethe attractive factor for Chinese students? And how is the internshipopportunity during the MBA study, as well as job opportunity in UK?
Dean: At the beginning of Oct. 2013, the UK government launched a new schemeto allow students to remain in the UK after graduation to undertake a shortinternship related to studies. The UK Chancellor George Osborne is in China atthe moment and is talking of simplifying the visa system to attract morestudents to the UK, so we may well see rapid developments in this arena. Ibelieve it will benefit our students for their study as well as internship andfull employment opportunities.
(Editor’s notes: The UK Chancellor visited Beijing andannounced a series of new relaxed visa rules for Chinese, almost at the sametime as we interviewed Dean Tufano)  
Also, we have StrategicConsulting Projects which students undertake in small teams in the summerbreak, and which act as internships in many ways, generating work opportunitiesfor many of the students and providing firms with a valuable 'consultancystyle' approach to addressing some of their issues or challenges. Aftergraduation, our students go everywhere around the world. But if you prefer towork in the UK, it is also possible.
(Editor’s notes: Later the school provided moreinformation on working visa. In April 2012 the Government introduced a newprovision for non-EEA students under Tier 2 (General) of the points based immigrationsystem. Students who successfully complete a recognized undergraduate or master’sdegree from a University in the United Kingdom with Highly Trusted Sponsor(HTS) status are eligible to apply for a Tier 2 (General) visa, if they areoffered a graduate level job at the appropriate minimum salary level with aTier 2 licensed sponsor. The Tier 2 route provides the opportunity remain inthe UK for three years; with the option to extend for a further three years.)
CDI observed that there is a myth amongChinese applicants that European business schools prefer students with longerexperience? What student profile is Saïd looking for?
Dean: We have a diversified student body, and we look at the whole packageof an applicant. There’s no magic formula for the application (laugh). Andolder students can also consider our Executive MBA (EMBA) programme.
We highlyappreciate the great student quality from Greater China, and we are delightedto have more and more Chinese students in the school. Here are details of ourcurrent students from China:
Diploma (total)
Open (total)
Hong Kong
Total class size
248 (2013/14)
70 (2013/14)
83 (2012/13)
207 (2012/13)
689 (2012/13)
CDThank you very much for your time, and wishyou a fruitful trip in China.

作者: ChangleLiu    时间: 2014-3-18 16:12

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